Devil’s Music

Chapter 187: Kay Lives Next Door

Chapter 187: Kay Lives Next Door

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Jie."

"Oh, wait a moment, Jie."

After a while, the front door opened, and she came out. Jie, smiling, handed over a tray and said, "Please tell mom thank you for the delicious meal. It was really good, hehe."

"Really? I'm glad you enjoyed it."

She handed over the tray and looked curiously at Jie peeking inside the house.

"Why? Looking for something?"

Jie, startled, twisted her body.

"No... Sister. Did brother come?"

She crossed her arms and looked Jie up and down with a smile.

"Yes, but why? He's not home right now."

"What? I heard he just came back after a long time."

"Yes, he said he couldn't start his motorcycle for a long time, so he went out for a bit."

"Oh... I see."

Jie sent a disappointed look, and she laughed, showing her teeth before closing the door.

"Brother's motorcycle is always on the first floor."

After the door closed, Jie, standing dumbfounded in front of the door, realized the hint in her last words and laughed heartily, jumping to the window half a floor down.

Opening the window and looking down at the first floor, she saw a man in front of the motorcycle putting on a helmet.

"There he is!"

Jie frantically pressed the elevator button. The elevator coming up from the 18th floor seemed incredibly slow today.

Tapping her foot impatiently, Jie rushed into the elevator as soon as the doors opened and furiously pressed the close button. Looking up, she fixed her gaze on the elevator floor indicator lights and dashed out as soon as it reached the first floor.

As the automatic doors opened, Jie saw a man starting a motorcycle, wearing a German military helmet with three stars and sunglasses.

Wearing a black leather rider jacket, a white T-shirt, and black pants, brother looked tall and suited the magnificent motorcycle perfectly.

Seeing him reversing the motorcycle, not just starting it, Jie yelled.

"Oh, brother!"

The man in sunglasses turned his head toward the sound. Jie, seeing him notice her, twisted her linked hands and stepped forward.

"Uh, brother. It's Jie. We met earlier, right?"

He nodded slightly and smiled, and Jie, examining the motorcycle, said, "Wow, is this your motorcycle? My friends have always been jealous of it sitting here. It's really expensive, isn't it?"

He rested his chin on his hand and said, "Hmm... It probably is expensive."

"What? You don't know the price of your own bike?"

"Oh, it was a gift."

"Wow! Who gives something like this as a gift? Amazing, I wish I had someone like that!"

"Haha, just someone I know. See you around."

As he started to reverse the motorcycle, Jie rushed over and gripped the handlebars, pleading, "Brother, just one request! I've never ridden a motorcycle before, could you please let me ride behind you just once?"

He scratched his cheek, looking slightly troubled, "Well... I was just going to start it and go back in, but I was thinking of taking a ride around the neighborhood..."

Jie clutched the handlebars with both hands, making the saddest face possible, "Brother, just once. Please, just once?"

He looked at Jie for a moment, contemplating. A cute high school girl with long hair tied in a ponytail style and bangs cut to her eyebrows looked at him with eyes as pleading as a cat's. He chuckled and nodded.

"Then, hop on."

"Yay! Thank you, brother!"

Jie, thrilled, took out a pin from her pocket and clipped it in the middle of her uniform skirt, turning it into pants as she got on the back seat. He asked, "If you've never ridden a motorcycle, how come you're so adept at clipping your skirt with a pin?"

Sitting behind him, Jie laughed awkwardly, "Ahaha, I just thought it might be dangerous to sit sideways... Ahaha, it's not because I've ridden before, ahaha..."

Seeing Jie's flustered expression in the side mirror, he chuckled and said, "There's a helmet in the side bag that she used to wear. Put it on and hold on tight, it's dangerous."

Jie put on the helmet and grabbed his waist, her eyes widening, "What? There's not a single flabby bit on brother's stomach. Is it because he was recently discharged from the military? Oh my, look at those abs!"

He, feeling Jie hug his waist tightly, instinctively straightened and tensed his stomach when she touched it.

"It tickles, haha. Don't touch too much."

"Ah! Sorry, brother. It was definitely not intentional."

"Haha, it's okay, just hold on tight."

The monster bike, a Harley Davidson Road King Classic Custom model with 1,690 cc, roared to life, its black and massive body vibrating. It shot out of the apartment complex onto the road, barely touching the accelerator but taking off like a bullet. Jie, feeling the wind tickle her cheeks, laughed joyfully.

"This feels so different from the vf that Jin-kyung's brother let me ride before! Listen to this sound, amazing!"

Passersby focused their attention on the roaring bike as Jie, full of pride, raised one hand and yelled.

"Yee-haw! This is so refreshing!"

He looked in the side mirror to see Jie excitedly bouncing on the back seat and smiled. The American off-road style Harley made a big loop around the neighborhood. Jie caught sight of her school, still busy with evening self-study.

"If we rode around the schoolyard, the girls would go crazy, wouldn't they? Seeing this motorcycle would cause a commotion, and if they thought brother was my boyfriend, that would really stir things up, hehe."

Jie pointed at the school and said, "Brother! That's my school over there, wanna take a look?"

He glanced at the school Jie was pointing to. Lights were still on the fourth floor of the square, five-story building, indicating students were still studying.

He nodded slightly and steered towards the school gate. Jie was thrilled when he turned towards the school, but the motorcycle stopping in front of the gate left her feeling disappointed. He dismounted and said, "We shouldn't disturb the students still studying, so let's leave the bike here and just take a short walk. One round around the sports field. Deal?"

Jie, excited at the suggestion, raised her hand high.


They quickly got off the motorcycle and stood side by side. Jie, matching her shoulder line with the tall brother, sized him up and said, "Wow, brother, you're so tall. How tall are you?"

"187 cm. Haven't grown a centimeter since third year of middle school."

"Wow... 187 since middle school? That's incredible."

As they walked through the empty, dark sports field, Jie kept chatting, looking at him from the side.

"What's your name, brother? You didn't tell me earlier."

"Gun. It's Gun."

"Gun? Jong-gun? Kang-gun? What kind of Gun?"

"Just Gun. It's a single character."

"Oh, I see."

Jie continued to chatter away, never imagining Gun could be the star she admired. Gun smiled, watching her lively figure.

"I heard from your mom that your dad is in Saudi Arabia?"

"Yes, he went there for work. 10 years ago."

"10 years? Don't you miss your dad?"

"He comes home once a year, so it's fine."

"I see."

"Ah, it's awkward... Just speak informally to me. If you're sister's brother and older than me, it's only natural. How old are you, brother?"


"Then, can I speak informally to you? I'd be more comfortable that way."

"Haha, sure. Why not?"

"Hehe, isn't that great? We're like neighbors."

Jie, with her effortless charm, quickly became as familiar as a younger sister. Gun, who was loved dearly but slightly feared by his own sister, smiled at this different yet familiar sibling-like feeling. Jie stared blankly at Gun, smiling beside her.

"Ah... He's really handsome. I wonder what he looks like without sunglasses? Wearing them even at night, he might have some complex or maybe a scar. But with his looks, any scar would be fine. It'd be a total surprise if he had tiny eyes."

After making a large loop around the sports field and returning to the main gate, Gun suggested, "Should we head back?"

Jie looked disappointed but nodded.

"Yes, brother."

As Jie got on the back, Gun handed her the helmet. She smiled happily, feeling his touch.

"Huh? What's this, Han Jie?"

Hearing the sudden voice, Jie turned with a bright smile.


A short-haired high school girl with glasses approached, looking alternately at Gun and Jie. Jin-kyung was stunned by the monstrous bike.

"What's with this monstrous motorcycle? It looks expensive... Oh? Isn't this the bike always parked in front of your house?"

Proudly, Jie nodded.

"Yes! That's the bike. The one your brother was so envious of."

Jin-kyung looked at the bike with envy, then at Gun sitting on it with sunglasses, and gasped.

"What? He's so handsome! Could he be Jie's boyfriend?"

Jin-kyung quickly whispered to Jie.

"Who is he? Your boyfriend?"

Jie's cheeks flushed red as she covered her face with her hands, giggling, "I dunno, teehee."

"You! Where did you meet him? He seems really handsome. Which school's brother is he?"

"Don't know, don't know, teeheeheehee."

Gun, overhearing the absurd conversation from the back, let out a discreet chuckle. Jin-kyung, not getting a proper answer from Jie, stepped aside and made a gesture as if she was typing on a phone.

"Text me later!"

As Gun slightly bowed his head and started the motorcycle, they took off with a roar. Watching the Harley disappear, Jin-kyung murmured, "Brother said even the base model of that bike costs over 30 million won. If it's a custom limited edition, it might be over 70 million won... Ah, I wish I could ride something like that just once..."

Having left the school and quickly arrived back at the apartment, Gun turned off the Harley's engine and took the helmet Jie handed him, storing it in the bag. Watching him, Jie then joined him in the elevator.

"Brother, thanks for the ride. It was really fun."

"Haha, sure. If there's a chance, I'll take you for a ride again."

"Really? You promise? For real?"

"Yes, I promise."

Jie extended her phone towards him, "Could I have your phone number?"

Gun hesitated for a moment, recalling a past stalker incident, and then declined with a wave of his hand, "Sorry, I have my reasons for not sharing my number. If you really need to contact me, can you go through her? She mentioned she has your number."

Jie's face fell slightly, "Oh... I see. I have her number, she's my sister's school senior."

"Good, if you need to contact me, do it through her. I'll be home for a while. Take care. You have school tomorrow. Sleep well."

"Yes, brother. You too, sleep well~"

Hiding her disappointment, Jie turned and walked away.


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