Devil’s Music

Chapter 229: Her Final Performance

Chapter 229: Her Final Performance

On a day when PPV sales were booming, inside the Juilliard Opera House, rehearsals were in full swing regardless of the happenings outside. Leontine Price, having run through the rehearsal from start to finish for the fourth time today, was oblivious to the sweat dripping down her forehead as she devoted herself to practice. It was only when she loudly announced a break, clapping her hands, that the students, who had been holding in their need to visit the restroom, rushed out with relief. Like the students, Geon, who had been drenched in sweat from practicing hard, flopped down on the floor and let out a sigh.

"Phew, Professor, you're really amazing. Even I'm finding it tough, and I'm young."

Leontine Price approached Geon with a gentle smile, sitting down on the floor beside him.

"Ha-ha, well, my movements aren't as extensive, so it's not too hard for me. Kay, you have long movements and have to change outfits frequently, so it must be harder for you."

"Phew, at least we're not in full makeup for rehearsal. I'd die during the actual performance with all the costume and makeup changes."

"Ha-ha, it's not easy, indeed."

Leontine Price moved to the front of the stage, sat down with her legs dangling off the edge, and patted the spot beside her.

"Come sit here?"

Geon, struggling to get up, moved to sit beside her. She then handed him a handkerchief.

"Wipe off some sweat. Oh dear, you must be really tired. You should have taken it easy."

Geon weakly smiled, accepting the handkerchief to wipe his sweat.

"Opera is new to me. Plus, I'm not used to acting, so I keep feeling anxious. And when I'm anxious, I end up practicing more. I guess you, being an experienced veteran, don't have such worries. You're not afraid of the stage, are you?"

Leontine Price widened her eyes in surprise.

"Oh my, Kay, are you afraid of the stage?"

Geon, clutching her handkerchief, hesitated before responding.

"Yes, I still am."

"Really? But you've been on a world tour, and even experienced the grand stage of Lollapalooza, though it wasn't your own show."

"Ha-ha, right. I'm not afraid when it's just about music, but this stage scares me. Especially since it's your last performance, Professor. I don't want to ruin it."

Leontine Price looked at Geon thoughtfully and then admitted.

"I'm scared too, Kay."

Geon looked at her in surprise.

"You've been on countless opera stages, Professor, and you still feel fear?"

Leontine Price looked out over the empty auditorium.

"The stage is always a fearful place. It was at eighteen on my debut, and it still is now, as I'm retiring."

As Geon waited for her to continue, she looked long at the stage before adding.

"I was afraid. So, I practiced more, considered risks, and even practiced improvisation to break through those risks. And still, I'd be so scared that I couldn't sleep at night, muttering lines and songs like a mad person until I could do them reflexively. And only when I've shaken off the fear do I truly step onto the stage. Fear means you're not prepared. A person who's prepared feels excitement more than fear."

Geon nodded in agreement.

"Your words are absolutely right, Professor. But even if everyone prepares hard, not everyone succeeds. I guess that's where the fear comes from."

Leontine Price's eyes twinkled as she smiled.

"That's not about being unlucky or lacking skill. It's about failing to prepare. Those who fail to prepare are essentially preparing to fail, Kay. They've misused the little time given to us. The one who doesn't value even a minute now is only preparing for failure."

Geon, seemingly struck by her words, quietly contemplated with his eyes half-closed, prompting her to continue.

"Opportunities for great fortune are fleeting. Those who let time slip away without hesitation haven't discovered the value of life yet. Remember you said not everyone succeeds? The condition for victory isn't innate talent, high intelligence, or sensibility; it's attitude. Attitude is the measure that separates winners."

After taking a moment to catch her breath, she added,

"A person I met once kept telling me to always envision success in my mind, and for the longest time, I thought those thoughts alone made me successful. As I grew older, I realized it wasn't just about thinking dreams in my head but feeling them in my heart, writing them down with my hands, and singing them out loud. Don't waste even a day, not even a minute. Oh, and don't think that means you

shouldn't rest. Rest is very important. But that rest should be a springboard for flying higher, not just resting for the sake of rest. It's about resting to soar higher."

After a long moment of deep thought, Geon finally looked up at her.

"Thank you, Professor."

Leontine Price covered her mouth with her hand, laughing softly.

"Ha-ha, I've gone on a bit of a rant. As I get older, I hope young people wander less, so I end up lecturing a bit too much. Thank you for listening so seriously, Kay."

Geon straightened up, shaking his head.

"No, thank you. It's been incredibly helpful. And reading the opera's script and reflecting on your life has been enlightening. I was shocked to learn about the hardships you've endured when I first saw the script."

Leontine Price's gaze turned distant. She looked out at the empty seats and softly said,

"Back then, everyone lived like that. Not just me. During the turbulent 1920s, there was the Great Depression, and World War II began when I was ten and ended when I was eighteen. And in my late twenties, the Vietnam War broke out. Those times were experienced and endured by everyone living through them."

Geon, holding her wrinkled hand, gave a bright smile.

"It might upset you, but my grandfather, who has passed away, was also born in the 20s. I was surprised to learn he was of a similar age, having lived through the Japanese occupation of Korea."

Leontine Price smiled teasingly.

"My spirit is still youthful. It's unfortunate about your grandfather, but comparing him to me is disappointing, ha-ha."

"Ha-ha, no, I just thought it was impressive."

"Ha-ha, thank you. Oh? Isn't that Director Son Lin over there?"

At Leontine Price's remark, Geon turned toward the entrance and saw Lin wearing an aqua-blue blouse and a black high-waisted skirt.

"Director! You're here?"

Lin glanced back at the two Asian staff members following her and smiled.

"As expected, you're drenched in sweat from practicing. I've brought some drinks; please share. Staff, please leave the drinks under the stage and then leave."

After quickly placing a box of drinks down and leaving, Lin turned to show the tablet PC she was holding.

"You two seem disinterested, but I know you're curious. About the PPV sales, right?"

As Geon and Leontine Price looked at each other and smiled, Lin approached, tapped the tablet, and showed them the screen. It displayed a linear graph with a steadily rising curve.

"It means the cumulative sales are increasing every day. The PPV sales are successful."

Geon, looking intrigued, asked,

"I heard from Byung-jun this morning that we've sold over 7 million copies?"

Leontine Price, hearing this for the first time, exclaimed in shock,

"What?? 7 million copies, Director? Is that true?"

As Lin smiled with her eyes, Leontine Price's eyes widened as she looked at Geon. The beautiful, freshly smiling face of Geon filled her vision.

"Yes, Professor. It's true. I'm glad so many people will see your final performance. And I'm satisfied it will help a lot of children in Africa. Ha-ha."

Still unable to grasp the reality, Leontine Price kept her eyes wide open, looking back and forth between Geon and Lin.

"Seven... seven million copies..."

Lin shook her head slightly and said,

"Manager Byung-jun didn't give you the exact sales figures. Since I hadn't officially informed you, he must have heard it through a friendly senior-junior connection at the head office and told you."

Leontine Price clicked her tongue as if she had expected this.

"Tsk, of course. That couldn't be, could it? Ha-ha."

Feeling guilty for giving false hope based on inaccurate sales figures, Geon hesitated, and Lin approached with a smile, looking up from the stage.

"Kay, there's no reason for you to feel sorry, so don't look like that."

Embarrassed, Geon scratched his cheek, glancing at Leontine Price.

"Still... I feel bad for raising hopes and then disappointing you."

Leontine Price playfully slapped Geon's arm and laughed.

"Disappointed? Ha-ha. I didn't believe it from the start. 7 million, ha-ha. Even my most successful opera, 'Aida,' only just surpassed 1 million cumulative audience members over three months of performances. And even that was considered a record-breaking success, you know? Ha-ha."

Watching the two exchange comfort and jokes, Lin laughed and offered the tablet PC to Geon.

"Here's the data. I'll go talk to Manager Byung-jun outside for a bit. You

two check this."

"Ah, thank you, Director."

Geon took the tablet PC from her and scooted closer to Leontine Price to look at the screen together.

<Fantagio Data Report: Opera Performance PPV Sales Status>

Day 1 Sales: 9,363,123

Day 2 Sales: 11,253,533

Day 3 Sales: 17,368,112

Total Sales for 3 Days: 28,621,645

Remaining Sales Period: 3 days

Projected Sales: 40 million copies

As Geon and Leontine Price stared with their mouths agape towards the door Lin had exited, only the sound of the door creaking closed could be heard.

Unable to speak, Leontine Price's eyes fluttered as she stared fixedly at the screen, while Geon murmured with a trembling voice,

"It might end up being close to our country's population..."

Trembling, Leontine Price ran her hands over her forehead.


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