Devil’s Music

Chapter 251: It's Okay to Go Slowly

Chapter 251: It's Okay to Go Slowly

Geon Kim returned home carrying Kiska and headed for Gregory's room. When he handed over the heavy cigar that Kiska was carrying, Gregory, with tears in his eyes, affectionately rubbed his prickly cheeks against Kiska's, causing Geon to smile before quietly closing the door not to disturb their father-daughter time and headed to the annex. Opening the door of the annex, Geon sighed and shook his head at the sight of Byungjun lying on the sofa in only his underwear, browsing his phone.

"Bro, at least wear some clothes."

Ignoring Geon, Byungjun just waved his hand dismissively. Geon, after taking a seat on the sofa, glanced at Byungjun's underwear and asked, "Did you shower? Why don't you try on the underwear Kiska gave you?"

Byungjun's phone slipped from his hand as he shot a glare at Geon, his eyes trembling. Suddenly, Byungjun jumped up, entered his room, and came out waving a package of underwear, shouting, "What on earth did you teach Kiska!"

Puzzled, Geon looked at the underwear box Byungjun was shaking.

"What? Why?"

Byungjun angrily ripped open the box and spread out a hot pink pair of boxer briefs, yelling, "Did you tell her to engrave her name when giving gifts? It’s written 'Kiska' all over the underwear with a marker!"

Geon noticed the name 'Kiska' written in tiny letters on a crucial part of the underwear.

"Pff, hahaha!!!" Geon burst into laughter, tears streaming down his face.

Byungjun, looking incredulously at Geon laughing, threw the underwear at Geon's face.

"How am I supposed to wear this! You wear it!"

Geon, still laughing, held out the underwear again, his eyes filled with tears of laughter.

"Pff, haha!! This, this is from Kiska, haha! Bro, you have to wear it! Haha!"

Byungjun swatted the underwear away with his hand, saying, "Forget it! How can I wear this! It looks like Kiska wrote it herself, not wearing it!"

Geon kept offering the underwear, still laughing.

"Ah, but it's from Kiska, you should at least keep it, haha."

Byungjun, after a moment of thought, took the underwear and stuffed it back into the box.

"Eh, might as well keep it, or she'll get mad if I throw it away later. Sigh."

Still laughing so hard he had to wipe tears from his eyes, Geon looked at Byungjun who asked, "Did you receive something too? What did you get?"

Geon showed a pick necklace around his neck.

"This. Kiska engraved her name on it too."

Byungjun's face crumpled at the sight of Kiska's name crudely written on the underwear and the necklace, and Geon burst into laughter again. Annoyed, Byungjun kicked Geon's butt repeatedly, shouting, "Stop laughing! Stop, you brat!"

"Ow! Ow! That hurts, bro, haha!"

After tormenting Geon with playful kicks, Byungjun looked down at him and said, "You have school tomorrow, right? Go to bed early."

Rubbing his sore buttocks and still unable to wipe the grin off his face, Geon replied, "It's okay, I'm not going until 11. I have to put Kiska to sleep first."

"Alright, is Kiska going with you tomorrow?"

"Yes, I got permission from Gregory. Kiska will be at school with me, attending classes with Professor Corigliano."

"Well, we're in different classes anyway, right? Just going to school together?"

"Yes, we'll go to and from school together but attend different classes."

"Fine, I'll accompany you to and from school then."

"Got it, bro. Phew!"

Geon, still unable to stop his laughter, burst out laughing again as Byungjun, sighing, picked up the underwear scattered around the sofa and went into his room. Geon rolled around on the sofa, laughing until he got dressed in his pajamas and opened the door of the annex to see Kiska looking at him with curious eyes. He continued to laugh until he saw Kiska. Stretching out his arms from the sofa, Kiska ran into them and hugged Geon. Seeing Kiska's innocent face made Geon laugh even more, and he hugged and laughed with Kiska for a while before taking her to bed. After dimming the lights and reading a fairy tale until Kiska fell sound asleep, Geon quietly returned to his room and fell into a deep sleep.


The next morning.

Geon hurriedly got ready, filled his guitar case with necessary school supplies, and stepped out of the annex. K

iska, holding Byungjun's hand, was waiting in front of the car, which made Geon happy as he hugged Kiska before getting into the car. They arrived in front of Juilliard soon after, and as Byungjun turned to look back from the passenger seat, he asked, "What time does school end?"

"I guess around four?"

"Then I'll start waiting around three, so call me when it's over."

"Okay, bro. See you later."

"Ah! The security personnel will be on standby in the parking lot around the school, so let me know if you need anything."

"Alright, bro. We'll be going. Let's go, Kiska."

Holding Kiska's hand, Geon got out of the car, and the students heading to Juilliard turned to look at him all at once.

"Kyaaa!! It's Kay!"

"Oh my! It's Kiska Miocic!"

"It's really Kay! Coming to Juilliard was worth it!"

Among the crowd, some freshmen seeing Geon for the first time caused a commotion. Kiska, used to such scenes from being at Geon's side, showed no particular reaction and continued towards the school with Geon. Waving and greeting the people, Geon opened the main gate of the school, and the noise from outside prompted the security guard to come out.


"Ah! Student Kay. You're back from military service?"

"Yes, sir."

"Alright, then. Go on in. I wondered why it was so noisy outside. It was because a student was coming to school. The little lady with you must be Kiska, right? Professor Corigliano has already informed me. Please, go ahead."

"Thank you, sir."

Geon knelt on one knee in front of Professor Corigliano's office on the second floor to match Kiska's eye level.

"Kiska, I'll be in the building too, so if you need me, just tell Professor Corigliano. Okay? We'll go home together."

Kiska smiled broadly and nodded before opening the door to Professor Corigliano's office. Professor Corigliano's teaching methods seemed to suit Kiska well, and she liked him. Hearing the professor welcome Kiska inside, Geon smiled and headed to his classroom. Checking his wristwatch, he started walking a bit faster, nearly late due to taking his time. Rushing, he opened the back door of the classroom and saw the backs of the students filling the room.

Trying not to disturb the murmuring students, Geon slightly bowed and took a seat in the very back row. The boy next to him leaned over and said, "Knew you'd sit here again."

Surprised, Geon looked at him and laughed, "Fabio? Fabio Marchetti? Haven't you graduated yet?"

The long-haired Italian beauty, Fabio, smiled wistfully and said, "Haha, I took a leave of absence too. Had to help with my parents' business. Kay, you were in the military, right?"

"Yes, in our country, all men have to serve in the military."

"Haha, sounds exhausting. Well, I'm also back as a junior, so please take care of me."

"I was worried I wouldn't know anyone here. That's a relief."

"Haha, same here. By the way, Professor Sharon's first class always starts with a mission. I wonder what mission she has for us this semester? Oh, remember our first mission? It was Asturias' performance, in the studio class."

"Right, haha. I was a lot of help thanks to you."

"Help? If anything, my skills improved a lot after that performance."

As they chatted and laughed, Geon suddenly said, "We're about the same age, can't we just talk casually?"

Fabio glanced at Geon and said, "Actually, I usually suggest talking casually after meeting someone twice.. but with Kay being such a star, it felt a bit awkward to say it first. Haha! Alright, let's do that!"

"Haha, so I should call you Fabio?"

"Yeah, feels strange to be friends with Kay, huh?"

"Pfft, I'm just a regular person too. Looking forward to it."

"Me too."

As they were chatting, they noticed the classroom had gone quiet and looked up in confusion. The entire class of about a hundred students was staring at them, and Fabio, realizing someone was sitting next to him, chuckled. He grabbed Geon's arm and whispered, "You're not familiar to the other students since you just returned. Maybe introduce yourself?"

Prompted by Fabio, Geon, with an awkward smile, said to the quiet students, "Uh... hello, I'm Kay. I'll be spending this semester with you all. Please take care of me."

After a brief silence, the students began shouting.

"Kyaaa! It

's Kay! We're taking classes with Kay?"

"Wasn't he a senior to us? We're in the same class?"

"Idiot! Kay is Korean, he went to the military and then returned. I knew that!"

"Is this a dream or reality?"

Just as the students were about to rush towards him, Professor Sharon entered the classroom. Seeing the professor, the students quickly returned to their seats, and Sharon, noticing Geon sitting in the back, slightly smiled in understanding. She walked to the lectern and lowered the scroll with the projector remote. Waiting for the scroll to descend, Sharon spoke into the microphone.

"Students of the guitar department, did you have a good break?"


"The break was too short!"

"I couldn't even go home because I was practicing!"

After a moment of noisy chatter from the students, Sharon pressed the remote, and text appeared on the scroll.

"Alright, alright. Let's put aside the excitement of the break and start the new semester. You all know what it says without me having to explain, right?"

The scroll displayed 'Mission', and the students murmured in anticipation. Sharon tapped the lectern a few times with her palm to quiet the students and said, "This is the first mission for juniors. You're all in the guitar department, right? A guitar is an instrument that can be played solo, but it's often used in collaboration with other instruments. Of course, this is true for other instruments as well. The first class for juniors will be a joint class involving guitar, drums, bass, and keyboard departments."

As Sharon pressed the remote, 'Band Score' appeared on the large screen.

Sharon looked around at the students and stepped forward from the lectern, saying, "The first mission for juniors is about band scores. That handsome student sitting in the back?"

The students turned to look at Geon, who awkwardly stood up. Sharon asked with a playful smile, "What's a band score?"

After checking the room, Geon replied a bit louder, "It's a sheet music detailing the scales for all instruments used in a band, professor."

"Good, take your seat."

Sharon looked around at the students again and smiled, "This mission is not about solo practice, but about forming bands with students from other departments and performing together."


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