Devil’s Music

Chapter 255: It's Okay to Go Slowly

Chapter 255: It's Okay to Go Slowly

Geon pulled out his guitar, then looked at the keyboard set up in front of him. After alternating his gaze between the guitar and the keyboard for a moment, he placed the guitar on its stand and sat down at the keyboard. As he began to play along with the drumbeat Shizuka was performing, his fingers descended upon the keyboard keys.

Shizuka, deeply focused on her drum playing, was startled to hear Geon start playing "Lake Louise." To her knowledge, the song was in 4/4 time. Geon's keyboard, slightly modified to fit a 2/4 beat, felt like standing alone on the plains with the wind blowing from Canada's vast nature. Lost in the beautiful music, Shizuka didn't know if it was her hands or feet moving as she played the drums ecstatically, eventually breaking into a joyful laugh. Focused more intently on her drumming, Shizuka didn't notice Anna, who had come in during the performance, staring at her in surprise before sitting next to Geon to set up her guitar and join in. Anthony, the last to enter, snickered at the sight of Shizuka's radiant smile and then began setting up his bass just as the performance ended. They hadn't learned to stop at the exact moment but ended the play intuitively, with Shizuka catching her breath after a light bow.


“You're amazing, Shizuka!!”

Clapping erupted suddenly, startling Shizuka, who then saw her colleagues sending her applause with bright faces. Anthony extending his hand forward in applause, Anna lifting both arms to clap loudly while laughing, and Kay leaning on an empty space next to the keyboard, clapping softly with a smile. Tears welled up in Shizuka's eyes, touched by the gesture.

Inferring these were tears of joy, Anna reached out for a high five, to which Shizuka responded with a wide smile. The high five made a slap sound, and Anna gave a thumbs up.

“What do you mean you've never learned this? If you can play this well on your first day, doesn’t that mean you have talent?”

Anthony nodded, his fingers resting on the bass guitar.

“Exactly. It must be because you've played instruments before; you have a natural sense of rhythm, so you'll improve quickly. You’re pretty good too, Anna.”

Anna showed off her ESP guitar with a swing.

“Hey, I started with guitar, got to a certain level, then got so frustrated I gave it up. But then I fell in love with the bass guitar one day, and here I am. Anthony, do you play bass?”

“When you play the drums, you kind of want to learn the bass too. It's all about hitting notes that match the bass drum beats, right? I started learning in high school. Since then, I just play it now and then, whenever I get bored of drum practice or just feel like it. I'm afraid I might get too into another instrument and neglect the drums, but it seems like the drums are just right for me, hehe. But Anna, that guitar doesn’t suit you at all, are you trying to be Metallica?”

Anna stood up and started headbanging, pretending to play the guitar passionately, which made Shizuka burst out laughing. Anna, stepping one foot on a chair, confidently said,

“I like guitars that make an impact like this. But Kay! When did you learn piano? Is there anything you can’t do? What are you, a music master or something?”

As everyone's attention turned to him, Geon shrugged with a smile, then gazed affectionately at Shizuka, who smiled back slightly. Geon then stood up from the keyboard and said,

“Did you hear what Anthony and Anna said, Shizuka? We’re not just playing one instrument. Of course, it doesn’t mean you have to be proficient in two. It’s about having something to enjoy within the realm of music when you’re too tired and need a break. It’s okay to stray off the path for a bit.”

Shizuka lowered her head slightly, looking a bit gloomy.

“But... if I play around, I’ll fall behind. This is Juilliard, where geniuses trip over each other.”

Geon walked over to the drums and flicked a cymbal with his finger.

“Shizuka. You know where you need to go. It’s just tough, that’s all.”

Shizuka nodded slightly, and Geon grinned.

“If you know where you have to go, it’s okay to take your time.”

Shizuka’s eyes lost focus as she seemed to hear a loud bell in her head, staring blankly into space. Noticing her state, the quick-witted Anna and Anthony stepped out to smoke, and Geon watched over her. After a while, Geon began to play the piano softly, his quiet voice adding to the gentle


The wall in front of you,

The wall you feel is insurmountable,

The wall you, lacking courage, think is solid and high,

The ivy quietly climbs that wall.

There’s not a single drop of water on the wall,

Only despair and barrenness circle around,

But the ivy does not hurry, it advances upwards,

Even if it climbs just a hand’s breadth, it does so slowly,

Holding everyone’s hand as it climbs,

Until it covers the wall of despair with its green body,

It does not let go of the hand it holds.

When you hang your head thinking the wall is insurmountable,

The ivy, leading thousands of friends,

Eventually stands beyond that wall.

Memories of competing with other students at Juilliard and feeling frustrated flashed through Shizuka’s mind.

The joy she felt seeing the New York airport as she arrived full of dreams.

Tears shed as she left Japan, listening to her parents’ worried advice.

The pride and pleasant smile when she turned down a scout offer from Japan’s top art university.

The moments she was moved by the sounds coming from her fingers in the piano practice room her aunt made, forgetting both the heat and cold.

The first time she came to Tokyo and stared blankly at the cars running on the road like a country person.

The praises from the principal of the piano academy she attended in Akita.

The surprised faces of people who heard her play.

And the first black piano she saw inside the piano academy, holding her mother’s hand.

With her head slightly bowed, Shizuka whispered in Japanese, trembling.

“I was happy, I was definitely happy, I definitely loved it, I definitely loved my piano.”

Hearing Shizuka’s whisper, Geon smiled and spoke in Japanese.

“You're still capable of joy, and you can still love the piano.”

Surprised by the sudden Japanese, Shizuka looked at Geon with tears in her eyes. A handsome man with a trustworthy smile was looking at her. Though she felt like laughing, Shizuka cried. After wiping the tears streaming down her cheeks with her hands, she managed a happy smile, but her tear glands seemed unwilling to stop for a while. Geon took out a tissue from his bag and handed it to her, and Shizuka pressed it to her eyes as if to block them with a wad of tissue. Seeing Shizuka’s mascara smeared, making her look comical, Geon stood up and left the practice room, saying,

“I’ll stall the others from coming in. You should look in the mirror, Shizuka.”

Shizuka jumped up to stop Geon, who was about to leave, and bowed deeply in a manner uncharacteristic of her, shouting,

“Thank you! Thank you!”

Geon patted Shizuka on the back as she bowed deeply in gratitude and then said,

“Yeah, got it. But you should hurry and look in the mirror. I'll come back in about 10 minutes.”

“Yes, Kay.”

After Geon left, Shizuka, now alone, approached the keyboard and ran her fingers over the keys. The white and black keys, which she had found loathsome, now seemed adorable. Remembering Geon’s last words, she searched her bag and opened her foundation lid. Staring blankly at her reflection in the mirror for a moment, Shizuka screamed.

“Ahhh!!! I showed Kay such a face?!!!”

Leaning against the wall next to the practice room door, Geon smiled. Glancing through the small window in the practice room door at Shizuka, who was frantically applying foundation while looking distressed, he joined Anna and Anthony, who were coming back from smoking, slinging an arm around their shoulders, and suggested,

“We'll get thirsty during practice, let’s buy some drinks.”

Curious, Anna tried desperately to look through the window, but Geon’s firm grip on her neck prevented her from seeing inside. After struggling for a bit, Anna, feeling as though Geon was embracing her, leaned into him more comfortably. Thinking they had escaped the danger zone, Geon looked down at Anna clinging to his side with a bewildered look when Anthony whispered softly beside him,

“Kiska’s looking for you.”

Turning forward, they saw Kiska standing with her hands on her hips and puffing her cheeks, glaring at Geon. Geon brightened up, peeled Anna off, bent one knee, and spread his arms, but Kiska stood there with a sulky expression.

“What? Kiska, won’t you hug me?”

Seeing Geon not looking at Anna but only at herself, Kiska ran to him and hugged him. Geon stroked Kiska’s head, checked if she was hurt anywhere, and then greeted John Corigliano and Professor Sharon, who were coming out of the staff lounge.

“Oh, Professor Corigliano, Professor Sharon. You were together?”

John Corigliano p

atted Geon’s shoulder cheerfully.

“That’s right, Kay. Kiska suddenly disappeared, so we were out looking for her.”

“Oh, I see. Maybe she went to the bathroom.”

“Haha, I see. Are these friends of yours?”

Geon tapped Anthony and Anna on the back, introducing them.

“Yes, they are from another department, and we’re working on a group assignment together. This is Anna, and this is Anthony. There’s one more person, but she’s currently in the practice room.”

Seeing John Corigliano warmly greeting them, Sharon leaned forward and asked,

“How’s the practice going? Have you composed the piece?”

Geon and his friends looked slightly surprised.

“Composing a piece? I thought the mission was about performing?”

“Oh, didn’t you get the message? I forgot to mention it in class the other day, so I posted a notice on the classroom wall. For this mission, bands that perform original compositions will receive extra points.”

Anna and Anthony looked panicked, then turned to Geon with bright smiles.


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