Devil’s Music

Chapter 257: It's Okay to Go Slowly

Chapter 257: It's Okay to Go Slowly

On a winter night when breaths appear as smoke, making it hard to distinguish between the two, Byungjun was on the swing in front of the annex of the Red Castle, talking on the phone with Lin in China. Normally humorous, Byungjun was uncharacteristically serious during the call.

"So, Director, you're saying you want to sign a contract with this Japanese woman, Shizuka Miyawaki?"

"Yes, sir. That's correct."

"I heard she's a pianist, not a singer. Are you still planning to proceed with the contract? Our company, Fantagio, has no experience in dealing with classical musicians."

"It seems she hasn't yet decided on her path. Whether it will be classical or new age is still uncertain, but she definitely has both star quality and musical talent."

"Star quality? Do you mean her appearance?"

"Yes, she's very pure and cute."

"What about her personality?"

"She's like a typical Japanese female college student. Shy and seems to try not to bother others. Well, I haven't spoken to her directly; this is just what Geon has told me. If you permit, we would like to meet her in person."

"What kind of benefits can we expect if we bring her on board?"

Byungjun took a deep drag of the cigarette he was holding between his fingers.

"None at present."

"What do you mean?"

"Now is the time Geon needs to be helped. But the music I've heard will eventually bloom and will be of help to Geon later."

"What kind of help do you think that will be?"

Byungjun glanced at the closed annex and said,

"Geon is a guitarist. And a vocalist as well. He doesn't have session members he can trust and rely on yet. He doesn't seem to be thinking about forming a band yet. If Geon aims to be a solo musician after graduation, Shizuka will be a reliable keyboard session member for him. And if he decides to form a band, she could be a trustworthy keyboard member as well."

"Hmm... I see. But why does it have to be Shizuka Miyawaki, who hasn't even graduated from school yet?"

"I am Geon's manager. I don't want Geon to work with just any band or session members. No matter how famous or talented the session members are, they are just session players. The public doesn't know about session members. Probably only those in the music industry or people with a high interest in music know about session players."

After flicking off the ash, Byungjun took a breath and continued,

"The keyboard is just the beginning. I plan to make all members who will join Geon stars. Not after the band gains popularity but they should already be stars. That way, when Geon forms his band, the members alone will become a topic of conversation, and that in itself will be marketing."

"I see."

"Wouldn't you give your permission, Director?"

Lin on the other end of the phone seemed to ponder for a while without a word. Byungjun, with a tense expression, lit a new cigarette and fidgeted nervously. After a long silence, Lin's words finally reached Byungjun's eager ears.

"Alright, go ahead with the contract."

Byungjun stood up abruptly with a look of joy.

"Th-thank you, Director!"



"Consult with Mr. Geon. This seems like a matter that needs Mr. Geon's help."

"Understood, Director. But what kind of help should I ask for?"

"Given Mr. Geon's personality, mentioning that we're recruiting someone for his future benefit might cause him to recoil. You said Mr. Geon helped Ms. Shizuka when she was facing a wall, right? Focus on the keyword 'help' and ask him to assist Ms. Shizuka in standing up on her own."

Byungjun looked troubled and fell silent for a moment. After pacing back and forth in front of the swing with a cigarette in his mouth, he cautiously spoke up.

"Director Lin, I know this might sound presumptuous, but I hope you'll hear me out."

"Uh-huh? Go ahead."

Byungjun sighed, looking at the dark room of the annex where Geon was sleeping.

"Geon and I are not just manager and entertainer. We've been together for so long, he feels like a real younger brother to me."

"That's a good sign. You're doing well. But why do you bring this up?"

"I don't want to lie to Geon, Director."

Lin remained silent on the other end for a moment. Byungjun, with a tense expression, continued.

"I wish for Geon's success. You do too, Director. This matter is also part of laying the groundwork for Geon's future, to give him wings to soar higher. But, Director. You know how pure and kind-hearted Geon

is, don't you?"


"I wish there were no small lies, no concealments. Even if it's the slightest chance, I don't want Geon to feel betrayed or used later on, by me, by you, Director, or by Fantagio as a whole."

"If Geon finds out about our conversation, do you think he'll be disappointed?"

"Maybe not this particular matter. But these things accumulate. You know, lies beget bigger lies to cover them up. If these accumulate, we'll end up telling bigger lies to cover them."

"I see."

"You know, Director, I never speak informally to our artists. But with Geon, it's different. It's not because he's kind or easygoing. He really feels like a younger brother to me, and I want to take extra care of him."

"It may not be the most professional thing for a manager to say, but I understand where you're coming from."

"Ha, honestly, Director Lin, you feel the same way, don't you?"

"Well, that's true, but I am a director at Fantagio. My position is different from yours. However, I do think you're right."

"Thank you for understanding, Director."

"I'll leave this matter entirely in your hands, Manager Byungjun."

"Thank you, Director. But you'll help with Shizuka's marketing, right?"

"Of course."

"Ha, thank you. I'll talk to Geon tomorrow and meet with Shizuka."

"Alright, Manager. I'm counting on you."

"Yes, Director. Have a good rest."

Byungjun was about to hang up, remembering Lin was his superior and waiting for Lin to hang up first, but the line remained open for a long time without the sound of disconnection. Pondering whether to hang up first, Byungjun finally heard Lin's voice after a long silence.

"Manager Byungjun?"

"Yes, Director. Is there something else you'd like to say?"

After taking a moment to catch his breath, Lin spoke in a slightly brighter tone.

"I'm really glad you're Geon's manager."

Byungjun's hand, which was bringing a cigarette to his mouth, stopped at Lin's words. Searching for the hidden meaning in Lin's words, a small smile appeared on Byungjun's face.

"I'm also glad that the final responsibility for Geon's matters lies with you, Director."

Though silence followed over the phone, Byungjun and Lin were smiling simultaneously in the United States and China. After a moment of silence listening to Lin's breathing, Byungjun chuckled and said,

"Have a good rest, Director."

"Yes, Manager. You too, get some good rest."

After hanging up, Byungjun took a drag from his cigarette and looked up at the sky. Smiling briefly, Byungjun opened the door to the annex and quietly entered Geon's room, which had already fallen asleep. His expression of warm-heartedness quickly turned into a frown.

"Hey!!! Are you sleeping with Kiska again?!"

Startled by Byungjun's shout, Kiska, who had secretly sneaked in and was sleeping on Geon's thigh, rubbed her eyes and woke up. Geon also jolted, turned his head to see Byungjun, then looked down at Kiska, chuckled, and lifted Kiska into his arms.

Rubbing her sleepy eyes and snuggling into Geon's blanket, Kiska closed her eyes, prompting Byungjun to shout again.

"Kiska! Why don't you come to me? I like you too!"

Turning to his side and embracing Kiska, Geon, with closed eyes, chuckled and waved his hand dismissively. Byungjun, watching the two quietly, sighed, placed his hands on his hips, but then chuckled at the sight of Kiska already sound asleep and Geon gently stroking her hair. As Byungjun was leaving the room, he whispered quietly,

"Kiska, if Kay does anything weird, scream. I'll come running right away."

Seeing Geon chuckle softly with his eyes closed, Byungjun looked down at him warmly, then quietly closed the door and went out to the living room.


The next day.

As Kiska, holding the nanny's hand, went to the main house to wash up, Byungjun, who was cooking kimchi stew, shouted to Geon in the shower.

"Geon! It's ready!"

Wiping his wet hair with a towel, Geon approached the dining table with the towel around his neck, his nose twitching.

"Wow! Kimchi stew?"

Byungjun, wearing kitchen gloves, carried the pot to the table and placed it on a trivet.

"Careful, it's hot. Your mother sent over some kimchi. I've been living on my own for 10 years, so I decided to show off a bit."

Geon hurriedly tasted the stew with a spoon and gave a thumbs up.

"Ka~! It's killer. You eat too, hyung."

"Sure, eat up. And listen while you're at it."

Byungjun explained the conversation he had with Lin yesterday. Geon, busy eating, paused to listen to Byungjun's words but soon focused back on his meal. Byungjun carefully explained, thinking Geon might be sensitive to certain points, but seeing Geon wolfing down the stew, he frowned.

"Hey, are you listening?"

Wiping the stew from his mouth,

Geon nodded.

"I'm listening."

Byungjun, holding his chopsticks, jabbed at Geon's hand as he went for another spoonful of stew.

"I'm being serious here, you little... listen properly."

Geon chuckled, avoiding the chopsticks and dipping his spoon back into the stew pot.

"It's okay. Do what you want, hyung."

Byungjun's eyebrows twitched as he stared intently at Geon, who, sucking on the spoon, smiled again.

"I trust you, hyung. Probably more than our own family."

Seeing Byungjun's eyes flicker, Geon put down his spoon and lightly tapped Byungjun's arm.

"You wouldn't want anything bad for me, right? You'll be good to Shizuka too, won't you?"

Unable to continue, Geon grinned, showing his teeth, then picked up his spoon again.

"I'll help wherever needed. It would be a waste for a musician like Shizuka to just disappear. And thank you for explaining everything. I trust you, hyung, and everything you do. So, let's eat breakfast; we have practice to go to today."

Watching Geon bury his face back in his bowl, Byungjun silently smirked.

"Thanks, kid."


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