Devil’s Music

Chapter 274: The Youngest Son of the President

Chapter 274: The Youngest Son of the President

The grand and majestic doors of the Red Castle swung open, and the gang members, concealing machine guns behind them, saluted the black limousine entering through the gates before scanning the surroundings with sharp eyes. As the limousine moved further inside, Miroslav hurriedly jumped out of the following SUV and asked one of the guards at the door, urgently, "Is Kay back? Has Kay returned?"

The guard, pulling out the concealed machine gun, nodded, "She returned late last night."

Miroslav, sighing in relief, got back into the car and headed towards the mansion. Sitting in the passenger seat, he caught sight of Kiska darting towards the annex building from the black limousine parked in front of a fountain. Gregory, who was a little late getting out of the car, saw Kiska's small figure rushing away and chuckled as he saw Miroslav getting out, "She only had eyes for me when we were at Disneyland, but look at her run off the moment we get home."

Standing next to Gregory, Miroslav watched Kiska's earnest figure rushing away and commented, "Still, it must have been quite a while since you went on a trip with the young lady. It was nice to see both the boss and the lady enjoying themselves."

Gregory glanced at the gang members unloading shopping bags from the trunk and remarked, "Hey, take that white shopping bag to the annex. Looks like Kiska forgot it."

One of the members quickly grabbed the white shopping bag and dashed towards the annex. As expected, Kiska, who had been running towards the annex, stopped suddenly as if she remembered something and turned back, only to see the gang member running towards her with the bag and smiling broadly, she reached out her hands.

The gang member handed over the shopping bag with both hands politely, and Kiska, smiling prettily, playfully slapped his buttocks. The member, having his buttocks slapped by the girl, gave an awkward smile while breaking into a cold sweat.

Kiska, not even catching her breath, burst into the annex, opening the door wide open. She ran to check Geon and Byungjoon's rooms one after the other, only to find them empty, her big eyes trembling in disappointment.

After throwing the shopping bag onto the sofa and searching everywhere from the bathroom to the fridge in the kitchen for Geon, Kiska was about to start sobbing when the back door of the annex opened, and Geon entered, holding two puppies.

"Ah? Kiska! You're back?"

At the sound of Geon's voice, Kiska turned her head swiftly, hastily wiping her tear-filled eyes before running towards him with a broad smile, opening her arms wide. Geon, quickly placing the puppies on a shelf, lifted Kiska in his arms, laughing, "Whoa! Kiska, have you gained weight? Or have you gotten taller?"

Kiska, smiling sheepishly, pinched Geon's cheek and then, as if she remembered something, began to struggle to get down. Once Geon put her down, she ran to the sofa where Geon, holding the two puppies, approached. Kiska, who had been hiding a gift box inside the shopping bag behind her back, was startled when Geon came near, her eyes widening. Geon, placing the puppies down on the carpet, laughed.

"Caught you. What should I do now, haha. Is it my gift?"

Kiska, rolling her eyes and smiling awkwardly, finally brought out her hidden hand. The gift box, adorned with a pretty pink ribbon, was huge. Seeing the large box, Geon, with both hands, received the gift box and slightly bent his knees.

"Thank you, princess."

Pleased by being called princess, Kiska rummaged through the shopping bag to pull out another box of similar size, threw it into Byungjoon's room onto the bed, and came back out. Seeing this, Geon laughed, "You have a gift for Byungjoon too? But what if you throw it like that, Kiska. Haha."

Unperturbed by his reaction, Kiska jumped onto the sofa and looked at Geon with sparkly eyes, urging him to open the gift. Seeing the girl's eager expression, Geon carefully untied the pretty pink ribbon. Trying his best not to damage the wrapping paper, Geon opened the box and looked delighted.

"Wow!! A Mickey Mouse T-shirt? It's really pretty!"

Inside the blue box was a T-shirt with a white base, printed with Mickey Mouse holding a bent cane and smiling. As Geon spread the T-shirt and smiled at it, pleased by his reaction, Kiska laughed and slapped the sofa with her hands.

Geon, holding the T-shirt, stood up and said, "Since it's a gift from Kiska, I should try it on right away. Just wait, I'll go

change and come back."

After Geon went inside to change his clothes, Kiska, lost in thought for a moment, dashed out of the annex like the wind. Geon, having quickly changed his top, was puzzled to find the living room empty.

"Kiska? Where are you?"

Searching for Kiska, Geon opened the annex door and saw the back of Kiska running towards the main building.

"Did she forget something?"

Pondering for a moment, Geon went to the bathroom to check his outfit in the mirror when he heard the annex door open again and shouted, "Kiska?"

Hearing footsteps rushing towards the bathroom, Geon laughed and opened the bathroom door, only to see Kiska, wearing the same T-shirt as him, blue pumpkin pants, socks that reached up to her calves, and Adidas sneakers, smiling and making a 'V' sign.

Looking down at the cute Kiska, Geon, holding her chubby cheeks with both hands, said, "Wow, Kiska and I are wearing couple T-shirts? Haha, thank you."

Seemingly overjoyed by something, Kiska ran around the living room, laughing and waving her arms. Geon, unable to take his eyes off the adorable girl, played with Kiska for a while before taking her hand and heading to Gregory's room to get permission for a visit to Seattle.

The next day.

Hearing they would leave early in the morning, Kiska pestered the nanny from dawn for a bath. Geon, who only took a guitar with him, put on a thick coat and a sweater that went up to his neck and left the annex. He noticed Kiska, holding the nanny's hand and waiting.

"??? Kiska? Why the long face?"

Geon, puzzled by Kiska's disappointed expression, noticed the Mickey Mouse T-shirt under her white coat, which made him smile awkwardly.

"Ah??? Haha. That... Just wait a minute!"

Geon hurried back into the annex, took off the sweater he was wearing underneath, put on the Mickey Mouse T-shirt, and then put his coat back on before coming out. Only then did Kiska smile brightly. Geon, sweating and smiling back at her, was approached by Miroslav.

"We might be late for the plane. Let's depart now."

"Yes, Miroslav. Let's go."


At the entrance of a metro Seattle apartment, about 2KM from Kerry Park in Seattle, a man with a scruffy beard and hair that looked unwashed for days, carrying a large hard case bag and a guitar, and holding garbage bags in both hands, pushed the door open with his shoulder. The chilly weather made the man shiver slightly as he threw the garbage into the disposal area and then started walking. Seeming tired, he put down the bag and guitar in front of a bench and heavily sat down.

Sighing deeply, the man rearranged his unkempt hair and propped his chin on his hand.

'How many months has it been? Not even a single band member for a rock band... Asking mom for living expenses is becoming embarrassing... Maybe I should look for a part-time job.'

The man, wearing a troubled expression, sat on the bench for a while, then braced himself against the cold wind and picked up his heavy bag and guitar, heading towards the entrance of Kerry Park. Due to the winter, there were fewer people than usual at the park entrance. The man opened his bag in front of the usual fence where he sang, pulling out an amp and a music stand, connecting the jack. Passersby glanced at him, but busy with their own lives, they kept walking.

After connecting his phone to the amp, the man put it on the music stand, took out his bass guitar, and touched his phone, starting Mr. Big's 'Nothing But Love' to play through the amp. The small sound of the electric guitar, mimicking a violin, caught the attention of people walking by. The man, head down, just listened to the music until the part where the drums and bass kicked in, then started a groovy bass play. The smooth and rich bass sound was skillfully played, but bass busking didn't seem to attract much interest, and the onlookers dispersed.

Regardless of the dispersing crowd, the man, lost in his own world with his eyes closed, played until the end and then looked around at the people with a bitter smile. Searching for the next song on his phone, the man noticed a man sitting with a girl not far from him.

'What's with that funny guy? A Mickey Mouse T-shirt, really? The kid next to him doesn't seem to be his daughter... maybe a younger sister? But still, a guy wearing Mickey Mouse? Wearing a hat pushed down and sunglasses on a cloudy day. What kind of style is that? I may not dress well, but that's really something.'

As the man on the

bench watched the man and the girl with arms crossed, the man on the bench said to the girl swinging her feet at the edge of the sofa, "Kiska, you might fall. Come up a bit."

Kiska, wiggling her bottom, moved further inside the sofa. Geon, playing the bass guitar, nodded towards the man and asked, "What do you think of that guy's play?"

Kiska glanced at the man Geon was pointing to and shook her head. Geon lowered his sunglasses slightly and asked, "Not good? Seems like he's doing well?"

Kiska puffed her cheeks and touched her face, then made an 'X' with her hands, causing Geon to burst into laughter.

"Ugly? Hahaha! Why, because of his beard? He's actually a handsome guy. His name is Kevin, too. Sounds like a cool name, right?"

Kiska, upon Geon's remark, looked back at the man but seemed to lose interest, turning her attention to the passersby. Geon, smiling, heard the music Kevin had played and looked surprised, closing his eyes to focus on Kevin, who was engrossed in his play.

"The Winery Dogs? It's 'Shine'. He must consider Billy Sheehan as a role model. The bass in this song needs to be really groovy.."

After a while, Geon intensely watched Kevin start playing the bass like plucking a lyre. Watching Kevin until the song ended, Geon, through his sunglasses, observed him and then revealed a smile.

"Huh? He's good?"

Geon turned his gaze from Kevin to Kiska, who, unbeknownst to him, had quietly listened to Kevin's play and was gently clapping. Smiling at Kiska, Geon turned back to see Kevin selecting the next song. Adjusting his sunglasses on his nose, Geon took another look at Kevin and smirked.

"Maybe the president's youngest son is on the right path after all? Hehe"


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