Dictator From Outer Space

Chapter 181: Disappointment

Chapter 181: Disappointment

Yu Ji-ha had a meal on the Settler for the first time in a long while.

He remembered how bewildered he was when he first arrived at the East Sea, as he ate a bland diet in front of Arma.

The only difference was that he had gotten used to eating raw fish.

The Settler had been repaired, and the Megacity was not completed yet, but it had reached a stable orbit.

He thought that it would take about 20 years of hardship to prevent the Plague from spreading.

Most of the problems could be left to Arma, but he needed his help for training pilots.

“Analyze the data we collected this time and adjust the pilot seeds.”

Yu Ji-ha had pushed himself hard in this Plague Swarm interception.

It was natural to do so, since the Plague was his enemy, but he also wanted to get some proper combat data.

He wanted to accumulate data on how to deal with the Plague Swarm under the worst conditions, putting a strain on his body.

He had data on the regular Plague units stored in the Settler, but the data on the Swarm was scarce.

It was likely that they were neglected because they were not very useful in frontal battles.

Arma nodded as he sat down.

“I’ll set your combat data as the training goal for the pilots.”

Well, wouldn’t that be too much?

Yu Ji-ha was a kind of ultimate weapon secretly created by the United Humanity’s leadership, who hated the Plague.

He was designed to surpass human limits by coding his genes from the implantation stage and inserting psychic and pilot seeds.

Most of his organs, such as his heart, lungs, semicircular canals, and eyes, were modified with new materials, so he could be called a cyborg without any problem.

His combat experience honed with that body was not easy for others to imitate.

“Don’t set the limit too high, or they might give up before they start. It’s better to adjust the seed abilities moderately.”

Even if they provided a great physique with pilot seeds, it was another dimension to use it in real combat.

If they gave his original seed carelessly, they might ruin the pilots who could expect more than average performance.

His biological children also had that tendency.

They were frustrated because their limits were high but their skills could not catch up.

“Lower the seed specs but train them with my combat data. Don’t tell them it’s my data, just say that this is possible in the best situation.”

Arma nodded and entered some data on the panel.

“I hope they can follow at least half of it.”

“If that’s possible, we don’t have to worry about the Plague.”

If there were 10 psychics like Yu Ji-ha, humanity would not have been annihilated like that.

But that was impossible, so Arma planned to mass-produce psychics with lower specs.

This plan was going smoothly so far.

The only thing lacking was time, as the Plague’s attacks were getting more intense every day.

“Next time, there might be more high-ranking units coming out.”

“We can fight in this state, but outside of Megacity will surely be destroyed.”

“We don’t need to worry about that.”

Yu Ji-ha felt some sympathy for the people outside of Megacity and was willing to help them as much as possible, but after a certain point, that would be impossible too.

Megacity had a strong isolationism and was a complete world in itself.

As the Plague’s attacks progressed, the gap between inside and outside would widen and this would cause fierce conflicts.

“Everyone wants a cozy shelter in an apocalyptic situation. But we’ll only let in those who are prepared and cooperative enough.”

Not everyone outside of Megacity was uncooperative and unprepared.

But he didn’t need to let in those who opposed and hated him until now.

Yu Ji-ha heard that there were still voices criticizing him in this situation.

“They don’t have to take any responsibility, but they would be satisfied if you provide more information and express your condolences. They probably want to turn around the negative public opinion in their countries.”

“Didn’t they get smashed by two presidents at the UN General Assembly?”

“They apologized for selling your name a bit in the process.”

“Well, that happens sometimes.”

Yu Ji-ha was human too, so he didn’t want to bother those who were friendly to him.

They were also people who would take a seat in the Supreme Council soon, so he had to treat them well.

“Anyway, there’s no big movement yet even though they’re dissatisfied.”

“They suffered too much damage. There are many places where the country is collapsing.”

“The chief secretary must have a headache. I should go see him soon.”

He would probably refuse any unreasonable requests if he had some sense, but he still had to make decisions as president.

Yu Ji-ha looked at the damage data that Arma handed him.

There were millions of casualties and dozens of cities had completely lost their functions.

There were also many places where the infrastructure, such as bridges and power plants, was damaged and it would take years to recover.

“Not different from what I expected. I guess that’s lucky.”

“It’s the result of you taking the burden.”

If Yu Ji-ha hadn’t stepped in, there would have been more zeros in the death toll.

But it was also possible that he had accelerated the Plague’s attack by coming back to the past.

“Ignore the nonsense about apologizing. But if there are places that ask for help, help them as much as you can.”

The world outside of Megacity had already started to walk a different path, but it was not time to split completely yet.

It was because they still lacked population.

They both had something they wanted, so it was better to compromise moderately.

As time passed, the door would narrow and eventually close.

Yu Ji-ha looked at the selection of the Supreme Council.

The Megacity was currently ruled entirely by the Administration Bureau, but it had to transfer some of its functions to the Supreme Council.

It would cause more confusion if they handed over all the rights at once, so it was better to start with simple things.

For example, adjusting the production items of the smart farm.

The Megacity was producing a lot of food on its own, but it had a problem with the variety.

Cheese, for instance, could be produced very cheaply, but there were not many types to satisfy the demand of immigrants from Europe or America.

They would discuss and adjust that in the council.

However, since it was done under the management of artificial intelligence, it was not really transferring authority.

Anyway, this selection included Chief Secretary Baek Seong-min.

He said that his public service was over by serving Yu Ji-ha, but he was too good to end there.

“He’s a full citizen now, so he’s qualified. I should talk to him seriously this time.”

“He might refuse because he’s too harassed by politicians from other countries.”

That could be true.

He might be persuaded if he had a drink with him and complained that he had no one to rely on.

Yu Ji-ha ate and looked over his roadmap for the future.

“I’ll start with genetic engineering in the medical field. But don’t reveal the soul switcher.”

“Yes. We’ll keep that in the Settler.”

After defeating the plague, the Supreme Council seized power and Yu Ji-ha’s responsibility was over.

He had to retire from the history, but he felt sorry to leave Arma behind.

He thought that the strong artificial intelligence would be better used in the United Human Federation than in the Pioneer Front.

When he casually asked her intention, Arma gave him an unexpected answer.

“I have been yours since I picked you up on Mars, Master. I have to bear a child, so I will follow you to the Prophet’s homeland.”

“What if you become a space orphan with nothing?”

“Then I can travel with Master.”

She seemed too determined to change her mind.

Well, there was no choice.

They had to travel the universe together.


Four days later, Yu Ji-ha returned to the Blue House.

He was greeted by his secretary-general Bae Sungmin and his secretaries, as well as Wang Xian, the chairman of China.

According to Lee Eegi, he arrived in Seoul two days ago.

“Why are you here? You must be busy…”

Yu Ji-ha asked him bluntly and Bae Sungmin explained in a softened tone.

“It seems that a Chinese diplomat made some rude remarks about you at the UN General Assembly.”

“Really? I didn’t hear that… Let me see the minutes.”

Yu Ji-ha sighed after reading the minutes handed by his secretary.

“They still have a lot of resentment against me.”

“It’s only some people. And thanks to President Bernstein and President Mikhailov’s efforts, everyone knows the truth now.”

“I didn’t risk my life for this…”

He looked disappointed as he threw away the minutes with his shoulders slumped.

Bae Sungmin followed him into his office and tried to cheer him up.

“I heard you suffered a serious injury that required a few days of recovery. Who would ignore your contribution?”

“It’s good that you appreciate it, secretary-general.”

As they were talking, Yu Ji-ha brought up the topic of the Supreme Council.

“There is an organization called the Supreme Council in the Mega City Administration Bureau. You’ve heard of it, right?”

“I’ve heard of it by name.”

As the name suggested, it was expected to be the highest decision-making body of the United Human Federation in the future.

However, it was not doing anything meaningful in the current situation.

“They are electing members for it… I want you to join too.”


He looked surprised as if he had never thought of it.

Yu Ji-ha passed by him and whispered in a low voice.

“It’s an organization that will rule over the entire United Human Federation. Only complete citizens are eligible, and they have voting rights. But I want to appoint some qualified people as candidates before that. Yes. Like you…”

Bae Sungmin was flustered by his boss’s hopeful voice.

He wanted to end his political career as a secretary-general.

He was young for a politician, but what more could he do after serving the president of the United Human Federation?

He had raised his children and wanted to live comfortably with his wife in Mega City South.


“Starting is always important. In that sense, I want to have important people in the Supreme Council. Like President Bernstein or President Mikhailov… The latter is a bit old and won’t be active for long. But he will be enough to set up the foundation.”

So he meant that he should work with them to run the United Human Federation.

Bae Sungmin wanted to say no, but he couldn’t say it out loud.

He felt that his boss was only looking at him.

Could he disappoint him again after he had been disappointed by humanity?

Yu Ji-ha spoke slowly.

“You will be able to do well in the Supreme Council, secretary-general. Of course, I’m not asking you to devote yourself to it right away.”


“Selection is always hard. In that sense, I would feel relieved if you joined the Supreme Council. You are my confidant.”

He appealed with his pale and thin face and Bae Sungmin couldn’t say no in front of him.

He lowered his head and agreed and Yu Ji-ha patted his shoulder.

“Good choice. There are benefits for being a member, so contact the Mega City Administration Bureau. And let’s meet Chairman Wang Xian.”

A few minutes later, he entered the office and asked Yu Ji-ha to save him.

“What do you mean by saving you?”

“The damage is too big this time. I’m doomed without your help.”

Yu Ji-ha did intercept Ford near Shanghai, but that was not all.

There were Fords that he couldn’t intercept in time and they attacked eastern China, destroying two cities completely.

There were nearly 40 million refugees and the power plant facilities that had just started to recover were reduced to ashes.

It was natural to feel a sense of crisis that he could really go bankrupt at this rate.

“Really? But the Chinese ministers don’t seem to think so.”

“The one who made the rude remarks to you at the UN has been purged. He will be executed soon.”

“No, I mean, you don’t have to go that far… Anyway, let me hear your request.”

“I need a Mega City.”

Of course, that was it.

The people’s perception of Mega City had completely changed after the plague swarm incident.

From a brutal detention facility of a dictator to an ark for the preservation of humanity.

Even the European human rights activists who had criticized the drones and the CP system stopped talking.

The plague swarm that swept over Europe paralyzed dozens of cities.

Only Mega City was intact, so it was natural to change their minds.

Yu Ji-ha asked him.

“Do you know how much it costs to build a Mega City? It’s not free.”

“I don’t know. But China is willing to pay any price.”

“Let me tell you from my perspective. I was almost kidnapped by China and threatened my life. We even fought a war. Isn’t it nonsense to ask for the same treatment as the US or Germany?”

He was right.

The relationship between Yu Ji-ha and China was never easy and it was still ongoing.

There was still a strong anti-Yu Ji-ha sentiment in China.

It was just that Wang Xian suppressed it.

He tried to justify it, but Yu Ji-ha spoke first.

“And everyone has a fantasy about Mega City. They want to leave the management to the artificial intelligence, but they also want to supervise it themselves. That’s what many people request. Isn’t that just wanting to eat the sweet fruit of Mega City?”

Also, many people’s perception of Mega City had improved, but they disagreed on the ownership.

Many Europeans criticized the Mega City being built in Germany.

―Mega City is the property of the United Human Federation. It’s unacceptable to give up land for it in their own country.

―Even if the overall management is left to the artificial intelligence, it must be confirmed that it is Italy’s property and controlled by Italian politicians. Otherwise, we cannot introduce Mega City.

So they meant that they would supervise it if the United Human Federation made it for them.

Yu Ji-ha had no reason to accept that.

“I can’t build a megacity like that, where they have all the talent and all the benefits for themselves… All megacities must be under the control of the United Human Federation.”

“Does that apply to Russia, America, and Germany as well?”

“Russia is already preparing to integrate into the United Human Federation, aren’t they? The megacities in the other two countries are also controlled by the United Human Federation.”

President Wang Xian hesitated and then said.

“I will give you one trillion yuan for one megacity. It’s a small token of appreciation for you, Mr. President.”

“Are you still talking about money? What value does that have?”

Money can be printed as much as they want, can’t it?

There would be serious side effects, but China was not in a position to bear them.

President Wang Xian still refused to give up his ownership rights even after hearing that.

“Please let me build at least one. I will do my best.”

“I refuse if it has to be under China’s control. No matter what conditions you offer, that won’t change.”

Faced with a firm stance, President Wang Xian had to leave without gaining anything.

The meeting reports submitted by each country were almost the same.

“Do they think they can manage the megacities themselves? That’s absurd.”

They offered a lot of money, but the megacities were priceless.

How cheap could a facility that could accommodate 100 million people be?

It took more than 10 years of effort with the power of the United Human Federation, and managing it was impossible without Arma, the super artificial intelligence.

If they used the materials for ordinary cities, they could make 100 New Yorks.

What kind of nonsense was it to buy such an expensive city cheaply and manage it themselves?

“They still haven’t come to their senses.”

He was disappointed with the situation awareness of each country.

He thought that if they were hit by the Plague Swarm, they would discuss integration more seriously, and he could tolerate that.

Originally, Arma’s calculation was 1.5 billion, so it was not a big problem even if it increased a little.

But the politicians of each country were still focused on maintaining their own power.

He checked the proposals of each country through Arma and contacted his secretary’s office.

“Cancel all summit meetings with countries that proposed to introduce megacities.”

There were voices of regret, but meeting without prior coordination was a waste of time.

Dozens of meetings were canceled, and the secretaries, including Baek Seong-min, had to work overtime to rearrange the schedule.


Instead of the summit meetings, he entered a meeting with Bernstein and Mikhailov.

The time for flattering compliments passed, and President Bernstein mentioned the core issue.

“It’s clear now. Humanity cannot survive without megacities. In that sense, America will split in two.”

“Will the remaining people agree?”

“They have no choice. They only want the west coast. Hawaii and Guam will have their own votes to decide which side they belong to.”

The United States of America was in danger of splitting after 258 years of founding.

“California and Oregon have already given positive answers, followed by Washington. A separation committee will be set up soon and voting will begin.”

It was a bold plan to cut off only the west coast and join the United Human Federation.

There would be no resistance, but many Americans seemed interested in running their own land.

―We can never be with the United Human Federation, so it’s better to split up now.

―I’m not sure if it’s okay. There are not one or two cities that have been hit by the Plague Swarm. Isn’t it right to get help from them? Only megacities were fine.

―The United Human Federation canceled the meeting with us. They won’t give us megacities.

Strictly speaking, he only said that he couldn’t hand over the ownership rights of megacities.

It was not strange to hand over something that required national-level funds to currency or something like that.

The arguments of politicians from other countries who complained about Russia, America, and Germany overlooked the fact that they had a special relationship with the United Human Federation.

They would soon enter into a bilateral agreement, so what was wrong with giving them a house now?

The problem was those who were swayed by such incitement and acted rashly.

“Soon the doors of megacities will close. The defense system is already ready and megacities will be reborn as perfect self-sufficient cities. Even if the connection between megacities is cut off, we can at least secure food.”

Each megacity had its own energy source and smart farm, which made it possible.

Megacity Afghanistan was a bit lacking in that aspect, but it would be solved soon.

“We should start the integration soon.”

“Please accept as many people as possible. But the conditions must never be lowered. There is no law that prevents them from doing the violent speech they have done so far inside megacities.”

It was not only about the haters of him, but also about serious criminals, conspirators, and believers who demanded religious facilities.

There were also various other conditions, and only a few people could enter megacities.

Someone might ask him this.

―Then what about those who can’t enter megacities? Do you want them to die?

He would answer this.

―That’s their problem.

It was an unreasonable request to ask him to take responsibility for all of humanity.

But there were quite a few people who couldn’t accept that.

The global economy was heading for hell and logistics were not working properly either.

Food imports were not possible and some countries started rationing.

Riots became commonplace and security became unstable.

In this situation, many people wanted to enter megacities.

But the doors of megacities were getting narrower over time.

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