Dictator From Outer Space

Chapter 214: The Arrogant Baron

Chapter 214: The Arrogant Baron

The hatred that the humans of Astera had for the elves could be summed up in one sentence.

―The only good elf is a dead elf.

The elves felt the same way and often repeated a similar phrase.

The relationship between the two races had been strained for at least hundreds of years, and it had worsened to the point of no return after the Dragon War and nearly two centuries of fighting.

They had committed all kinds of atrocities against each other, such as slaughter, enslavement, torture, rape, arson, and plunder. 

And this was still ongoing.

Recently, there was a trend of wars ending relatively quickly, but that was not because the relationship had improved, but because the elves had changed their strategy.

―It is too hard to exterminate the humans, no matter what we do. We should revise our strategy to take their land instead.

―Let them live in a narrow land. We don’t care what they do.

The power of Elvrande was so overwhelming that in the last 100 years, there were only a few wars that the humans had won.

Thus, by the year 1037 of the Continental Calendar, four kingdoms had submitted to Elvrande and the elves had occupied a quarter of the continent.

This strategy provoked a fierce backlash from the humans, but they had no choice but to endure it since they were inferior in strength.

From the beginning, the countries that could have been the main pillars, such as Zaium or the Holy Kingdom, had lost their influence and the defeat of the humans was inevitable.

Moreover, the other minority races did not cooperate well with the humans.

The dwarves, of course, as well as the silverds, beastmen, and other minority races that existed in Astera hated the humans as much as the elves did.

―They are all the same. They enslaved and slaughtered us just like the elves did.

―Maybe it would be better to submit to Elvrande and enjoy peace. At least they won’t kill us.

There were even some kingdoms that decided to submit to Elvrande on their own accord, thinking that they would not be treated harshly once they did so.

But that was just their delusion.

The elves drove the submissive races into wastelands and did not care about them properly.

Not only that, but there were also suspicions that they sent assassins.

They killed nobles or influential people who cried out for independence.

Of course, there was no use in protesting once they were under the elves’ control.

The only thing that the submissive races could do was to live in fear and slowly walk towards extinction in their narrow lands.

And the elves watched them with mockery and amusement.

―Are you suffering? Do you think we are cruel? Don’t forget. What we did to you is only a little bit of what you did to us.

―So don’t blame us. It’s all your fault.

It was not clear whether it was true that they had done so in the past.

Many records were lost during the Great War and the remaining ones were hidden by the elves in their Infinite Library.

Besides, even if the truth came out now, it would not mean much because the conflict was too deep.

That was how they inflicted violence on each other without hesitation in the current continent of Astera.

Thanks to that, there was not a single resident who welcomed the elves who entered Vandus’s barony.

“What are they doing here?”

“I wish we could kill them all and pile them up at the entrance.”

Even people who had never seen an elf in their lives showed such hatred, which showed how much their feelings had deteriorated.

However, they could not express it openly and neither did the elves who entered the territory show anything but annoyance on their faces.

Some elves even said that it smelled bad out loud.

Leobold focused on Tirenell who was at the front rather than them.

He did not show any anger or hatred like other elves.

He had no expression at all, so much so that he could be mistaken for a doll.

Arma stood next to him and reported what he had investigated about him.

“Tirenell is known as a warmonger in his country and has participated in most of the fronts since he became an Elven Knight. It is not an exaggeration to say that Elvrande’s strong performance in recent wars is thanks to him.”

“He has great skills but his position is precarious because he has half-elf blood.”

In Elvrande where pureblood supremacy was absolute, half-elves could be said to have lower status than ordinary humans.

Some elves insulted him for being a hybrid who mixed with filthy humans.

“So he gave up on his political position in his country and focused on his military position instead.”

“Is he fighting so madly just because of his hatred for humans?”

“Not necessarily. Tirenell has never shown any hatred for humans externally.”

“He doesn’t treat human prisoners well, but he doesn’t torture them either. He just deals with them in a businesslike manner.”

“He might have a different way of thinking than ordinary elves. But this is clearly an enemy country and he is so calm.”

“He knows that we can’t touch him.”

The elves were able to claim that they would eradicate the Altima faith in the Easthart region, which was an enemy country, because they had signed a peace treaty.

Everyone knew that the war would break out again as soon as the treaty ended, and they could ignore the treaty and push in if they wanted to.

But even so, each country left them alone because they had bought at least one year.

It was not the leaders who suffered.

The Altima faith had faded long ago, so it was doubtful whether there were any believers who sincerely prayed to her.

It was suspicious that they did not go to Palma, the Holy Kingdom where the temples of the Astera Pantheon were abundant.

“That’s about it. The elves’ purpose is not to suppress the Altima faith, but to explore Easthart. There are rumors that they are looking for something.”

“Something like dragon bones?”

“Or maybe the ancient Goliath buried underground near the Zaium border.”

Anyway, a small territory like Vandus’s barony was in a precarious situation with just a few judges’ breaths.

It would change in a year, but it was hard to kick them out right now.

There was a way, but it was not easy and he was curious about what they would say.

He had seen them a lot in his dreams, but this was the first time he met them in reality.

Leobold looked at the elf who walked down the street with his long hair fluttering.

“Bring him to the library.”


When an elf met a human in Astera, he often showed off his power or position.

In most cases, it was true that the elf was superior, so the humans had to watch with resentment.

Therefore, the manners of the elves became worse and worse.

If Leobold had participated in the negotiations between Elvrande and the Easthart Alliance this time, he might have ordered to shoot them with reaction bullets.

That’s how arrogant the elves were.

‘This guy is a little less in that regard.’

Tirenell did not take a rude posture or spread his legs when he entered the library.

He had a blunt expression, but it seemed that he was always like that, so it was hard to pick on him.

The two men drank tea silently and exchanged glances.

The first one to open his mouth was Tirenell.

“I saw on my way here that you didn’t remove the figurehead of your airship.”

Interestingly, Tirenell used the Continental Common Language.

It was unusual considering that most elves only used Elnopeir.

“This is the medal of Altema. It’s very impressive, isn’t it? Although it’s only gilded, the texture is so exquisite that it looks like pure gold.”

Tirendel smiled slightly, amused by the sight.

“Do you know who I am?”

“One of the commanders of the Elven Knights, and currently a judge who purges the followers of Altema.”

“You dare to show me the medal of Altema right in front of me? I wonder if you can handle the consequences. You didn’t even change your name.”

“That’s because I don’t need to. I’m not a believer of Altema.”

“Faith is proven by material things, not by the heart. From what I see, you’re acting no different from a follower of Altema. And very passionately, too.”

“That’s interesting. Don’t all elves pray to Eldgrasil in their hearts? Eldgrasil is the center of the Elven Pantheon, after all.”

Tirendel was at a loss for words when Eldgrasil and prayer were mentioned.

Eldgrasil was the World Tree that supported the whole of Astera, so all elves agreed that praying in their hearts was enough.

A normal elf would have been angry and yelled at this point, but Tirendel just took another sip of his tea.

“So you’re saying that you don’t care about Altema?”

“The medal was already attached when I borrowed it from the royal family, and the name was already Altema. I don’t think that’s a sin to not change it.”

“You could have been more considerate of us, though.”

“I’d rather spend my efforts on checking the expedition plan for the Floating Continent and paying more attention to my territory.”

He implied that he didn’t value the name Altema at all.

Hearing that, Tirendel leaned forward slightly.

His intact eye shone so brightly that it seemed like he was wearing a lens.

“I’ve fought on the battlefield for a hundred years, and slaughtered hundreds of Goliaths and tens of thousands of enemies. Do you know what humans call me?”

“A blind half-breed elf.”

He had a bloodline that was perfect for being ridiculed as a half-elf, and he even wore an eyepatch.

For a brief moment, a smile appeared on Tirendel’s lips.

It would soon be revealed whether it was out of tolerance or confidence.

“I’ve fought against humans, including Baron Vandus. And his successor as well.”

He meant that he had fought against Leobold’s father and brother.

He probably didn’t kill them personally, but he was on the same front as them.

Despite the provocative content, Leobold didn’t feel any emotion.

He had to have some relationship with someone to feel something for them, but he had none of that.

He had never seen his father and brother’s faces.

“That’s how it is on the battlefield.”

Tirendel felt interested in Leobold’s calm response.

He was openly pressuring him, but he still acted like this.

It meant one of two things.

‘Either he’s too stupid to read the mood or he’s confident enough to face me.’

Judging by his actions so far, the former seemed unlikely.

But he didn’t think it was the latter either.

‘He might have some political sense from getting what he wanted from the Bagran royal family or pressuring Denova…’

But his actual power was lacking, which was Baron Vandus’ problem.

His territory was quite developed for being stuck in this corner.

But his military strength was only four Raums that wouldn’t even be considered Goliaths in Elvrande, one knight guard, and two mercenaries.

Two Elven Knights could easily turn them into a mess.

The baron himself didn’t seem very strong either.

He probably didn’t engrave anything like a sealing magic circle on himself, so what he felt right now was all there was to his power.

And it was very ordinary.

‘I don’t know what he’s relying on to provoke me.’

Surely he didn’t believe that elves couldn’t act as they pleased in enemy territory?

Tirendel quietly glared at Leobold.

“You’re trusting our goodwill. You should think about what will happen when that goodwill is gone.”

“Oh, I didn’t know elves were showing goodwill. Is that what you call slaughter, enslavement, rape, and so on?”

At his provocative reply, Tirendel snapped and spat out his words quickly.

“Cut the nonsense and get to the point. If you don’t change the name and medal of your airship right now, I won’t even need to contact the homeland. I’ll deal with you on my own.”

“That’s scary. But there’s one thing I want you to know.”

“What is it?”

“Why are you digging up dragon bones if you hate dragons so much?”


Tirendel was stunned and couldn’t say anything.

They were digging up dragon bones in the homeland?


“Why don’t you ask yourself? You’re an elf, after all. You know that elves fought against many dragons in the Dragon War 200 years ago, right? Isn’t it strange? What are you going to do with such a great thing as dragon bones?”

There were actually some dragons that sided with the elves.

But this was a secret, and very few people knew about it.

Even Arma had barely found out after chasing the Elvrande leaders.

So Tirendel, who had only fought on the battlefield as a young elf, had no idea.

“At first, I thought it was for Goliath materials, but there was something better. How about using black magic to resurrect them? A Bone Dragon would be a shock comparable to a Blue Dragon.”

“Where did you hear that? Where did you dig it up?”

“I heard some rumors while working with Denova. Maybe there’s some conflict within your ranks. Black magic is enough to cause that kind of conflict.”

Unable to bear it any longer, Tirendel slammed the table and broke it, then stood up abruptly.

“Nonsense! There’s no way they would bring up black magic again in the homeland! We’ve been chasing the last Necromancer, that damn Lich, for 20 years!”

“I think so too. It’s just a possibility.”

“What’s your reason for being so reckless? Do you think I won’t let go of the last straw? I can kill you anytime! Right here, right now!”

In a fit of rage, Tirendel drew his sword, but Leobold’s eyes were cold.

“Go ahead.”


“I’m not going to stop you. Draw your sword and kill an unarmed opponent. That’s the way of the elves, isn’t it?”

The way of the elves.

Tirendel’s ears trembled and his hand holding the sword hilt lost its strength.

He was a half-elf who hated the way of the elves.

He fought on the battlefield not for the glory of Elvrande or Eldgrasil.

“…Let’s stop this.”

Tirendel turned his back and headed for the door.

And he said as if advising him, holding the doorknob.

“As you said, catching Altema followers is just a pretext. The real goal is something else.”

“Probably digging up land. That’s what elves are good at. Oh, but not as good as dwarves.”

“…You seem to have a lot of guts, but I wonder if that will show on the battlefield too.”

“We’ll find out when we meet again someday.”

They exchanged hostile gazes.

“Even though a peace treaty was signed for a year, there was no fool who believed it. I’ll ask you then.”

“I look forward to it.”

Tirendel, who expected Leobold to ask about the content, frowned for a moment and tried to open the door and leave.

But he was stunned by the words that came from behind him.

“You have to pay for the broken table before you go.”


Tirendel threw his pocket at him with an incredulous expression.

“You don’t like to lose money, do you?”

“Sometimes I do.”

After that, the elves left the territory quietly, as if they had a separate purpose.

Leobold said to Arma.

“He’s quite restrained for a brat.”

“He doesn’t hate humans. Rather, it’s unusual that he showed his emotions. Tirendel is usually called a wooden doll because he has no expression as an elf.”

“He showed his emotions in front of me… Maybe his goal has something to do with humans.”

He did tell him some important information, such as the dragon bone excavation, but it wouldn’t leak out.

There was no benefit for Tirendel to betray his informant from another country.

Rather, he was likely to contact him more actively in the future to get more information.

He could get the reward then.

On the other hand, the people of the territory were bewildered when the elves who came in with great momentum left quietly.

“What’s going on? I thought they were going to make a scene and break things, but they left quietly.”

“They probably got scolded by our lord. Don’t interfere with our territory, he said.”

“I don’t think those arrogant elves would listen to that…”

“Anyway, it’s good that they’re gone, right? Let’s sprinkle some flour!”

“Bye-bye! Don’t come back!”


When it was known that the Elvrande judge left without making much noise, the eyes of the surrounding territories changed considerably towards the Vanduss baronial territory.

In fact, the Vanduss baronial territory had made a lot of money, but it didn’t mean much.

Each territory was like a completely different country, and it had little influence on its surroundings because it was stuck at the end of the western continent.

So the neighboring lords tended to look at the Vanduss baronial territory as something like a nouveau riche.

―What can you do with money? Your father and brother died on the battlefield and you have no one left. You probably don’t have any influential friends either.

―A typical nouveau riche. He’s been making some money and attracting people lately, but he won’t last long.

These criticisms included resentment that he made a lot of money but didn’t greet the aristocratic society.

Especially, he never visited the Lantis earldom, which made the lords angry.

No matter how independent he was, Lantis earl was a great lord who had a great influence on the western part of Bagran.

―It’s not that we want him to spend money on us, but he should at least greet the earl, right?

―I don’t understand why he spends money on his people. There’s nothing to expect from those idiots.

The reason why they kept criticizing him was because it was confirmed that the Vanduss baronial territory had made a lot of money.

Herring had become a trivial thing, and rumors began to spread as he refined gold and other things from the floating continent at Lantis earldom.

―It adds up to more than 40,000 golds. It’s really an amazing amount of money.

―According to rumors, he’s going to form a fleet with three airships next time and go to the floating continent. The royal family, as well as almost every country, are paying attention and watching.

―But their power is surprisingly weak in that territory. There are only four Raums at best.

―If only I had his money… Hmm…

Everyone swallowed their saliva at the Vanduss baronial territory, but they couldn’t move right away.

Lantis earl showed a skeptical reaction.

He appreciated the ability of Vanduss baronial territory, especially how he quietly sent off Elvrande’s judges.

“Who among you can use Altema’s name against a half-blind half-breed elf?”

Neither his vassals nor the nobles under his influence dared to step forward.

Who would dare to pick a fight with an Elven Knight while Bagran and Zaium were watching?

Especially Judge Tirendel was that notorious human hunter.

There were countless Goliaths destroyed by his hands and there were rumors that he could fill a lake with dead bodies.

Lantis earl snorted and said.

“Do you think Vanduss baronial territory is worth trying because he scared Tirendel and sent him back without any trouble? I have my own thoughts, so don’t think about doing anything.”

Actually, he was also angry when he found out that the baron had secured the right to operate the Sagris silver mine for a year.

“How dare he eye my silver mine? And the prince just gave it to him? What the hell are they doing?”

The Sagris silver mine was the largest silver mine in Bagran, which had been the source of funds for the royal family.

The silver content of the rock was so high that it was said to shine when a torch was lit in the mine.

Especially, Zaium Empire had a lot of interest in it and Bagran royal family had to give them almost a ton of silver every year.

The reason why the silver mine was closed was because demons started to appear from some point.

Goliaths couldn’t enter the narrow mine and knights couldn’t deal with the demons made of sturdy metal.

So the Sagris silver mine was completely closed by the order of Bagran III.

The decline of Bagran kingdom also started from then.

There were many places where money went out due to wars and such, but the source of funds dried up.

By the way, Lantis earl wondered how the baron would mine silver.

‘It’s impossible to mine silver without casualties, even with new technology.’

Was he building facilities with a lot of money to win over his people and push them into the mine?

No matter how he thought about it, Vanduss baronial territory was his kind.

‘That’s why I wanted to watch him for a while, but he didn’t even greet me.’

He tried to contact him through the ore refining business, but only workers came and went, and the baron didn’t even show his shadow.

‘He makes money in my territory and ignores me. This Lantis earl?’

His fist clenched, but he couldn’t step forward as an earl against a mere baron.

Not only Bagran royal family, but also Zaium recently said they were paying attention.

‘I’ll wait and see how long he’ll do well. If he ever falls, I’ll be the first to catch and eat him.’

There were more than one or two people who wanted to jump on him.

That’s how much Vanduss baronial territory had heard resentment.

It was natural for neighbors to feel sick when they made a lot of money.

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