Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 103: Joining Hands?

Chapter 103: Joining Hands?

Fang Xiu tried close combat with the scalpel. Just a small cut and he'll be the victor, but Ma Wenbin's blood-covered body didn't allow him to get close. Whenever Fang Xiu tried, Ma Wenbin's blood would burst out, forcing Fang Xiu back.

The situation was at a stalemate. As long as Ma Wenbin's blood didn't run out, Fang Xiu really had no good way to kill him, so it turned into a battle of attrition.

Fang Xiu wasn't afraid of this, as his hair was from the Hair Specter, and he was using its power, not his own.

Ma Wenbin, however, was draining his own blood.

Ma Wenbin realized that if the fight dragged on, he would undoubtedly lose. "Theres no point in continuing this fight. Why not just stop here?" he tried to suggest.

Fang Xiu ignored him and kept attacking.

Frustrated, Ma Wenbin shouted, "Fang Xiu! You already took my spiritual coins and Specter Gadget. Why are you insisting on a fight to the death?"

Fang Xiu calmly replied, "Those spiritual coins and Specter Gadget are mine. You were merely keeping them for me. You just hadn't realized it."

Ma Wenbin argued, "What are you talking about? Forget about the coins, but the bronze candlestick base has my name on it!"

Fang Xiu said, "Oh, I see So, why did you engrave your name on my Specter Gadget?"

Ma Wenbin exploded with anger. He had never met someone so shameless. He was furious but still rational. He knew continuing like this would lead to his blood running out.

Ma Wenbin said, "Fang Xiu, what do you have against Bright Club? You were the one who killed Lin Ziyang and Wang Yanran first. We didn't even come to you for trouble, and now you're attacking us. Why the hell is that?"

Fang Xiu shook his head and said, "You missed one thing Your cousin was also killed by someone I hired."

Ma Wenbin was shocked, then furious. "What do you want, Fang Xiu? How did Bright Club offend you that you're so intent on destroying us?"

Fang Xiu replied, "I'm just preventing you from seeking revenge. After all, I've killed people from Bright Club. You would definitely come after me. So, to be safe, I should just kill you."

Ma Wenbin was incredulous at Fang Xiu's reasoning. "Are you even listening to yourself? Are you mutating or something? If you are, just say it, I have spiritual incense!"

The mention of spiritual incense reminded Fang Xiu of his past experience with it, making him attack even more fiercely.

Suddenly, after a clash, both of them retreated quickly, creating distance.

Fang Xiu frowned, realizing something was off, while Ma Wenbin sensed a strong Specter power around them.

"This is a Specter Zone!" Ma Wenbin said, looking around, alarmed. As a second-tier psychic, his senses were much sharper than Fang Xiu's.

Feeling a familiar Specter power, Fang Xiu realized they had entered a Specter Zone, similar to when he previously entered the Specter Zone at Green Mountain Mental Hospital.

He then sensed a familiar Specter energy.

_'Nightmare! Have I entered Nightmare's dream? But this feels different from last time. Has Nightmare become so powerful that it can affect reality?'_

Ma Wenbin, looking around cautiously, said, "Fang Xiu, this is a Specter Zone! The fact that it pulled us in without notice means this Specter is extremely powerful. This isn't the time for us to fight. How about we stop here?"

In response, Fang Xiu unleashed a thousand silver hair needles toward Ma Wenbin.

Ma Wenbin's face contorted in effort as he used his blood to block the needles. He looked at Fang Xiu, exasperated.

"Fang Xiu, don't be so obstinate. What's the real problem between us? You'll get both of us killed if you don't stop!" Ma Wenbin's voice carried a mix of frustration and urgency.

Suddenly, footsteps echoed in the corridor. Both men turned toward the sound, only to see the hallway engulfed in darkness. A huge, swollen figure emerged from it.

It was a Specter, three meters tall and two meters wide, with exposed, crimson flesh like a 500-pound person skinned alive. Its flesh, tumor-like, quivered and surged with each step, leaving behind stinking, bloody footprints on the ground.

This Specter was so large it almost blocked the entire corridor, its arms and legs brushing against the walls, leaving trails of blood.

Seeing the Specter, Ma Wenbin's face drastically changed. He urgently said to Fang Xiu, "Fang Xiu, the Specter is here. Whatever our issues are, we should join forces against it. Against a Specter, humans must stand together."

Fang Xiu nodded, "We should indeed join forces, but I'll be joining it."

A bad feeling arose in Ma Wenbin's heart.

In the next second, Fang Xiu's silver hair suddenly grew longer, enveloping himself completely. He transformed into something like the cocoon of his black hair Specter Slaves, but in silver.

When Fang Xiu was completely covered in silver, Ma Wenbin sensed that the human smell on Fang Xiu had disappeared. The silver hair kept it all inside, leaving only the Specter smell of the Hair Specter exposed.

Ma Wenbin was stunned at the sight.

_'What the hell? How is that even possible?'_

Looking at the Specter slowly approaching him, Ma Wenbin panicked.

He was trapped. With Fang Xiu on one side and the flesh Specter on the other, he had no way out.

In a moment of desperation, he decided to charge at the Specter.

His idea was simple: having fought Fang Xiu for so long without success, he might have a better chance against this unknown Specter. Maybe it wasn't as strong as it appeared."

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