Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 118: Your Death's Fun

Chapter 118: Your Death's Fun

A clever psychic soon had a revelationthe only difference now was that they had finished the ride.

Before completing the amusement ride, they couldn't touch the little girl. But after they did, they somehow had a connection with the park and could touch her. It was easy to figure out, but no one thought of it. After overcoming the challenge, everyone just wanted to leave quickly.

However, Fang Xiu was different. He only cared about Specter.

Soon, they caught the little girl and brought her to Fang Xiu.

"Hey, kid, you like games, right? Then, let's play one. Guess where I'll cut you with this scalpel. Guess correctly, and I'll cut you two more times," Fang Xiu said, his voice becoming strange from the excitement.

Ever since being killed eighteen times by his 'wife,' he could only feel happy when he hurt a Specter.

The little girl giggled at Fang Xiu's threat. "You can't do anything, mister. I'm part of this amusement park. You can't kill me."

When Fang Xiu heard he couldn't kill her, his face froze. Then his eyes slowly widened, gleaming with happiness, like he found something amazing.

A twisted and sinister laughter forced its way out of his throat, echoing through the eerie amusement park.

"What have I found? A Specter that can't die? This is awesome!"

Everyone was scared and nervous watching Fang Xiu.

"Is he okay? He's not losing control, is he?"

"Maybe not?"

With a flash of a silver light, Fang Xiu aimed the sharp scalpel toward the little girl.

The little girl had maintained a smile, seemingly making fun of Fang Xiu. After all, her body was different from them.

But when the scalpel cut her, her expression shifted immediately. She looked pained, her eyes turned red, and she twisted in agony.

Inhuman screams echoed throughout the amusement park.

"That's it! This is what I want! Make me happy!" Fang Xiu's hand transformed into a blur, making one cut after another on the girl's body.

Her face, her arms, her chest.

She howled in pain. The sound was harrowing, like a wild animal's.

It sent shivers down everyone's spine. They felt as if they were the ones being cut by the scalpel. Some psychics who couldn't handle it looked away.

The little girl wasn't lying. Every time the scalpel cut her, the wound healed slowly. Each time that happened, the amusement park grew older and shabbier.

This amazing scene only fueled Fang Xiu's excitement. He started to punish her more.

As time passed, the little girl's screams got weaker and weaker. She was barely alive. And many rides in the park had disappeared.

"Why can you hurt me?" The girl couldn't laugh anymore. She was terrified.

She was connected to the park and couldn't die unless the park was completely destroyed. Fang Xiu's attacks, however, shattered her logic. The scalpel seemed magical, causing her terrible pain, and this pain was making her life force rapidly dwindle.

Seeing the girl almost gone, Fang Xiu felt bored. "Is this all you've got?"

He was careful not to kill her, only using a little Spiritual Energy to inflict pain. He didn't expect that after about five hundred cuts, the girl was at her limit.

He slowed down to enjoy the torture more.

After a while, the people watching were somewhat numb.

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Someone suggested, "Should we tell Captain Fang to leave? It doesn't seem wise to stay here too long."

The person next to them got scared and said, "Are you crazy? Interrupting him? You want to get silenced too?"

Upon hearing that, the first person got scared and didn't say anything else.

"Please, let me go! Mister, please!" The little girl's body was almost semi-transparent, like a fading soul. She begged for mercy, hoping to appeal to Fang Xiu's sympathy.

But Fang Xiu didn't care.

The girl tried to get help from others. "Help me, sir, ma'am, please!"

Some people felt sorry for her. Even though they knew she was a dangerous Specter, she looked so pitiful. But no one dared to stop Fang Xiu. He looked too terrifying, even more so than a Specter.

"Ahh!" The girl seemed to break down. Her skin turned bluish, her teeth grew into fangs, and her tongue became snake-like.

She could no longer maintain her human form. She lost her mind and just screamed meaningless words.

Fang Xiu slowly lost his excitement, returning to his usual calm. He looked at the monstrous little girl and said, "How ugly At least your death pleased me."

With one swift cut, he beheaded her. The little girl's body became completely transparent and disappeared from the world.

"Let's go," Fang Xiu said calmly to the others.

Everyone looked at Fang Xiu, who acted as if nothing had happened. They didn't dare to look at him and made way for him to pass. Soon, they continued on their journey.

Half an hour later, they finally arrived at the foot of Putuo Temple. The temple, built on a mountain, was a famous tourist spot in Greenvine City. It was usually busy with people coming to pray.

But in Nightmare's Specter Zone, the temple was shrouded in a dark mist. It was empty, with the faint cries of Specters echoing in the darkness, making it appear creepy and terrifying.

They drove toward the foot of the mountain but soon stopped. Ahead, there was a graveyard filled with densely packed tombstones, making it impossible for vehicles to pass through.

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