Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 121

Chapter 121

Fang Xiu immediately dug the grave and opened the coffin.

Inside, as expected, lay Liu Shuai.

Seeing this, the Liu Shuai outside was shocked and barely began to speak when a scalpel was already embedded in his neck.

"Continue searching," Fang Xiu said calmly.

The group intensified their search, uncovering more and more graves with their own names. Each person found insisted they were the real one, but Fang Xiu didn't listen to any explanations and killed the ones outside.

All those killed turned into a pile of bones without exception.

Suddenly, a scream was heard.

"Ah! What's..." The person stared at a tombstone, seemingly unable to speak.

The group quickly gathered around and then turned pale. They quickly moved away from Fang Xiu, watching him warily and getting ready to attack.

Seeing this, Fang Xiu felt a bit annoyed. He approached and saw his own name on the tombstone.

Without hesitation, he overturned the grave and opened the coffin, finding himself inside.

The Fang Xiu in the coffin stood up calmly, looking at the Fang Xiu outside without any emotion.

The situation worsened for the outside Fang Xiu. As the Fang Xiu inside the coffin stood up, the group sided with him, eyeing the outside Fang Xiu menacingly. "Kill him," ordered the Fang Xiu from inside the coffin.

The group attacked immediately.

The outside Fang Xiu didn't surrender. He needed to test the impostor, so he detonated the Specter power within the scalpel.

Silver hair, blood eyes, surrounded by black mist, and the roar of thousands of Specters.

However, the Fang Xiu from the coffin transformed in the same way, showing no distinguishable difference from the outside Fang Xiu.

Fang Xiu was quickly overwhelmed, facing a dozen psychics plus a Specter identical to himself.

In the end, Fang Xiu was defeated.

Back at the entrance of the graveyard, Fang Xiu stood still while the others looked at him, puzzled.

"Xiu, why aren't you moving? Did you find something?" asked Zhao Hao.

Fang Xiu didn't respond, lost in thought.

Everyone was still outside the graveyard, meaning all were real at this moment. The graveyard had the ability to pull people into coffins unnoticed and create impostors.

From the previous tests, it seemed that the one in the coffin was real, while the one outside turned into bones upon death.

_'But why is it that when it came to me, the one outside was real and the one in the coffin was fake?' _

Fang Xiu was well aware that he was killed last time because everyone thought he was the impostor, leading to a group attack. He had no way to explain, and he knew explanations wouldn't help much.

At this moment, Fang Xiu had doubts._ _

_'Were those people in the coffins truly real? They had identical memories with us, could reveal personal secrets, and possessed the same abilities. What if I was wrong from the start? What if those in coffins were the impostors, and the ones outside were the real deal?'_

Everyone watched Fang Xiu closely as he contemplated, not daring to interrupt him. They thought Fang Xiu was using his ability to foresee the future, so they were waiting for him to show them the way out as before.

After a moment, Fang Xiu opened his eyes.

"The Specter existing in this graveyard can transform into anyone of us, identical in every way, including memories and abilities," he finally said. This revelation shocked everyone.

"Doesn't that mean everything is the same? Then how can we differentiate between the real and the fake?"

"We must not separate after entering, to not give the Specter any opportunity," they discussed among themselves, with no one doubting the truth of Fang Xiu's words.

"Quiet," Fang Xiu said calmly, and everyone immediately fell silent, waiting for his command. "Once we enter, everyone must follow my orders."

"Don't worry, Captain Fang, we will follow your command. If anyone dares to act on their own, I'll teach him a lesson!"

"Me too!"

"Same here!"

Fang Xiu nodded, then added, "Next, I will extend silver hair strands, wrapping them around each of you. The Specter in the graveyard can silently pull someone into a grave and replace them. These silver strands are key to ensuring your identity. Remember, even in danger, you must not let the silver strands fall off your body."

Hearing this, everyone felt a chill. They hadn't realized the Specter in the graveyard was so terrifying, capable of replacing someone without a sound.

If an identical copy of themselves appeared, it would indeed be impossible to tell them apart. They felt lucky to have Fang Xiu; otherwise, they might have been wiped out.

Thus, Fang Xiu began to extend several silver strands of hair, which spread like a tide and wrapped around each person.

No one resisted, allowing the silver strands to encircle them.

After several life-and-death situations, their trust in Fang Xiu had solidified.

In fact, however, letting the silver strands wrap around them was akin to having a knife held to their throats. If Fang Xiu had any malicious intent, activating the silver strands could easily kill at least half of the weaker psychics in the group.

With the strands in place, the scene looked somewhat eerie. Fang Xiu led the way, with silver strands extending from his hair like a spider's web, connecting to the psychics behind him. It was as if he was leading a group of puppets.

He guided them into the graveyard. "Now, everyone, search for graves with your names," he instructed.

They complied, and the first to find his grave was Zhao Hao, as it was located closer to the edge. "Xiu, I found it. Here's a grave with my name on it," Zhao Hao called out.

Fang Xiu narrowed his eyes and walked over slowly. First, he checked Zhao Hao's silver strands to ensure they were intact, then turned his attention to Zhao Hao's grave.

A dull thumping sound came from inside, making everyone's faces tense with nerves.

Fang Xiu immediately overturned the grave and opened the coffin, revealing the Zhao Hao inside.

The Zhao Hao in the coffin was initially relieved to see Fang Xiu, but his expression changed to shock upon seeing his double.

"Xiu, just like you said, the Specter here can silently pull people into coffins. I just felt a darkness before me, and when I came to, I was in this coffin. Xiu, the one beside you is an impostor!" he said rapidly from inside the coffin.


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