Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 123

Chapter 123

**[Note: Please pay attention to the '' while reading THIS chapter. They are part of the plot, and it may get you confused if missing.]**

After entering the graveyard, Fang Xiu first searched around and, as expected, didn't find any graves for Zhao Hao or the others.

It seemed that graves only appeared for those who entered the graveyard.

Soon, he found his own grave again. The grave was quiet, with no sound coming from it.


Fang Xiu unleashed the Specter power within his scalpel, and a mass of black mist sprayed out. Each wisp seemed to contain a Specter, all of them hissing and rushing into Fang Xiu's mouth and nose.

Gradually, he was wrapped in the black mist. His hair turned silver, and his right eye shone crimson.

Then, he overturned the grave to reveal the dark coffin inside.

As he stared at the coffin, a cruel light flashed in Fang Xiu's eyes.

His silver hairs grew rapidly and floated in the air like millions of steel needles, tightly surrounding the coffin. He held the scalpel in his hand, raised it high, and aimed at the coffin, with black Spiritual Energy swirling around it. His blood-red right eye stared intently at the grave.

He was ready to open the coffin and strike thunderously. Although the imposter had the same strength as him, striking first offered an advantage.

Fang Xiu entered the graveyard again.

Everything went dark, and he found himself in a coffin.

This made him frown. He had intended to face the imposter one-on-one. If he were outside the coffin, he would be able to decide when to open the coffin and attack, but now the situation was reversed.

It seemed he had to change his strategy. The imposter was exactly like him and would surely prepare thoroughly before opening the coffin. The moment the coffin opened, he would face a thunderous strike.

After a moment's thought, Fang Xiu wrapped himself in silver hair like a cocoon and took out his scalpel, placing it at his neck. He knew his own habit of attacking the neck.

The next second, however, he moved the scalpel to his chest. If he could predict, so would the imposter, who would surely not attack the protected neck but the heart instead.


Again, Fang Xiu blew the coffin lid off. As it flew off, he moved. His silver hair stabbed into the coffin, his scalpel following suit.

Soon, he found that inside was a cocoon made of silver hair.

The millions of silver hairs piercing it created a dense, metallic clashing sound.

A cold light flashed in Fang Xiu's eyes, and he stabbed down with his scalpel almost simultaneously.

The strength of their silver hair was the same, so neither could overcome the other, but the sharp scalpel could easily cut through the silver hair.

Since the imposter chose to wrap himself in silver hair, he couldn't see where Fang Xiu's scalpel was striking.


Fang Xiu slashed fiercely. Normally, he would aim for the neck, but this time, he targeted the heart. He knew the imposter had the same memories as him, so the imposter would know his habit of attacking the neck and likely defend it in advance.

Quickly, the scalpel pierced through the cocoon made of silver hair and stabbed the heart.

But the next second


The scalpel was blocked.

Fang Xiu frowned, knowing only another scalpel could block his.

This meant the imposter had predicted his prediction.

_'Do we even think the same way?'_

At that moment, the cocoon made of silver hair suddenly opened, and their silver hairs intertwined tightly.

Another Fang Xiu appeared from the coffin, holding a scalpel at his heart, both blades in a deadlock.

When they faced each other, both their right eyes flashed crimson at almost the same time.

Blood pupils!


Both grunted. Fresh blood flowing from their right eyes, yet their expressions remained calm, as if the injury wasn't to their own eyes.

Their scalpels moved wildly, almost becoming a blur.

Both Fang Xiu kept striking. Surprisingly, their movements were incredibly synchronized, as if they knew each other's every move.

For a while, they were evenly matched, neither able to best the other.

After a collision, the Fang Xiu outside the coffin was knocked back, while the one inside shuddered. The recoil pressed the coffin down further.

The inside Fang Xiu took this chance to leap out of the coffin.

The two identical Fang Xius stood apart, with the same silver hair, blood pupils, and scalpels, both as calm as still water.

Neither spoke, and the next moment, they both vanished, rushing towards each other as blurs.


The air filled with the sound of metal clashing and sparks flying, with black Specter mist and silver hair in a frenzied battle. After a long struggle, their bodies reached their limits, unable to bear the Specter power in their scalpels any longer.

The black mist suddenly dispersed, and the blood vessels under their skin burst, turning them into bloodied figures.

Even so, both remained calm and didn't stop fighting, controlling their bodies with silver hair to continue the battle. Eventually, both Fang Xius reached their limits, their movements becoming slow, leaving a trail of blood with every step.

Struggling, they moved toward each other.

Soon, both stood still, their eyesone black, one redcalmly watching each other.

The next second, they both raised their hands.

Their scalpels thrust straight at each other's necks, and the blades pierced the flesh.

They stood like two corpses, each holding a scalpel in the other's neck, and then they fell down.

Both Fang Xius died together.

When Fang Xiu returned, he found two sets of memories in his mindone from the Fang Xiu outside the coffin and one from the Fang Xiu inside. As the two memories merged, he began to understand everything.

"So, both were me!"

The two sets of memories were like two images appearing simultaneously in Fang Xiu's mind.


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