Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 126

Chapter 126

When desire becomes tangible, it can even sway one's will.

Just like now, even though everyone knew there was something off about the Peachface tree, the overpowering desire made them think dying wouldn't be so bad if it meant they could savor a peach. This had become the prevailing thought, their last bit of reason slowly disappearing.

Fang Xiu was about to cut the Peachface tree with a scalpel when he suddenly realized he couldn't control his body.

The fragrance around him grew stronger, and every cell in his body seemed to be desperately craving a peach. Despite his rational mind, Fang Xiu found his body and consciousness disconnecting, unable to even draw his scalpel.

As his body went out of control, Fang Xiu tried to command the hair Specter, but it too had lost control, driven by its own craving for the peaches.

The situation was now completely out of hand.

_'Is it time for another death and reset?'_ Fang Xiu thought quietly, almost certain of the outcome: death by peach, followed by a reset. Then, however, there would be another question: how to deal with the Peachface tree after the reset?

The known fact was that the tree's fragrance could invoke an irresistible desire to eat the peaches, overwhelming one's will and making it impossible to control one's body.

Fang Xiu wondered if the key was the fragrance. He planned to hold his breath and quickly destroy the Peachface tree next time. With a plan in mind, Fang Xiu stopped resisting and quietly awaited his next death.

Meanwhile, Shen Lingxue and the others had completely lost their minds, mindlessly moving toward the Peachface tree, drooling uncontrollably. Surprisingly, the slender Shen Lingxue seemed the greediest, her drool shining as it continuously flowed from her rosy lips, soaking her chest.

It looked like a total wipeout was on the way, and Fang Xiu was ready for it. He had now reached the Peachface tree.

A peach with a girl's face was laughing, teasing, "Heehee, big brother, come eat me, I'm the juiciest."

Fang Xiu looked on calmly, but his body, beyond his control, plucked the juiciest girl peach. As he looked at its tender face, Fang Xiu bit down hard.

Fang Xiu took a big bite, removing half of the peach girl's face. Strangely, she seemed to feel no pain and even moaned in pleasure, "Ah, yeah! Right there! Another bite don't stop! Harder!"

As Fang Xiu chewed eagerly, something unexpected happened.

With the first bite, his memories began to fade. Just one bite, and he forgot everything from before his transmigration. He knew he was a time traveler, but his past memories were now hiding behind a veil, unreachable.

This realization made his heart sink.

Memories were crucial for him; they were the only things that could follow him through his death resets.

Memories were key to the reset process. Without them, the concept of resetting after death would be meaningless.

For instance, if someone were hit by a car on the way home, he could avoid that path or time after resetting with the memory of the incident.

Without memory, however, he'd repeatedly walk the same path, get hit by the car, die, and reset in a never-ending cycle.

Soon, Fang Xiu took a second bite, and confusion clouded his eyes. "Who am I? Where am I? A peach? Where did this peach come from?"

He realized he couldn't remember his own name or where he was. All he knew was the peach tasted wonderful.

So, he bit into it again and again, losing more memories with each bite.

A Specter power eroded his memories like a tide. He forgot his psychic abilities, the Specters, Zhao Hao, and everything else seemed to fade away.

As the peach was nearly finished, a single image flashed in his mindnot a resurgence of memory, but the last remaining image in his dwindling memories.

It was a woman, exceptionally beautiful, elf-like, in a moon-white dress, with pale, flawless skin and a warm, inviting smile.

The woman was gently smiling, her lips moving as if saying something.

_'What is she saying?'_ Fang Xiu wondered with a trace of confusion. _'Who is this woman?'_

Suddenly, darkness encroached like a flood, erasing the image.

Fang Xiu grew more perplexed. He had this feeling that the woman in his memory was important, possibly holding extraordinary significance to him, yet he couldn't recall who she was.

Gradually, the image of the woman was consumed more and more by darkness. First, her lower body vanished, followed by her upper body, until only her flawless face with a gentle smile remained. She seemed to be softly speaking, her lips slightly parted as if saying something.

_'What's she saying?' _Fang Xiu focused intently on her lips, trying to read them.

"Honey, time for breakfast!"

"Honey, breakfast!"

As if from a distance, a soft, gentle voice echoed.

Suddenly, Fang Xiu's mind was shaken to its core. A torrent of unimaginable hatred and endless rage erupted from the depths of his soul, like a volcanic eruption or a tsunami, unleashing chaos.

His eyes filled with flames of vengeance, and under the intense emotion, his right eye turned crimson. His black hair, as if sensing its master's turmoil, turned into a flowing mane of silver, wildly dancing in the wind.

"My wife!!" Fang Xiu's voice erupted with a murderous roar. In just an instant, under the surge of hatred and fury, the dark tide that consumed his memories was dispelled.

The memories he had lost were forcefully reclaimed by his vengeance.

Suddenly, Fang Xiu remembered everything: his life before transmigration, his name, his journey to becoming a psychic, and his WIFE!

You lose a lot when you lose your human instincts, but you lose everything when you lose your animal instincts.

Losing daily memories was a significant loss, but only when one forgot their thirst for vengeance did they truly lose everything."

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