Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 129: Zhao Hao’s Other Ability

Chapter 129: Zhao Hao’s Other Ability

After the transformation, Zhao Hao made the place his personal stage.

He held on to a thick branch, and with a strong jump, he landed steadily on it.

His action seemed to anger the Peachface tree. It waved its branches wildly, trying to throw Zhao Hao off, and attacked fiercely with its other branches.

Zhao Hao just smiled slightly, hands in his pockets. He suddenly ducked low.

With his feet as his piston, he jumped off the branch, shooting toward the Peachface tree like a cannonball.

Even when facing the overwhelming branches, he didn't take his hands out of his pockets. Instead, he used his legs to move swiftly, dodging the wild attacks with flips and turns.

When he got closer to the Peachface tree, Zhao Hao shot forward, dodging numerous branches, and came face to face with it.

Seeing the tree's shocked expression, Zhao Hao smiled slightly, hands still in his pockets.

His right leg, however, coiled like a spring, kicking out fiercely.


The powerful kick twisted the Peachface tree's face, sending its body crashing backward.


The impact raised a huge dust cloud, leaving everyone stunned._ _

'Is this Zhao Hao's true power?'

With just one hit, he took down the Peachface tree while the others struggled against its clones.

Having witnessed Zhao Hao's performance, Fang Xiu concluded that Zhao Hao's power had reached the second tier.

The enhancement of his Spiritual Energy last time had benefited Zhao Hao a lot. The improvement wasn't obvious until he transformed, which then increased his strength drastically.

Fang Xiu realized the potential of Zhao Hao's transformation._ _

'Zhao Hao could match a second-tier when he was at first tier, then what will he be able to do at second tier or even third tier?'

The world currently had no fourth-tier psychic. Zhao Hao could be among the top. This power was impressive, even though he could only use it at midnight.

Zhao Hao's kick not only surprised everyone but also made the Peachface tree's clones explode. The main body became much weaker.

The defeated Peachface tree was surprised and angry. It grew branches and vines to make a wooden cage around Zhao Hao, tightening it to squeeze him.

Soon, Zhao Hao was completely caged in. At that moment, he finally took his hands out of his pockets and pushed hard.


The branches broke into tiny pieces.

The Peachface tree was shocked.

"You should feel proud to make me use my hands," Zhao Hao said.

Then, he slammed his foot on the ground, causing it to crack instantly, creating web-like fissures. Using this force, he shot toward the Peachface tree.

He raised his fists high and started punching the tree wildly.

One punch, two punches, three puncheseach hit made a thudding sound. Zhao Hao's fists moved so fast that his fists seemed like a blur.

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The Peachface tree's face kept twisting and deforming under the barrage of punches, like a pounded sticky rice cake.

Under Zhao Hao's relentless assault, the clones of the Peachface tree on the battlefield burst one after another until none were left.

Everyone was left without enemies, staring in awe at Zhao Hao, who now seemed like a god among men.

One female psychic, in particular, blushed at the sight. Handsome and powerful, Zhao Hao's punching was the epitome of masculine appeal.

"With the fear for me in your heart, go to hell!" Zhao Hao shouted, crossing his hands and raising them above his head. Then, he slammed his hands down like a heavy cannon, and a loud sonic boom followed.

"No!!!" the Peachface tree screamed in despair. "Help me, master, help!"

As it screamed, darkness suddenly filled the sky.

A creature surrounded by black smoke and with blood-red eyes appearedNightmare.

The smoke around Nightmare thickened, almost becoming solid, shaping something close to a human form yet still ghostly.

Should Nightmare fully materialize, its power could be overwhelming, posing a threat not just to Greenvine City but to the entire world. Nightmare's power grew effortlessly, feeding on the common fears of humanity. Its mere presence instilled a deep, uncontrollable dread in everyone. Even Zhao Hao, despite his transformed state, felt a wave of fear.

Fang Xiu remained calm and coldly greeted Nightmare, "So, you've chosen to reveal yourself.

Nightmare responded with a chilling laugh, extended its smoky limbs, and declared, "Let fear reign!

Suddenly, black flames, driven by fear, engulfed the crowd.

Screams echoed as people were overcome by their worst fears, left with no choice but to succumb to their terror.

Zhao Hao was hit first and hardest. He screamed as he fell from the Peachface tree, crashing heavily to the ground.

His confidence turned into twisted fear. But even so, Zhao Hao didn't forget to reach out to Fang Xiu, shouting, "Xiu, help me!

Clearly, Zhao Hao's second skill had been activated. His first skill was "It's Midnight", and his second, a hidden trump card, was the spell: "Xiu, help me!"

Fang Xiu, too, was surrounded by the black flames, but they didn't seem to affect him at all. They extinguished as if they had run out of fuel.

Nightmare looked surprised, "You really aren't afraid of me?"

"Afraid of you?" Fang Xiu smiled, showing his teeth, "That's the biggest joke ever."

Nightmare's bloodshot eyes flashed coldly, "Fang Xiu, at this point, whether you fear me doesn't matter. Do you still think I am the same Nightmare as before? I have become the Nightmare of everyone in Greenvine City now! What can you possibly do to resist me?"

Nightmare's black smoke churned, filled with people's fear. It seemed to be the embodiment of all fears in the world, every dreaded thing personified.

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