Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 148

Chapter 148

Ace of Spades was shocked. He suddenly felt itchy spots all over his shadowy body. These itchy spots cracked open like the eyes of a creature, revealing pale white eyeballs.

As the eyeballs appeared, he started losing control of his body. Then, a red-skinned cyclops shot a fierce red light from its eye directly at him.

The red light made Ace of Spades feel surrounded by the fear of death. He knew it could kill him. So, he tried his best to use his shadow power, but it felt like it was nailed down, and he could only use a small part of it. The eyeballs were like nails that could fix the shadow.

The red light then hit the black shadow. There was a loud sizzling sound, like water evaporating from a pot, and Ace of Spades couldn't hold on much longer.

Fang Xiu was also in a tough spot. Ace of Spades was still resisting a few Specters, but Fang Xiu had already been caught. The Specter with many tentacles under its head was stuck to Fang Xiu's head like an octopus.

He felt his strength, spiritual energy, and life rapidly fading. But Fang Xiu didn't care about the Specter. He stood on top of the skyscraper, calmly watching Ace of Spades struggle.

Suddenly, a pale bone spear shot from afar and pierced the red-eyed cyclops, pinning it to the ground. The red light in the cyclops's eye went dim.

Ace of Spades got a chance to breathe. He didn't hesitate and turned into a shadow, fleeing towards the direction of the bone spear.

Then, a figure wearing a King of Spades mask appeared. "I was worried you'd cause trouble, so I followed you. How did you manage to summon such powerful Specters?" he asked seriously.

Ace of Spades was in bad shape. His shadowy body had grown many pale eyeballs, and the number was still increasing. With more eyeballs, he felt heavier and almost out of control.

"Now is not the time for this. Get me out of here!"

"I'm afraid we can't leave."

King of Spades looked seriously at the surrounding Specters.

The red-eyed cyclops pulled the bone spear out of its body. Its chest wound had already healed.

"Damn it!" Ace of Spades was furious. He couldn't believe he was in such a bad situation because of Fang Xiu, a second-tier psychic.


They started fighting fiercely.

Ace of Spades and King of Spades kept using their powers to fight the Specters.

Fang Xiu watched everything, taking the chance to fully understand both of their abilities. Slowly, Fang Xiu felt more and more tired, and his mind started to blur...

After a while, everything reset.

Fang Xiu was again walking alone on an empty street, with streetlights stretching his shadow long on the ground. Suddenly, he stopped and turned around. He looked at his shadow and calmly said, "Come out, Ace of Spades."

The shadow was silent for a moment, then it stood up like a living person, turning into Ace of Spades.

The surprised Ace of Spades looked at the calm Fang Xiu. "Fang Xiu, the foreseer, your reputation is well-deserved. You knew I would come?"

Fang Xiu ignored him and looked toward the nearby woods. "And you, King of Spades."

As he said this, Ace of Spades's eyes widened in disbelief, looking at the woods. Then, King of Spades quietly walked out from the trees.

"How dare you follow me!" Ace of Spades said, shocked and angry.

King of Spades ignored him and stared straight at Fang Xiu. "You even knew I was here."

Fang Xiu calmly faced them both. Then, like reading from a report, he said, "Ace of Spades, your power is to control shadows. You can hide in an enemy's shadow to attack, jump through shadows, and use them to bind the enemy."

As his abilities were listed, Ace of Spades looked terrified. "How do you know all this?!"

"King of Spades, your power is to control bones. You can launch bone spears, grow bone spikes, and form bone armor."

King of Spades was also stunned, realizing for the first time how powerful foresight could be.

In psychic battles, information is crucial. Psychics' powers reflect their minds, and each is unique. Sometimes, bizarre abilities appear, making it vital to understand the opponent's powers.

A second-tier psychic can unexpectedly lose to a first-tier if they're caught off guard.

Knowing the opponent's abilities accurately greatly increases one's chances of winning.

Suddenly, Ace of Spades burst into laughter. "Hahaha, this is great. Fang Xiu, you've given me quite the surprise. With your foresight, I can definitely execute my plan!"

"What plan? The Nightmare incident already got the attention of the Investigation Bureau headquarters. What else do you want to do?" King of Spades asked angrily.

"Hmph, it's none of your business!" Ace of Spades retorted.

As they were about to argue, Fang Xiu's expression changed. He became very cold, like someone used to being in high authority, controlling people's lives and deaths.

In acting, he was very confidentafter all, he often gambled his life on his performance. A mistake could mean death.

He said coldly, "Is this what THE PRESIDENT teaches you?"

As soon as the word "president" was mentioned, the arguing stopped abruptly. Ace of Spades and King of Spades were shocked and couldn't believe what Fang Xiu had just said.

Ace of Spades urgently asked, "Who are you? How do you know about THE president?"

King of Spades was calmer. He tried to suppress his shock and said seriously, "Fang Xiu, you must have heard about the president from somewhere and are testing us, right?"

Fang Xiu smiled coldly and then pronounced a name very clearly, "Zhou Qingfeng. That rings a bell?"

This name hit them like a heavy weight. Even King of Spades, the calmer one, completely lost his composure.

"Who are you? How do you know the president's name? Foresight? No, that's impossible. All information about the president has been confidential; it can't be foreseen."

They could never have guessed that Fang Xiu had seen the name in the president's office of Green Mountain Mental Hospital.

Ace of Spades was even more agitated, "How do you know the president is called Zhou Qingfeng? Have you met him? Where is he now?"

A fierce slap landed on Ace of Spades's face.

Ace of Spades was stunned. Just as his anger was about to erupt, he heard Fang Xiu say coldly, "Who do you think you are to speak the president's name directly?"

Ace of Spades broke out in a cold sweat, stuttering in his response, "I, I"

"Hum? Look at the mess you two made! Who allowed you to use Nightmare to test Yang Ming? Yang Ming is a key part of the president's plan! If something goes wrong, how would you respond to him? You've got some nerve!" Fang Xiu pretended to be an angry boss, continuously scolding them.

Ace of Spades and King of Spades were completely scared.

"It wasn't me, I didn't... I was just worried the president might be deceived by Yang Ming's little tricks."

"So you're saying the president is wrong?"

"No, no, no, I didn't mean that, the president"

Ace of Spades was so anxious that he started to stutter.

Although King of Spades was somewhat discomposed, he still harbored some doubts and cautiously asked, "May I know who you are?"

"You don't get to know who I am." Fang Xiu looked at them with cold arrogance, as if he was looking at mere ants.


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