Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 164

Chapter 164

"Blood is the key to the endless multiplication of Head Ball," Fang Xiu explained. When you kill it, the blood on the steps makes it multiply. As they die, more blood accumulates on the steps, and the cycle continues."

Yang Ming suddenly realized something and said, "No wonder you threw them all into the corridor using your hair. As long as the Head Balls can't touch the blood on the steps, they're finished."

"Uh-huh," Fang Xiu simply agreed.

Everyone was amazed that the seemingly indestructible Scalp Ball was so easy to defeat.

"How did you think of this solution?"

"I saw the future," said Fang Xiu casually. His words struck Ma Xingbang like thunder.

_'Damn! Can he really see the future? No, that's impossible. If he could, why can't I copy it? There can't be a power I can't copy. Could it be'_

In the darkness, a spark of realization flashed in Ma Xingbang's eyes. He had guessed the secret of Fang Xiu's foresight.

Soon, they all arrived on the second floor.

Now, they faced a choice: continue up the stairs or explore the second floor.

However, before anyone could decide, Fang Xiu headed directly to the second floor. He was here to uncover the secrets of the entire Green Mountain Mental Hospital, and naturally, he wouldn't miss any floor.

No one questioned Fang Xiu's decision. Everyone thought he must have seen the future again, which was why he chose the second floor.

After the Head Ball incident, everyone became more cautious.

The layout of the second floor was similar to the first, with a long corridor flanked by small rooms.

The rooms had door numbers 104, 109, 201, and 311.

Seeing these numbers, Fang Xiu frownedhe had been here before.

The first time he visited Green Mountain Mental Hospital, he saw this place in the real world. But now, the space here was completely chaotic. The weakening seals had allowed several Specters to escape, causing a distortion in the Specter Zone.

Rooms that should be on the first floor appeared on the second floor, and there were even rooms from the third floor.

This meant that Fang Xiu's previous advantage of knowing the terrain was greatly diminished.

The first time Fang Xiu escaped from Green Mountain Mental Hospital, part of the reason was his knowledge of the terrain and knowing where the safe exits were. But this time, everything was mixed up.

"This ward is really strange. Rooms starting with 1 should be on the first floor, and those starting with 2 on the second. Why are they all mixed up here?" Yang Ming also noticed something odd.

"Specters! There are quite a few Specters locked up in these rooms!" Ma Xingbang suddenly exclaimed with a grim expression. At the same time, his nose twitched continuously, clearly smelling the presence of Specters.

Yang Ming was startled, "Don't scare me now, there are at least ten rooms here! You mean there could be over ten Specters on this floor?"

"Not that many. I smell about five Specters," Ma Xingbang corrected.

"Five, huh." Yang Ming breathed a slight sigh of relief.

Bai Qi couldn't help but scold him, "Idiot! If there are five in the rooms, that means the rest have escaped!"

"What? Can you tell which room is empty and which has Specters, Mr. Ma?" asked Yang Ming.

Ma Xingbang shook his head gravely. "The Specters are too close; their scents are mixed together. I can't pinpoint their exact locations."


Fang Xiu had already kicked open a door to one of the rooms.

"What are you doing, Fang Xiu!" Ma Xingbang was both shocked and angry.

The other two were startled too, staring at the door that had been kicked open, fearing something terrifying might leap out.

However, Fang Xiu had already walked inside.

They were stunned, not expecting Fang Xiu to be so bold. But they quickly realized that he might have foreseen something.

Ma Xingbang's eyes flickered, more certain of his own speculation, _'Can his foresight be used so freely? It seems my guess is right.'_

The group followed Fang Xiu inside and found indeed there was no Specter.

The room was not a ward but resembled a doctor's office. There was a coat rack with a lab coat hanging on it, a desk with scattered stethoscopes, and some medical reports stained with blood.

In fact, Fang Xiu had not foreseen that there were no Specters here. He knew clearly that the Specters here were already dead.

The room belonged to the doctorthe doctor with the pretty, long legs.

This Specter had helped Fang Xiu activate his psychic power for the first time. If he hadn't touched the Specter's long legs, Fang Xiu might still be an ordinary person.

However, the doctor had already been killed by Yang Kunpeng and his team.

This made it impossible for Fang Xiu to properly repay the "kindness," which he slightly regretted.

But now was not the time for sentiments. Fang Xiu walked straight to the desk and picked up the blood-stained reports.

The first time he was here, when he looked through the real world into the hospital, he saw these reports in the doctor's office. But at that time, because his body could not touch anything and the reports were stacked together, the information he could get was limited.

Now, he could finally see what was in the reports.

The first page, splattered with blood, was just like what Fang Xiu had seen before.

"Experiment 128 (blood-covered), Specter Transformation Level: 2164. Transformation failed."

He quickly flipped past the first page, looking further.

Unfortunately, the subsequent pages were also soaked with blood, leaving only parts of the text clear.

Fang Xiu flipped through page after page, encountering disturbing experimental records. Most of the terms he had never heard before, ranging from Specter organ transplants to corpse fat and live sacrificeshorrific stuff.

Yang Ming and the others were continuously shocked by what they saw.

"This hospital was actually transforming living people into Specters! Damn them! Are they insane, thinking there aren't enough Specters in the world already?" Yang Ming was both shocked and angry, feeling as if a fire was burning in his chest.

Ma Xingbang's eyes grew brighter the more he read. _'I can't be wrong! It must be here!'_

Fang Xiu flipped faster and faster until he stopped abruptly at the last page.

The last page read:

**Experiment 104: Faceless**

**Age: Thirteen **

**Gender: Female**

**Original Extract Potential: Class S**

**Transformation successful.**

Seeing this line, Fang Xiu instantly thought of the faceless little girl in the psychiatric hospital, whose name, age, gender, and even the test number matched.

The little girl's room was number 104.

"Class-S potential?" Yang Ming gasped in shock. "What kind of place is this hospital, churning out a Class-S Specter like that?"

While everyone was shocked by the mention of an Class-S, Ma Xingbang's eyes were fixed on the words "Original Extract."

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