Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 181: Kangkang, My Child

Chapter 181: Kangkang, My Child

The moment they saw the small boy, Fang Xiu and the others felt all the evil in the world rushing at them, making it hard to breathe.

He seemed even more terrifying than Faceless.

Luckily, he was asleep.

Nobody dared to speak; they just looked at each other.

Yang Ming signaled with his eyes and pointed to the bronze door behind the small boy.

Clearly, the challenge this time was to defeat the boy and then go behind the bronze door to get the Genesis.

But after feeling the terrifying energy from the boy, everyone just wanted to sneak past quietly.

So, they all silently agreed to lower their voices and quietly approached the boy.

Step by step, they reached the top of the high platform.

Seeing the boy so close, Yang Ming swallowed hard, afraid to make any noise that might wake him.

Just as they were about to move forward, they noticed Fang Xiu had stopped in front of the boy and wasn't moving.

This puzzled and worried everyone, and they kept making urgent gestures to Fang Xiu.

"Move, hurry up!" they wished they could shout.

If they woke the boy, they would all be in danger.

But Fang Xiu was unmoved and just calmly watched the boy. Then, suddenly—

He slapped the boy's face.

This action nearly scared everyone out of their wits.

They thought Fang Xiu had gone mad; he had a death wish!

However, the boy, even after being slapped, did not wake up but continued to sleep.

Everyone was slightly surprised and relieved.

"Xiu, what on earth are you doing?" Yang Ming now dared to speak.

But Fang Xiu didn't answer him. He calmly stared at the boy and said softly, "Stop pretending, get up."

The boy suddenly opened six eyes—yes, six eyes.

He had two in his eye sockets, two more in slits above his forehead, and another two on his cheeks.

The six eyes stared straight at Fang Xiu. The pupils were pitch black, like black holes.

"How did you know I was pretending to be asleep?"

The boy might have not talked to anyone in a long time, as he spoke with slight difficulty.

Fang Xiu remained silent, continuing to stare at the boy. How did he know? —Of course, because he had died once before.

It turns out, Fang Xiu had already triggered a reset once.

Last time, they had reached the bronze door, but just then, the boy shot up. Like all the pranks, he appeared behind them and scared everyone terribly.

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So this time, Fang Xiu decided to give the boy a surprise.

The group was shocked when they realized the boy was pretending to be asleep. If he attacked from behind while they were opening the door, they would be caught off guard.

"You guys are so annoying, I wanted to give you a surprise," the small boy said, sounding disappointed. If it weren't for his six eyes, he would seem like a normal, aggrieved child.

"Where's the key to the bronze door?" Fang Xiu asked directly.

The boy blinked, his six eyes opening and closing in a disturbing fashion.

"You are not the lucky one. I can't give the key to you. President Zhou told me that only the lucky one gets the key."

Hearing this, Yang Ming immediately stepped forward and reached out to the boy.

"I am the lucky one. Give me the key."

The boy turned his head, his six eyes intently staring at Yang Ming. After a moment, the boy clapped his hands happily and said, "Great, I've been waiting for you. Here, the key is yours."

Saying this, the boy spat out a bronze key covered in saliva.

Yang Ming took the key with disgust and quickly wiped the saliva off.

Everyone was a bit stunned because it all seemed too easy.

This wasn't like the final challenge they had anticipated. Normally, their final enemy would be extremely difficult to handle, similar to defeating a boss monster in the last level of a game before obtaining the key item.

This final enemy seemed too generous and understanding.

While everyone was still bewildered, the small boy had already stood up. He smiled at the group and said, "The task President Zhou gave me is completed, so now I will begin."

_'Begin what?' _

Alarms went off in everyone's minds.

The boy's body began to swell, and his face twisted grotesquely. Countless black, snake-like scales, grew from his body. His small stature rapidly grew taller.

In the blink of an eye, he transformed into a monster over five meters tall, with six eyes. His body was covered in black scales, with bone spikes growing at the joints.

His entire body shimmered with a cold metallic luster, and his long tail moved excitedly. He was a monster born for slaughter.

"What are you trying to do!" Yang Ming was horrified. "If you attack us, aren't you afraid you'd disappoint President Zhou?"

The boy's voice had completely changed, becoming harsh and icy.

"He gave me the task of guarding the key. I just needed to wait for the lucky one to come, and then hand over the key. I've already given you the key, so my task is completed. President Zhou didn't say I couldn't kill anyone."

"Don't you have a brain?" Yang Ming cursed angrily. "President Zhou gave you the key to let me get the Genesis. Can't you understand that simple thing?"

The small boy sneered coldly, "He only told me to give you the key, he never said I couldn't kill you."

"Damn it! You're doing this on purpose!" Yang Ming exclaimed.

"That's right, I am doing it on purpose," the boy's face twisted into a ferocious snarl, and he let out an inhuman roar.

His six eyes suddenly burst into a blood-red glow. Madness filled those eyes, like a beast eager to devour.

"I am President Zhou's most perfect creation! Why didn't he take me to the Other Side? Why didn't he let me follow him? I wanted to be his weapon. It's all because of you! Damn 'the lucky one'! It's because of you that I couldn't follow him and have been waiting in this ruined palace for so long! You should go to hell, all of you!"

"Hey, hey, it's the lucky one's fault, what does that have to do with us?" Ma Xingbang quickly tried to dissociate himself from Yang Ming.

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"Shut up!"

A furious aura erupted from the small boy, making the entire underground palace shake and nearly collapse.

Everyone's face changed as they were forced to retreat. They felt as if this terrifying energy was suffocating them.

Just at this critical moment, a gentle voice echoed throughout the hall, breaking the deadly tension.

"Kangkang, my child."

Hearing that, the boy suddenly froze. He turned incredulously to look at Fang Xiu.

Fang Xiu seemed transformed. His face no longer calm, but wearing a gentle smile. His eyes squinted, his demeanor elegant.

The boy's six eyes fixed on Fang Xiu.

"Who are you! How do you know the name Kangkang!"

In an instant, the furious Specter energy surged like a tidal wave, pressing down on Fang Xiu. Even the stone tiles beneath his feet cracked like a spiderweb.

But Fang Xiu was unmoved, for he had faced even more terrifying beings and had been killed by them a hundred and one times before.

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