Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 187

Chapter 187

Under the pressure of gravity, Fang Xiu's speed was greatly limited, but Ma Xingbang's speed increased rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, Ma Xingbang appeared in front of Fang Xiu as if he had teleported. He had a cold smile on his face as he threw a fierce punch at Fang Xiu's chest.

"Gravity Punch!"

He increased the gravity multiple times on his right fist as his punch combined the power of gravity and the terrifying power of a Specter.

The sound of a sonic boom erupted in the room

But Fang Xiu didn't even glance at it. He didn't defend himself and continued reaching for the mask.

Ma Xingbang didn't stop him. After all, there was no need to stop a dead man from grabbing a mask.

Finally, just as Fang Xiu touched the mask. The powerful gravity punch hit his chest.

With such great force, even Fang Xiu's Specter-enhanced body couldn't withstand it.

His heart was instantly pierced and shattered. Blood and pieces of flesh sprayed from his back, leaving a gaping hole in his chest.

Ma Xingbang smirked as he pulled his bloody right fist from the hole in Fang Xiu's chest.

"I won." He smiled confidently, with a calm and relaxed demeanor. "What good is seeing the future? Against absolute power, all you can foresee is your own death—"

He stopped mid-sentence, his pupils dilating in shock.

Fang Xiu, whose heart was gone, was calmly picking up the evil Specter mask and putting it on his face.

Slowly, Fang Xiu, wearing the evil Specter mask, turned his head. His eyes, devoid of any human emotion, looked at Ma Xingbang.

"What did you just say?"

"How are you not dead?" Ma Xingbang was shocked, his scalp tingling. "Your heart is gone!"

A cruel smile appeared on Fang Xiu's lips. The Ghost Mask on his face seemed to come alive, smiling as well.

"Dead? From such a weak attack?"

As soon as he finished speaking, something miraculous happened. The hole in Fang Xiu's chest began to heal rapidly. Blood and flesh wriggled and intertwined, and his blood vessels, muscles, heart, and skin grew back. In the blink of an eye, everything was restored, as if the hole was never there.

With the ability to absorb pain and transform between reality and illusion, Fang Xiu was nearly impossible to kill unless he was crushed within a second.

So now, Fang Xiu was almost immortal, at least until his Spiritual Energy ran out.

As Fang Xiu's injury healed, the Ghost Mask on his face erupted with an extremely evil and powerful Specter force.

Endless black mist poured out from the mask, turning into small black snakes that slithered and coiled around Fang Xiu. The powerful force he emitted even caused the stone slabs beneath his feet to crack.

He looked even more terrifying than Ma Xingbang had before. Fang Xiu had both the power of the scalpel and the mask, making him even stronger.

After accepting the mask's power, Fang Xiu sensed a message within it. He understood why Ma Xingbang didn't want anyone else to touch the mask.

The way to unify all the masks was to kill everyone else, proving they were the most worthy to inherit the Genesis mask.

Everyone who entered the room had the right to obtain a mask. When they killed others and took their rights, the masks would merge into one.

It was like a survival game. Once inside the room, the people became like beasts fighting to survive. Each person chose a mask and started fighting. The last one standing would get the ultimate mask.

The game started as soon as they entered the room. Four people for four masks. They could choose not to pick one, but if others did, they would gain power, putting the rest at a disadvantage.

Now Fang Xiu understood why Ma Xingbang had acted so differently after wearing the mask. Ma Xingbang had claimed his mask was the true Genesis mask and attacked everyone else.

In truth, Ma Xingbang was acting. He said that to make others lose interest in the remaining masks. Then he would kill everyone and take the true Genesis mask for himself.

It was all a performance.

Ma Xingbang looked at Fang Xiu, who seemed more like a Specter than himself, and his face grew darker. Even without a face, his skull mask clearly showed his expression.

"Since you know the secret of the Genesis mask, let's fight to see who is truly worthy of it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ma Xingbang attacked. He wanted to end the fight quickly before Fang Xiu fully adapted to the mask's power.

Even though Fang Xiu had healed from his shattered heart, Ma Xingbang didn't believe that someone could recover if their head was destroyed.

He was right. Fang Xiu's biggest weakness was his head. If it was destroyed and he lost consciousness, he couldn't use his pain-absorbing ability. Fang Xiu would then die and trigger a reset.

But he knew that better than Ma Xingbang, and he would try everything to avoid the attack on his head.

"Amplify! Twenty times gravity!"

Ma Xingbang shouted, pressing his hand down toward Fang Xiu with immense force.

Suddenly, Fang Xiu's body sank in. The stone slabs under his feet shattered, and his feet even sank into the ground.

He hadn't expected Ma Xingbang to have an amplifying ability. No wonder he had been able to hold off Faceless before while he could only use second-tier powers. It turned out that he had used two abilities: gravity and amplification.

"Hahaha! With you struggling under twenty times gravity, you can't even catch me. What are you going to use to win?" Ma Xingbang laughed wildly, confident of his victory.

The situation was indeed as he said. Fang Xiu was bearing twenty times gravity, while Ma Xingbang had his own gravity reduced by half and was moving with increased speed.

Both of them had masks on, which meant they were on an equal playing field.

It seemed Fang Xiu was at a disadvantage.

But he knew he would win. He would win easily, without even needing to use his death reset ability.

"You want to know how I'll win? It's simple: with the mask," Fang Xiu said calmly."

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