Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 192

Chapter 192

# Chapter 192 A Big Fight With The Wife

Fang Xiu sat at the dining table, quietly eating the breakfast he made.

His "wife" sat beside him. She rested her face on her fair, slender hands, watching him with a gentle smile.

After finishing breakfast, Fang Xiu silently wiped his mouth and stood up.

He looked at his "wife" and said, "With my current strength, I should be able to try."

"You can see me!" His "wife's" gentle smile turned hideous. Her skin cracked, and her smooth black hair writhed like black snakes.

Fang Xiu did not back down. His hair turned silver instantly, and his right eye turned bloodshot. The scalpel in his right hand emitted chaotic Specter power, with black aura flowing into his nose and mouth.

Then, his left palm tore open, revealing Taotie's Mouth. Black flames flickered on his face, transforming into a fierce Specter face.

Compared to his "wife", Fang Xiu now looked more like a Specter.

Fang Xiu moved. The black flame Specter face burst into bright flames, enveloping his entire body.

He seemed to burn away, disappearing into thin air, and the black flames vanished. But in the next second, the Specter’s black flames appeared behind his "wife."

In the blazing fire, Fang Xiu reappeared. The scalpel in his hand turned into a silver light, aiming for his "wife's" fair neck.

His revenge was within reach!

Fang Xiu's eyes boiled with the flames of hatred.

His "wife" didn't seem to react and was stabbed in the back. Finally, the scalpel pierced her body.

A fierce smile appeared on Fang Xiu's face, but then he felt something was wrong.

The sensation was off! It felt like he had stabbed into mud with a strong suction force.

Due to the force, Fang Xiu's hand went in, followed by his arm, shoulder, and even his body.

Moreover, as he touched his "wife's" body, the black flames on his Genesis Mask went out. His silver hair, which usually went wild, now drooped. His Blood Pupil closed, and Taotie's Mouth shut.

Most of Fang Xiu’s body melted, merging into his "wife."

At this moment, his "wife" turned her head. Her head rotated 180 degrees, showing her ecstatic expression.

"Honey, get in and become one with me."

This was the last thing Fang Xiu heard before losing consciousness completely. His head was absorbed, and he lost all awareness.


The Death Reset was triggered, and Fang Xiu returned to the moment he was eating breakfast again.

Fang Xiu silently finished his breakfast and quietly washed the dishes, never glancing at his "wife."

It was close, but not enough. It seemed he was still too weak.

He silently set a goal for himself. He would wait until he reached the third tier before trying again.

What surprised him was that not only was the Genesis Mask suppressed, but even Taotie's Mouth shut itself up.

_'So she's stronger than Taotie?'_

Fang Xiu considered that for a moment but dismissed the thought immediately. The fact that his "wife" suppressed his Taotie's Mouth skill didn't mean she was stronger than Taotie. After all, his Taotie's Mouth was not the real one.

The Mouth on his palm couldn't even bite through Kangkang, let alone his "wife."

But there was one thing Fang Xiu was sure of—his "wife's" strength was definitely higher than Class S. Kangkang was an S-class Specter, and he couldn't make Taotie's Mouth shut, but his "wife" did.

So it seemed even reaching the third tier wouldn't be enough. He needed to reach the fourth tier. Fang Xiu set a goal for himself, and that was to become a fourth-tier psychic before trying to kill "wife" again.

At that moment, the phone rang. It was Su Kexin.

"Agent Fang, the headquarters has sent a message. They want you to head to Shangjing City. They said—"

Fang Xiu hung up the phone. There was no need to listen to the rest of the formalities.

Ma Xingbang's death was nothing big to him now. The headquarters had no evidence; even if they did, it wouldn't matter. His ability to foresee the future was a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Besides, there was another reason for him—it was getting dark.

To be precise, it wasn't really dark, as it was still daytime, but his room became dark.

A shadow, black as ink, covered the entire room.

Ace and the King of Spades emerged from the shadow.

"Sir," they said and knelt respectfully.

Fang Xiu's gaze remained steady, his tone calm and indifferent, "I remember telling you not to come to me unless I summon you. Did you forget?"

His calm tone carried no anger, but to Ace and the King of Spades, it was as terrifying as a devil's demand, sending chills down their spines. They immediately recalled the fear of being dominated by pain.

Two heavy thuds sounded as Ace and King of Spades pressed their foreheads firmly to the floor, trembling. "We remember every word you've said, sir. This time, we came because we have important news to report."


"Yes, sir! Not long ago, Yan Changshou from the Investigation Bureau's headquarters contacted us and ordered us to assassinate you."

_'The headquarters? Yan Changshou?'_

Hearing the unfamiliar name, Fang Xiu quickly connected it to Ma Xingbang. The guy was his only connection to headquarters.

If he had offended someone there, it was likely because of Ma Xingbang. Given Ma Xingbang's evident ties with the Pokers, it was clear Yan Changshou, now seeking to use Ace and King of Spades to kill him, was behind this.

Fang Xiu didn't ask who Yan Changshou was. As someone pretending to be a high-ranking member of the Pokers, he would've some knowledge of people connected to them. He couldn't afford to expose himself.

"Yan Changshou, huh? Seems like he's **tired of living***."

Ace of Spades quickly agreed, "You're right. Yan Changshou must have lost his mind. Even though he's now one of the five captains in headquarters, if it weren't for the Pokers, he would have died in some Specter Zone long ago. We were shocked that he dared to target you. Of course, he doesn't know you're undercover, but he's a threat to you now. So, we took the initiative and killed his contact with us as a warning."

"You fool!" Fang Xiu snorted coldly.

Ace and King of Spades shivered, pressing themselves flatter against the ground, unsure what they had said to anger Fang Xiu.

"Yan Changshou is just someone unimportant. You should've killed him. Do you expect me to deal with him personally?"

Ace of Spades' face changed immediately, and he quickly said, "But sir, Yan Changshou cannot be killed. Joker has already arranged with Yan Changshou to cooperate during this headquarters training session—"

He was interrupted by King of Spades.


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