Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 49: An S-Class Psychic

Chapter 49: An S-Class Psychic

Yang Ming sounded anxious as he said, "Fang, you get that you're playing with fire, right?"

"A hundred spiritual coins," Fang Xiu shot back.

"You!" Yang Ming's expression darkened. "You haven't even joined the Investigation Bureau yet. Do you understand that with just a word from me, I could ruin your life?"

"Make it two hundred."

"Seriously? Stop it! I only earn ten spiritual coins each month. You want two years' worth of my salary? Fine, go ahead, spill it! I'd rather take a beating from Bai than lose that much. You're basically robbing me."

"Okay then."

Fang Xiu stood up, swung open the lounge door, and took a deep breath before shouting, "Yang"

"Hold on, don't joke around!" Yang Ming looked scared and yanked Fang Xiu back in, slamming the door shut. "Alright, can we stick to the first deal of a hundred spiritual coins?"

Fang Xiu took another deep breath as he shouted, "Yang Ming will"

"Okay, okay, two hundred it is!"

In the end, Yang Ming begrudgingly took out two hundred spiritual coins from his stash and handed them over to Fang Xiu to secure his silence. After that, he felt awful, slumping into a corner and lighting up a smoke, much like the way he had when he first received the news of Bai Qi's death.

Later, at 7:50 pm

In a small meeting room at the Investigation Bureau, Fang Xiu, Wang Dehai, and Shen Lingxue were sitting around a table engaged in conversation. Meanwhile, Yang Ming was hunched in a corner, wearing a sour expression.

"Captain Yang, could you please put out that cigarette?" Shen Lingxue covered her nose.

Yang Ming looked up and said, "Shen, could you lend me some spiritual coins?"

The request only made Shen Lingxue even angrier. "I'm a top-level senior psychic earning only five spiritual coins a month. You're the captain making twenty, and you're asking me? No way."

Hearing that the captain earned twenty spiritual coins a month, Fang Xiu realized he'd acted hastily. He made a mental note to shake down Yang Ming for more later.

"Okay, everyone, cut it out. There's a phone call," Wang Dehai interjected.

He picked up his phone and put it on speaker.

"Director Wang, today's winning lottery numbers are 1,12,17,18,26,27,05."

As each number was announced, all eyes turned toward a piece of paper resting on the table. The exact same numbers were written on it: 1,12,17,18,26,27,05.

It was a perfect match!

They'd hit the jackpot!

A hush fell over the room.

Even Yang Ming, who had been smoking in the corner, hurried over.

A few seconds later, Wang Dehai ended the call.

Yang Ming sprinted over and hugged Fang Xiu tightly, exclaiming, "Xiu, you're my real bro starting today. Help me guess the next set of numbers, will ya?"

Shen Lingxue took out her phone to double-check the winning numbers for this round.

Fang Xiu shrugged off Yang Ming's embrace. He didn't like people who didn't get the idea of personal space.

"Okay, Yang Ming, knock it off. Using Fang Xiu's ability to foresee the future can significantly drain his Spiritual Energy. We shouldn't use it for trivial matters," Wang Dehai warned.

Yang Ming finally let go and grumbled, "How's this trivial? I'd risk losing some Spiritual Energy to not be broke."

After Wang Dehai set Yang Ming straight, he turned to Fang Xiu with a warm smile. "Fang Xiu, now that we know your ability is genuine, I'd like to formally invite you to join the Investigation Bureau. We'll also provide you with all the resources you've requested."

Fang Xiu nodded, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. His past troubles seemed worth it now. With the Investigation Bureau's support, his quest for revenge appeared more achievable.

"We must ensure that Fang Xiu's ability remains a closely guarded secret. We can tell others that his power is something akin to heightened awareness," Wang Dehai suggested.

Turning to Shen Lingxue, he continued, "Since you're one of the few who know the truth, Shen Lingxue, you'll look out for him. Get everything set up for him."

Even though Shen Lingxue wasn't particularly enthusiastic about it, she followed orders. "Come on," she said to Fang Xiu, guiding him to complete all the necessary paperwork.

Once they left, Wang Dehai turned to Yang Ming and asked, "So, what do you think about Fang Xiu?"

Stubbing out his cigarette, Yang Ming replied, "He's not your average guy. He's really laid-back. He's young, but he's already been through a Specter event. He's a bit of an enigma; nothing seems to mess with his feelings. Plus, he's got this unique air about him."

"Care to explain?" Wang Dehai asked, furrowing his brow.

"He's completely indifferent to life and death," Yang Ming remarked, his expression grave.

"You mean, like, he's numb to it?"

"Exactly," Yang Ming confirmed. "I've witnessed a similar demeanor in some hired guns and hitmen. It's close to what Fang Xiu exhibits, but not quite the same."

"So, what sets him apart?"

Yang Ming shrugged. "Can't really explain it. But it's like Fang Xiu's been through death over and over. If hitmen aren't scared of dying, Fang Xiu seems like he's used to it."

"You think he's used to death?" Wang Dehai looked stunned. "You sure you're not reading him wrong?"

Right then, Yang Ming burst into laughter, returning to his usual easygoing demeanor. "Look, I don't have super sense or anything. I know him just as much as you do. So, what are you gonna tell the higher-ups about Fang Xiu, Director Wang?"

Wang Dehai paused for a moment before stating, "I'm compiling all the information about Fang Xiu into a confidential file. I'll brief the higher-ups at the Investigation Bureau and propose that we include him in the Global Psychic Talent Database. He'll be classified as S-Class and operate under the codename 'Oracle.'"

"Really?" Yang Ming looked shocked. "You sure about that? Fang Xiu is incredibly valuable, you know. What if the higher-ups just take him? And why am I not in this Psychic Talent Database, but he gets S-Class? This isn't right!"

Wang Dehai didn't bother responding to Yang Ming's last comment.

"The whole point is that Fang Xiu is useful," Wang Dehai explained. "With all these global Specter events happening, something big's coming up. He'd be way more helpful at the headquarters than just staying in Greenvine."

"You sound so full of yourself," Yang Ming said sarcastically. However, secretly, he thought that if Fang Xiu were relocated, at least he wouldn't have to put up with the guy's threats every day.

"There's one more thing," Wang Dehai added. "There's another survivor, Zhao Hao, who's close to Fang Xiu. They've been through a lot together. I'm thinking he could also be part of the Investigation Bureau."

Yang Ming looked confused for a moment. "Uh, Zhao Hao has some kind of sexual power, right? We're recruiting that now?"

Wang Dehai gave a small smile, "You're missing the point. It's all about having a strong bond. Whether Fang Xiu stays here or goes to the headquarters, having Zhao Hao around could be good for us."

He added, "You've seen how distant Fang Xiu is. He's joining us for the spiritual incense, but what if another group offers him something better? Or if we need him back here in Greenvine? In those situations, we could send Zhao Hao to talk to him. Plus, we'd only be paying one extra salary. Seems logical, right?"

"Have you been watching 'One Piece' lately?" Yang Ming quipped.

Wang Dehai's face reddened slightly, and he cleared his throat twice to change the topic. "So, what's the progress on the Shadow investigation? Do you think what happened to Bai Qi was an isolated incident, or was it deliberate?"

When Yang Ming heard "Shadow," he turned serious. It was a rare sight.

"Although we lack concrete evidence, I have a feeling it was intentional."

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