Disciple of Immortal

Act 1: Chapter 4: Immortal Being Interference

Act 1: Chapter 4: Immortal Being Interference

「Thus, I who hates humans…… Have no reason to save you. What I did just now was take a look at the situation, since I heard the voice of someone I’ve never heard before. I don’t care whether you’re going to suffer or die in agony. I just came to take a look while taking a stroll, other matters are trivial.」

Said the girl with nonchalant voice.

「P-Please! I promise, I’ll do anything I can for you! 」

I knelt with my forehead pressed to the floor.

「Time-Space Magic, 8th Rank 《Dimension Pocket》」

She stretched her arm.

The girl’s arm entered into the center of magic circle, and retrieved something from inside.

She placed 3 bottles of bright red fluid on the floor.

「This Was….. My favourite but,….. Oh well….」

After she hesitated for a while……….. The girl took out a rainbow colored apple.

「This is my hand-crafted red potion, and inexhausted fruit for your meal. If you’re a human who came all the way to this place, this much should be enough ration for you to make it back to the surface… No, I mean struggle for your dear life. I don’t mind even if you choose to struggle foolishly and die in the most horrible way.」

「……? D-Did you give me this? 」

Red potion……. was this some sort of restorative drugs?

「Don’t misunderstand, I only give these to prolong your suffering.」

「I-…. Is that so? 」

I really had no idea what she meant, since she was expressionless.

「T-Thank you very much…… I’ll do my best with this…….」

I took the apple and medicine while bowing to her.

…. What’s next is- how to carry them, I guess.

「… You, don’t tell me that you don’t have a magic pouch? 」

「EH? What’s that? 」

The girl pressed her fingers to her temple, used that 《Dimension Pocket》 thing again and took a small blue colored pouch.()

「Put those items into this pouch.」

「Eh, this…」

「…. The inside of this pouch is larger than its appearance, more than enough to keep those items.」

“That’s illogical!” was my first thought, but perhaps it wasn’t impossible seeing how she had the ability to fish out items kept in another dimension.

Let’s just get used to this kind of situation.

「M-My deepest gratitude…. Lich-san」

「… Name’s Lunaire. Lich isn’t my name, it’s the name of the type of undead I turned into with magic.」

「T-Thank you very much, Lunaire-san. I won’t forget this debt of gratitude, I definitely will repay this debt of gratitude.」

「Don’t worry about it, I’m helping you just to prolong your suffering.」

…… From her expressionless face, I really had no idea if she was serious or not.

It was very unlikely for her to go this far to save me just to see me suffer more, but…

「Well then, please be careful– I mean die a painful death.」

…… It seems that there was some rules here that she couldn’t break.

「T-Thank you very much ……… 」

Lunaire left through the passage she’d come from after she left such with a goodbye that mismatched with her action.

I tried to put the strange rainbow-colored apple, and red potions which I received from her into the blue pouch… Or should I call it magic pouch.

It turned out that despite its little size, that pouch really could store all of those items.

As expected of an item that went by the name of magic pouch.

After being impressed with the pouch’s ability, I tied the cord attached to the pouch onto my belt.

But….. It almost didn’t change anything, despite having a little bit of assurance, at this rate, I was still bound to die.

Unexpectedly~perhaps because I felt the kindness that mismatched with the eerie aura around her~ my intuition told me to cling to her with tears.

Though it seemed shameless, I was left with no other choice since my life was hanging on a delicate balance.

But then, my last hope had left me…. I couldn’t do anything since Lunaire had left this place.

「I forgot to tell you about one thing.」


I straightened up and turned around in a hurry when I suddenly heard that voice.

There was Lunaire, she held a sword in her hand.

「Since you’re unarmed, I guess your weapon got stolen by those demons. I think it’s better if you take this guy with you. Well, take this as my farewell gift to send you to the next life.」

Lunaire tossed the sword in her hand to the floor.

Its blade pierced the floor.

It was an old fashioned long sword.

It seems this sword was made with stone, there was something written on it.

It didn’t seem like it had any cutting power but, it must possess some sort of hidden power seeing that it could easily pierce through the floor.

「T-Thank you very much ……… 」

「Well then, struggle till the bitter end.」

Lunaire hovered in the air again, and then left.

…. But, she somehow left me with some sort of sword.

Should I call her back and prostrate in front of her?

No, I shouldn’t. I mean she healed my wounds, gave me convenient items and a magic pouch; moreover, she even went as far as to give me a weapon.

I’m afraid that asking for more would only incur her wrath… Rather, I might even displease her.

After her retreating figure left my field of vision, I tried to pull the sword that stabbed into the floor.

I……. Couldn’t pull it out.

For 30 minutes after that, no matter what I did to that sword, whether I kicked it as hard as I could, pulled it, or even tried to coax it with words while brushing on its hilt- this shitty sword didn’t budge at all.

Rather, what made her think that I could pull this sword out?

The blade had sunk really deep into the floor.

Is this one of those swords which can only be pulled out by the chosen hero from a pointy green colored hat?. [TL : Harry potter?] [E/D: What, now we’re gonna ‘sort’ things in this manner?!]

『This much should be enough for a human who could reach this place… No, I mean struggle for your dear life and suffer as you die a dog’s death.』

Suddenly, a realization of the meaning of what Lunaire had said before, dawned upon me.

「C-Could it be that she thinks I came so far…… With my own power?」

After I tried to pull that sword for the last time and found that it still wouldn’ budge at all, I was convinced.

「I guess I have to give up….」

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