Disciple of Immortal

Act 1: Chapter 41: 《JinMaRyuu》

Act 1: Chapter 41: 《JinMaRyuu》


I muttered to myself while lining up by the adventurer guild’s reception counter.

I used 《Status Check》 on the people around me while being very careful as to not raise any suspicion, but the results took me by surprise.


Lir Lirein

Race : Ningen[Human]

Lv :22

HP :101/101

MP :84/84


Keel Maifader [TL : Might be a pun for “Kill My Father”, the raw could also read that way]

Race : Ningen[Human]

Lv :9

HP :41/41

MP :34/34


I’d already checked the statuses of twenty people so far but… their levels were only around 8~30. Though I had to reassess my standards after seeing the Lv 181 Lovis, I was forced to make yet another reassessment at seeing the Lv 28 Octavio.

How should I say it… I finally felt like I understood this weird feeling of being out of place I’d felt so far.

Majority of the people who worked as adventurers were around Lv 30. The reason Lovis had made such a self-important claim when he’d just met me was because he was backed with real skills.

My body was drenched in sweat as I reached this realization.

I might be treated as an extremely dangerous monster if they discovered my level was 4122.

I had always wondered whether I really had to raise my level that much. Could it be that Lunaire had kept some secret from me? Or perhaps, her standards for what was considered “normal” had long since been broken after staying in 《Cocytus》 for a thousand years.

At that moment, I suddenly recalled Lunaire’s words.

『I think both places are equally dangerous but… those on that side might keep an eye on you when they know about your power and the fact that you’re a transferred person, nay, they absolutely will do that.』

Lunaire’s intense training might have been because she’d predicted the kind of dangerous situations I would have to face after leaving Cocytus. To think she might’ve predicted that far.

I mean, Lovis had realized right away that I was a transferred person.

Honestly, my four digit level was clearly strange, right?

「… Eh?」

Something had suddenly caught my eyes while my thoughts were wandering. I saw Lovis’ portraits posted on the guild’s wall.

It was rather similar to a wanted poster.

Written under that portrait seemed to be his name, 【Black Reaper; Lovis】 and underneath that was  【Bounty :80 millions Gold】.

Gold seems to be the currency of this world. I’m lacking knowledge regarding the currency of this world, but it seems that there’s not that much difference in value between one gold and one yen.

…T-that guy was worth 80 million gold?

「Since there was a report of this scary guy appearing in this city, this wanted poster is being pasted in such conspicuous place.」

I turned around to face the one who’d spoken up.

He was a lanky man around my age and carried a bow on his back.

「Uhm, can you tell me about that person? I don’t know much about him after all…」

「Seriously? You don’t know about Lovis? He’s a dangerous fella who’s responsible for quite a few problems, from obstructing trading routes to assasination. Adventurers have been gathering together to subjugate him, but he’s too strong. Though some praise him for being a charismatic villain and a chivalrous thief or for his deeds in destroying crime syndicated, he’s really just simply a battle junky.」

「Charismatic villain… is it?」

The image of Lovis rubbing his hands together with a cramped smile on his face suddenly passed through my mind.

Charismatic villain… is it?

He didn’t seem like such a big-shot but… could it be that the Lovis I know is a sham with a similar name?

N-Nonono, I couldn’t think of him as an impersonator but…

When I looked at Lovis’ wanted poster, my eyes suddenly were drawn to the bright red wanted poster besides it.

「U-uhm… The red wanted poster beside Lovis-sa– I mean beside Lovis’ is whom?」

The person drawn in that red wanted picture was a slit-eyed young man wearing a robe.

The subjugation’s reward wasn’t written in there.

There was only his name, 【Evil God’s Apostle; Notes】.

His wanted poster might be pasted on this noticeable place for the same reason as Lovis’, someone witnessed his appearance in this city.

「Seriously, you don’t even know about 《JinMaRyuu*》too? You’re way too ignorant about the way of the world, dude. Listen to me, 《JinMaRyuu》 is referring to a human with demon and dragon power. They’re a living disaster in human form. They bring about calamity and destruction in their wake with might that’s comparable to dragon’s. The reason why the reward isn’t written is because it’s impossible to subjugate him.」 [TL* : JinMaRyuu[人魔竜], maybe a reference to an old JUMP title “Dragon Quest : Dai’s Great Adventure”, the MC is a RyuuMaJin[竜魔人], guardian of the world who have the might of dragon and magic of demon in human form. TRY TO READ IT IF YOU HAVE SOME FREE TIME.]

A-A monster like that existed in this world, huh.

「In addition, I think this alert about the Evil God’s Apostle; Note is just a bogus anyway. I mean just yesterday, the patrol soldiers were tearing down his wanted poster which was pasted on a noticeable place. I mean, I’ll escape as fast as I can If that monster really is coming to this city. There are so many rumors about him spread throughout this city, causing so many people to get nervous. Meanwhile, we don’t even know whether the person himself is still alive or already dead.」

The man spoke while laughing merrily.

Sure enough, as if you could find that kind of monster scattered around in this world.

It was finally my turn to speak to the receptionist. I finished my registration at the counter in a jiffy by using the money I’d received from Lovis. Along with my registration, I also received a card with my simple information inscribed on it.

But… there was no decent request for me to take up.

All of them were so easy, more like chores rather than requests. They were something along the lines of searching for a lost cat or carrying luggage for someone. The most proper one for me was helping in preparation for a contract with a low rank spirit.

That much should be possible to do by yourself.

Goblin extermination or foraging for herbs in the forest was also an F rank request, but I couldn’t take that one.

「Should I try, the one involved with combat? But still…」

「Ah… an F ranked adventurer can’t take a monster related request unless they’re in party of two, even if it’s just for the form’s sake.」

The girl at the reception desk told me with an expression that clearly showed her unamusement with dealing with troublesome newvies.

… I guess I have no choice but to try looking for someone to form a party with while assisting with the summoning contract and being a baggage carrier.

While I pondered over the matter, my ears caught an angry voice from the direction of the entrance of the guild’s building.

「Oi Pomera, why didn’t you meet us on time? Are you looking down on us?」

「Eh, B-but… You also just coming though?」

「How stupid can you be? We went out shopping since you weren’t there when we arrived. Know your place, we’re already kind enough to allow someone like you to become our party member, trash!」

There, I saw a pale faced Pomera being shouted at by some blue haired chap.

That’s her “kind and dependable” teammates huh.

It seems there’s another girl in their party but, she just gave a yawn as if she didn’t care at all.

Pomera had told me before that they’re good people but I couldn’t see anything that resembled “good people” in them. Though that man was scolding Pomera for being late, he wasn’t in the right either since he just left to shop without even waiting for Pomera and made her wait for a long time.

「I-I’ll be lining up again!」

I guess I can’t just let this pass. After all, I was the main reason behind Pomera being late.

I bowed to the receptionist and quickly grabbed the registration card before heading towards Pomera.

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