Disciple of Immortal

Act 2: Chapter 33: Guild Master

Act 2: Chapter 33: Guild Master

「《Heal》! Uhm, it’s done. This should be enough, he needs to take a rest until he’s fully recovered…」

「Thank you very much! My deepest apologies for the trouble caused by Alfred-sama…」

Sarah repeatedly bowed to Pomera.

「N-Nonono, it’s okay…」

Pomera could only reply back with an awkward smile on her face.

The culprit of this incident, Alfred himself, was lying lifelessly.

Since his external wounds had already been treated by Pomera, he would wake up sooner or later.

… Well, after all that happened to him, I don’t think that he will try to find trouble with Pomera again later.

Considering his personality, I guess he won’t stay in this magic city for too long. He might leave the city as soon as he wakes up.

Thus, things were peaceful again after Alfred and Pomera’s duel.

It seems the assessment of the Jumbo Ragno ended during the commotion.

「You’ll receive 2670k gold for 170 Ragno eyes… and 600k gold for the two jumbo Ragno eyes and the additional reward for the information you brought back… in total you’ll receive 3.27mil gold.」

I received a bag filled with money from the receptionist.

It was quite heavy.

The adventurers around us raised a delightful cry upon seeing me receive the money bag.

「We did it, Kanata-san! Though Pomera knew the number, this is the first time Pomera’s seen this much money in her life!」

Pomera showed a rare, elated face.

「Yeah, I’m also deeply moved. With this, we might be able to buy the ingredients for the drug.」

My hands trembled lightly.

I mean, though I only did this as a special case, to think that I could get more than three million gold in one hunt.

Though it was nothing but an easy commission which might be only enough for a small sum of change to survive today back in Aarburg, the commissions in this city made me want to hunt more dangerous monsters.

Wait, let’s stop such a dangerous train of thought and go by Lunaire’s words and lay low.

I mean, who knows how many powerful beings stronger than me are hiding out there, let’s take a lesson from Philia’s case.

The scope of the commissions would be in a whole other dimension once I go beyond an A-rank adventurer.

「We still lacking a bit though…」

Though I agree with her, I held back from shaking my head.

According to what I heard just a while ago, the name of the S-rank adventurer in this city should be… Kotone, and was most likely a transferee just like me.

But different from me, she was prepared properly by Nyarlhotep and co as the protagonist, so she should have received somesort of special skill or weapon.

In addition, the monsters whose power could match the transferee were also hiding somewhere in this world, either sealed, or forgotten.

That’s why I shouldn’t let my guard down.

Suddenly, I saw Sarah receive her and Alfred’s commission rewards from another counter and then bow to the receptionist who gave the reward money.

After that, she walked quickly to the entrance.

… She must be used to this kind of trouble.

That moment, someone shouted from inside the guild building.



The angry shout resounded from inside the guild.

Hearing that voice alone was enough to send a chill running down my spine.

Just what kind of a messed up situation I was thrown into now?

The big shot of the guild left the meeting, but he sounds like an extremely scary person.

「He seems to be pissed off, huh… Pomera, that voice just now seems… familiar…」

Pomera was tilting her neck in confusion.

That moment, a tall and muscular man with a stiff, white beard and bridge nose was coming out from inside the guild’s staff section.

He flexed his neck and then glared at the adventurers in the building.

The adventurers who received his gaze stiffened for a moment and then stopped moving.

「Ah, beardy person…」

Philia muttered innocently while pulling my robe.

Sure enough, I’d seen that man before.

He was the big shot at 《Mithril’s Cane》 who we met when we’re looking for the ingredients for 《Ether》, Gannet.

「He’s managing the guild too, huh…」

He must’ve had a jam-packed schedule since both positions were extremely hectic one.

Nevertheless, he didn’t need to shout…

Upon seeing Gannet walking out, the staff gave a way for him.

Maybe, he was normally a scary person.

Even when he left the counter, even the most wild-looking and rude adventurers were giving way to him.

Those guys might be driven back by his spirit, or should I call it, aura.

Gannet walked with a vexed look on his face as he squinted his eyes to look into our surroundings.

It was as if he was looking for something.

「S-Shall we move to the side, K-Kanata-san.」


We moved to the edge of the guild building.

Suddenly, Gannet’s eyes met ours.

Gannet’s stern face bloomed into a smile as he walked in hurry towards us.

I unintentionally turned around to see whether there was someone else behind us.

「If it isn’t Pomera-dono, Kanata-dono, Philia-dono! Welcome to the guild! I heard that you’ve been a big help to us in regard to this Ragno problem, allow me to give my utmost gratitude.」

Gannet stood in front of Pomera, rubbing his hands together with a smile on his face.

His change of attitude was so fast. Too fast to the point of scary.

The other adventurers were also looking at Gannet while wondering what this matter was about.

「N-No, Pomera and the others just needed money…」

Gannet’s eyes opened wide as if trying to probe into Pomera’s remark.

「Hou? Money, is it? Is it the matter about 《Mithril’s Cane》?」

H-His guess was right, what a scary person.

Sure enough, we were thinking about visiting 《Mithril’s Cane》 again to buy the ingredients for 《Ether》.

Color drained from Pomera’s face as she heard Gannet’s remark.

Maybe she had been wondering whether she ended up spilling the beans and causing trouble for me.

Pomera looked at me as if asking me to save her.

She looked like she was about to cry anytime now.

「E-Eh, no… that’s not…」

I shook my head while smiling.

I felt that I couldn’t let myself fall into this man’s pace since it was too dangerous.

Sure enough, we need 《Mithril’s Cane》, but we could take our time.

Gannet then brought his face to my ears.

「As long as Pomera-dono is willing to help us, I’m more than willing to make prior arrangements and place discounts. Kanata-dono didn’t seem to be too pleased during your last visit, but we actually have somethings that aren’t for sale just yet.」

「… Uhm, does that mean you’re going to show us the things that aren’t for sale yet?」

「Yes, yes, of course!」

Gannet nodded with a smile.

「Ooh, the beard is amazing! It’s so stiff!」

Philia poked her finger into Gannet’s beard.

「P-Philia-chan! M-My deepest apologies, Gannet-san!」

Pomera’s eyes opened her eyes wide, clearly flustered.

Gannet stooped forward with a smile on his face so that Philia could touch his beard.

「Hohoho, it’s not a big deal, right? I touch my beard every morning so check how you feel.」

Philia happily brushed Gannet’s beard.

「… T-They got enticed so easily.」

Pomera muttered with a feeble voice.

「If Pomera-dono is willing, I can make the arrangements with 《Mithril’s Cane》 immediately. Since there’s many stubborn people in 《Mithril’s Cane》, coming with me will make things easier for you. 」

「P-Pomera and the others are still okay. And, aren’t you quite busy yourself… Gannet-san?」

Pomera spoke while glancing at me from the edge of my eyes.

「Nono, it’s not a big problem! Thank you for your consideration. I just happened to have free time right now.」

… Didn’t you just leave the meeting in a hurry just now?

Even Pomera let out a stiff smile upon hearing Gannet’s reply.

And the frequency of her looking at me kept increasing.

It seems she was really anxious.

Right at that very moment, a guild staff approached Gannet.

「Gannet-sama! What do you think you’re doing? If it is just leading the adventurers to 《Mithril’s Cane》, you can leave that matter to your subordinates, right!? You absolutely cannot leave during such important meeting!」

「Be quiet!」

Gannet hit the wall as he shouted to the guild staff, baring his teeth while doing so.

The guild staff shut her mouth immediately.

Gannet snapped out from his anger and smiled immediately after he seemingly realized his slip.

「Hohho, my apologies, it seems I ended up losing my cool.」

… Yeah, he was a scary person after all.

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