Disciple of Immortal

Act 3: Chapter 11: Placing Order

Act 3: Chapter 11: Placing Order

TN: Check out my new project too! The Replacement for Suicidal Undead catches up with the raw.


One day had passed since my private meeting with Kotone. Pomera, Philia, and I went together to visit the adventurer guild.

Kotone had told me yesterday that Gannet was in the adventurer guild today.

Thus, I came for a meeting regarding placing bulk purchase of ingredients for 《Ether》.

「… Kanata-san, what are you talking about with Kotone-san yesterday?」

「W-Well, we’re actually just talking about a trivial matter. And somehow got really pumped up because we’re talking about the matter of our birthplace.」

Pomera was looking at me with suspicion when I tried to give her a vague answer.

「But, don’t you think that… Does it take a bit too long for that? Pomera has been constantly worrying during those times you know?」

「W-Well, after that, I find out that she isn’t a bad person… Everything is just Rosemonde-san’s misunderstanding. I mean, Kotone-san is in fact just a taciturn person.」

The moment I said so, the memory of Kotone talking passionately about manga crossed my mind.

Was she really… a taciturn person?

「You seems to get along really well with her yesterday, well that might prove that she isn’t a suspicious person. But, Even Rosemonde-san say one or two things about her. Even Pomera feel that it’s not a good thing to overly trusting Kotone-san.」

Pomera spoke with slightly bulging cheeks, yeah, she was pouting.

… I guess it was natural for her to be this angry.

I mean, I ended up making her worry about my safety for a few hours when in fact, all I did with Kotone was have a friendly chat.

Not to mention that Kotone had been hiding her hobby since there was no one in this world to who she could talk about her hobby but, it seems Pomera had guessed that I kept some secret from her.

For Pomera, she saw no reason why an ascetic person like Kotone was interested in me, thus, it was only natural for her to guess that I kept some secret from her.

「Sorry about that… But at least, we now know that Kotone-san isn’t a bad person at all, we should get along with her.」

Pomera was pouting as she increased her walking pace.

「It’s not like I’m angry! Pomera has no reason to be angry either!」

Philia was looking at Pomera’s back who was walking ahead of us.

「… Pomera, is angry.」

I seized Philia’s hand and chased after Pomera.

Upon arriving in the adventurer guild, we went to the receptionist’s desk immediately.

「Is Gannet-san here today?」

「Gannet-sama? Gannet-sama is really busy right now… Uhm, do you want to book a meeting with him?」

「A-As expected, so we really have to book a meeting with him huh…」

Well seeing that Gannet was the leader of 《Mithril’s Cane》 and the guild master of the adventurer guild, it was only natural for him to be that busy.

He was the central figure of Manarak.

Since making an appointment with him would take a really long time, maybe I’ve to ask for Kotone’s intermediation.

「Gannet-sama is even busier today. He has to greet the envoy from the royal capital…」

At that moment, I heard footsteps akin to someone stumbling on the stairs from behind the receptionist counter.

It was Gannet.

All the staff couldn’t hide their shock when they saw Gannet’s arrival.

Gannet narrowed his eyes and looked around quickly.

He then showed a gentle smile on his face as if the commotion from before was a lie upon seeing us.

「Ooh, if it isn’t Kanata-dono and Saint Fi–」

Gannet was about to call Pomera “Saint Fist” but, he managed to stop at the last minute the moment he saw Pomera’s frown.

「… I mean, Pomera-dono, and Philia-dono too.」

Thus Pomera’s expression returned to normal.

T-This man, to think that he realized in just a split second that Pomera actually hate her alias and fixed the way he calls her immediately.

Such terrifying interpersonal skills.

「H-Hello, Gannet-san…」

「I’m about to tell you about the bulk order of 《Jade Dragon’s Eye》 that you bought before, but I’ve somehow managed to gather a lot of it.」

「Gannet-sama… What about the important matter that you’ve to attend to after this?」

The staff interrupted Gannet.

Gannet pushed that said staff aside.

「I know already! I still have some time till then!」

W… Was it really okay for us to come today?

「Uhm, I think we should come tomorrow…」

「Nonono, Kanata-dono. Don’t worry about it, it isn’t an important matter after all.」

I heard it was meeting with the messenger from the royal capital though…

Like hell, it wasn’t an important matter.

And just like that, Gannet guides us to the inside of the staff room.

「Gannet’s beard is so amusing!」

Philia was enjoying the feel of touching Gannet’s beard like usual.

「P-Philia-chan, that’s rude!」

When I tried to stop her, Gannet suddenly lowered his head in order to let Philia to touch his beard.

「Haha, you can touch it if you like it Philia-dono, you can even tear it.」

「… Is it really okay for us to take Gannet-san’s important time?」

Pomera asked me with an anxious look on my face.

I was anxious too but, it didn’t mean that we could refuse his offer.

Let’s finish this talk as soon as possible so that Gannet could attend to his plan for today.

「Uhm, Gannet-san… The truth is, we’re actually lacking a few ingredients, can we somehow ask your help to gather the necessary ingredient?」

「G-Gathering ingredients… is it. I-I see…」

Gannet’s face twitched as he smiled lightly.

「… As I thought, you really are busy, right?」


Gannet declared so while opening one of his arms.

… A-As expected, it seems to gather few 《Jade Dragon’s Eye》 was truly a heavy burden.

But, the thing that I wanted him to look for this time wasn’t B-rank item such as 《Jade Dragon’s Eye》.

Even though it was scarce, all of them was C-rank item.

「The item I need is written in this note though…」

I gave them a piece of paper.

Gannet’s eyes scanned quickly on paper, and his stiff smile softened a little bit.

「It’s good… I-I can prepare the items in this list in no time. Since most of them can be found in Manarak, I’ll ask my subordinates to gather these items.」

Gannet said so with a relieved look on his face.

But then, he frowned in the middle of reading the note.

「… But, compared with 《Jade Dragon’s Eye》, your order is quite large this time. Even if you assemble all of these… Uhm, it gives me a bad premonition. Kanata-dono… What in the world are you going to make?」

「Well, I guess it’s better if I let you know about it.」

My face stiffened as I spoke.

But, no matter how I think about it, it was much better not to tell the entire truth about us making 《Ether》.

「Nonono, please don’t worry about it! I won’t overstep my boundary.」

Gannet stopped me immediately.

I’ve always got this feeling but, this person was awfully perceptive.

「But, I’m rather anxious whether you’ve enough money or not to pay for these.」

「Don’t worry about it, Kanata-dono. The amount of money paid as a reward for Pomera-dono to subjugate Demon King Lily is 40 million gold. But, under the assumption that Lily’s level is 400 and the scale of damage in Manarak, the amount of reward is actually far too low… On the other hand, once the exact number of damage is known and the existence of Lily spread far and wide, she might get one billion gold from the kingdom as her reward.」

「O-One billion!?」

I unintentionally muttered so.

One billion gold, so much for defeating level 400’s demon king.

「Yeah. The amount of reward is much higher than the price of 《Jade Dragon’s Eye》.」

… Rather, Lily wasn’t even a demon king.

Lily was the youngest of Mother’s four daughters, there was still the 3rd daughter Mary, the 2nd daughter Mery, and the eldest daughter Dri.

And lastly, the Demon King Mother herself was so close to level 1000.

「… Those guys are far more dangerous than my expectation huh?」

I muttered as I covered my mouth.

「Is something the matter, Kanata-dono?」

「E-Eh, well it’s nothing.」

But then, despite such an astronomical number of one billion, it in the end completely depended on the royal family.

In fact, I’m sure that the total number wouldn’t reach that amount.

I didn’t want to place more burden on Gannet than this.

Upon wondering so, the matter about 《Yggdrasil’s Droplet》 crossed my mind.

Yeah, I guess I should try to speak to him about selling that.


TN: Check out my new project too! The Replacement for Suicidal Undead catches up with the raw.

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