Disciple of Immortal

Act 3: Chapter 35: Red King

Act 3: Chapter 35: Red King

TN: NEW PROJECT to Replace AKMRe(Since I don’t want to experience the same mental torture of tl-ing act 4 of that novel, the project will continue from Act 10 after I finished the original version). Available in Ko-Fi and Patreon.

TN: Ko-Fi Exclusive Project for $10 Supporter Is Available for Monthly Subscriber Here


「M-Monster, who once destroyed… another world? W-We’re doomed…」

Bennet muttered those words as he stared dumbfoundedly at the RedKing who was still in the air.

The Red King seems to be completely looking down at us.

I used 《Status Check》 on the Red King.


Race: Red King

Lv :3227

HP :19685/19685

MP :16780/16789


I heaved a sigh after confirming its status.

「It’s fairly strong…! It might be difficult to beat that guy if we fought in the airspace above Manarak.」

「Fairly… Strong?」

Bennet looked at me the moment he heard my remark, it was as if there was a huge question mark on top of his head.

「What are you doing, 《Ares Hand》! Tell the Red King to protect us! It should be able to protect us at this distance.」

Alice shouted at Kotone.

「Controlling it… Is impossible.」


Right at that moment, numerous cracks appeared on the 《Red Authority Cane》, and then, it broke to pieces.

The Red King had been completely released from the domination of 《Red Authority Cane》.

The Red King’s body unleashed another brilliant red light.

Numerous magic circles appeared in front of its sculpted head.

Noise that akin to meshing gears emitted from the Red King’s mouth.

It might be somesort of language that I couldn’t understand.

Something is coming…

A massive, dozens bright red lump appeared in the sky above Manarak.

Those red lumps were aiming at the building where we fought.

「… Is it going to seal me? It doesn’t seem to be that smart… Or maybe, it simply isn’t interested in humans… 《Ares Hand》, protect me!」

Hearing Alice’s order, Kotone raised her hand to the sky.

「《Dimension Pocket》… 《Albion(Shield of White King》!」

A bulky, white shield which looked more like a rock appeared before Kotone’s hands.

「At this distance, there’s a limit of magic that can be used.」

I pointed 《Hero Sword; Gilgamesh》 to the sky to unleash my magic.

「Flame Magic, 20th Rank 《Apocalypse》」

Giant flame dragon appeared from the tip of the sword, ascended to the sky while destroying everything around it.

Closing it at the Red King, and then brandished its burning claws.

But, 《Apocalypse》’s claws stopped right before the Red King.

The red dragon tried to push its claws to the Red King alas, it was futile.

I saw the space around the surface of the Red King twisted.

It seems the attack was hindered by that space distortion.

「Fufufu, too bad. The original owner of the 《Red Authority Cane》 is said to be protected by some sort of barrier that negates all magic. Nevertheless, the output is also top class.」

In short, the Red King was constantly being protected by the warped space which could resist all magic.

Though it wasn’t high rank magic, it was still troublesome magic.

Right after Alice said so, 《Apocalypse》’s claws tore through the distorted space and slammed on to the Red King’s face.

The shut eyelids of the old man’s face on the Red King’s surface opened wide like a saucer.

The place that got hit by 《Apocalypse》’s claws got cracked and scorched black.

「That eyes can open huh…」

The giant flame dragon vanished into thin air as if it was satisfied after landing a blow.

「The Red King’s ability to resist all magic is…」

Alice kept mumbling something while looking at the sky with a dumbfounded look on her face.

But she was right, its magic resistance was truly abnormal.

If we’re using the devil of the same level as the standard, 《Apocalypse》 could blow it apart in one hit if the other party barely has low magic resistance.

And yet, the Red King was as lively as ever.

As if that wasn’t tough enough, it is also moving at high altitude, so I wouldn’t be able to fight it while keeping the damage to the city in check.

《Apocalypse》 ‘s attack could only scrape part of the Red King’s surface which fell in our direction.

「This guy is really bad news. Bennet-san, hide behind me.」


This time, Bennet didn’t waste his time to retort and hide himself behind me.

I swung 《Hero Sword; Gilgamesh》 at fast speed, blasting apart the red ball.

The blasted red ball broke into countless fragments and scattered in various directions.

Well, it was a solid, huge red mass after all, it was only natural for it to keep falling even after I sliced it off in two.

「… Don’t you think that sand-like things falling from that thing look rather dangerous?」

Bennet peeked from behind my back as he asked that question.

That moment, one of the small fragments heading toward Alice and co.

Kotone’s bulky shield called《Albion》 broke to pieces when it collided with the fragment.

The shock of that collission broke the wall and the floor, which crumbled down on both of them.

Alice raised a piercing scream and then her figure lost from my field of vision as another red mass from Red King fell right on top of her.

Unfortunately, Kotone’s figure had also vanished within that cloud of dust.


I couldn’t let Alice die yet before she released 《Puppet Coffin》 of ghost magic’s influence from Kotone.

Should I save her…?

No, I couldn’t afford to do that with the Red King locked on me.

I could defeat him in the war of attrition by constantly dishing out small damages.

Since people’s lives were at stake, I had to defeat him as soon as possible.

The Red King’s power was slightly stronger than the devils in the 《Distorted World of Cursed Mirror》 but that is exactly the reason why I had to beat him as soon as possible.

If my opponent was the devil from the 《Distorted World of Cursed Mirror》 , I’m almost confident to defeat it since I’ve defeated a lot of their kinds by studying their attack patterns and behavior under Lunaire’s protection, but this Red King was the first of its kind.

Even I might be done if I got hit by one of its attacks.

But, fighting a prolonged battle by learning its attack patterns might be too dangerous to be done right on top of the city, and it might be too late to save Kotone by then.

That’s why I had no choice but to win the battle in the shortest possible time.

「L-Look! You did it, Kanata!」

Bennet spoke delightfully.

When I looked at the Red King again, I realized an even more terrifying fact.

I knew that color drained from my face the moment I came to that realization.

「That red lump trying to fly even higher to the air!」

Yes, it is just as Bennet had said, the Red King keeps ascending high in the air.

It seems he decided to escape after getting slapped in the face by my 《Apocalypse》.

「L-Lies… Is he really going to escape… after making such grandiose entrance?」

I never expected this situation too.

Since the devil of the 《Distorted World of Cursed Mirror》 rushed in without care even if their opponent was Lunaire, undermining the Red King to be the same as them was my error.

I mean, I never expected for it to escape after our first clash.

But, I couldn’t let it go.

If what Alice said was right, it might be really an evil spirit who once destroyed a world before sealed in the cane.

That thing attacked us without question as soon as it got released from the seal.

There was no way I could leave it on its own device.

I mean, level 1000’s Demon King alone was enough to shake this world’s foundation.



Journey of The Childhood Friend Who Got Betrayed by Sword Saint

From 09 April 2023

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