Disciple of Immortal

Act 5: Chapter 3: Journey of The Reaper (Side: Lovis)

Act 5: Chapter 3: Journey of The Reaper (Side: Lovis)

The north side of the commercial city Polorock which had turned into a slum was the location of the Dark Ward.

Three people were watching the city under them from on top of the patched roof.

「So this is the underside of Polorock. The polarization between rich and poor is always interesting to watch.」

The one who looking at the sparse street was a lanky black-haired man with ominous air around him… The former leader of the 《Black Reaper》, Lovis.

Beside him was a beauty dressed in a kimono, Yozakura, and a chubby man wearing google, Damian.

「Currency is truly a magnificent invention. It made the collective greed of humans gather in one direction. That case became more extreme for the citizens of Polorock, they would dash right away to the smell of money. Like ants coming to sugar.」

「It's natural for that action to become standard when there's a strong emotion that becomes its' trigger. For example, fear.」

Lovis' face clouded on hearing Yozakura's remark.

Her barbed remarks were clearly ridiculing Lovis who prostating shamefully after he attacked Lunaire and Kanata, only to get the latter's two turn the table against him with a literal flick of their finger.

「Hmmph, what's the matter, Yozakura? Are you trying to say something?」

「You know without me saying it right.」

Previously, Lovis who acted as if he was Kanata's friend and tried desperately to get the good side of Lunaire was finally forgiven by the latter, alas she made him promise her that he wouldn't commit crime again.

At that point, he was made to understand that if he dared to break his promise, a reaper even scarier than his wannabe group called the 《Black Reaper》 would go after his life.

Thus he disbanded the 《Black Reaper》 and only kept Yozakura and Damia, his aide by his side.

The news about the death of Lovis that Rosemonde mentioned before was gossip that spread around due to the disbanded 《Black Reaper》.

「For Lovis-sama to go as far as disbanding your group just because of that woman, are you living following your creed now? Shouldn't you cut your own throat instead?」

「You know nothing at all. Both the old me and the current me want to live my life.」

「So what is the reason for you to disband our group?」

「I simply choose to go to the left after knowing that a giant mountain will fall over my head and kill me if I choose the right turn.」

Lovis who couldn't act as the 《Black Reaper》 anymore after Lunaire threatened him was currently in the middle of a quarrel with Damia and Yozakura during their travel.

In the end, Lovis was a battle junkie.

The main reason why he caused commotion and committed a crime was to get the chance to fight.

Thus, if he could fight by taking one of the sides in the place where the commotion happened, there would be no reason for him to become the source of the commotion.

「Yozkura, calm down! Lovis-sama, I also saw that white-haired woman, that's why I can at least understand what he feels right now. It's like a bug trying to challenge a giant and get crushed under its feet.」

Damia stood between the two and took Lovis' side.

「She's not white white-haired woman! She's the white goddess!」

Lovis hit the roof as he scolded Damia.

「… Ah, you're right.」

Damia replied while hunched his back.

Day by day, Lovis' fear of Lunaire getting bigger and bigger, and recently, he even started to blabber about Lunaire being a goddess who might create this world and even started to call her Goddess-sama since he didn't know her name.

「Don't give me such a half-hearted answer, say it properly!」

「… Goddess-sama.」

「Humph, be careful next time, Damia.」

Damia who stepped in to protect Lovis was now looking at Lovis with a look of protest.

Damia joined the 《Black Reaper》 due to his longing for Lovis and his charisma as a charismatic villain.

Though not as much as Yozakura, he also places his ideal on Lovis.

Though he determined to follow Lovis till the end, he didn't want to see his idol living in the shadow due to his fear of the white-haired woman and Kanata.

「Yozakura, I should've told you again and again that you can leave if you want to leave right?」

「No, Lovis-sama is my idol.」

Yozakura replied in no time, bereft of hesitation.

「Since that's the case.」

「But, the one I yearned for is the Lovis-sama who saved me and his way of life. Lovis-sama who begging for his life is just a disgrace of his past… That moment, I'll kill you and then kill myself.」

Said Yozakura as she pulled the sword hanging on her back a bit from its' scabbard.

Damia was looking at both Yozakura and Lovis in panic.

「Give it up Yozakura. You're no match for me. But don't think that I'll hesitate to cut you down. You're free to try to challenge me but, you have to come fully prepared.」

Hearing Lovis' remark, Yozakura returned her sword to its' scabbard.

「I hope those words are your real feelings. I hope that you will never show a shameful display like what you did in front of Kanata and that woman again when you lost against me.」

Damia looked at Yozakura and then heaved a sigh of relief.

As someone who adored Lovis like Yozakura, Damia understood what Yozakura felt right now, it show just how much they understand each other after acting together for years.

Depending on the answer, he knew that Yozakura might really try to kill Lovis right here at this very moment.


Hearing that, Yozakura bit her lips in frustration.

「C-Come to think of it, Lovis-sama, you've been talking about a few candidates of criminal organizations in the dark ward that we're going to destroy right? Honestly, I'm also tired of all this commotion. Shall we crush them all tomorrow and get some rest?」

Damia who sensed that the situation had escalated to a dangerous level quickly tried his best to diffuse the air.

「No, we will go into hiding for a while to gather more intel.」

「Eh… Is that so?」

Damia stared dumbfoundedly upon hearing an unexpected answer.

「I've told you before we come here right? There's a smoldering smell in this place. My heart won't be satisfied just by destroying petty crime organizations in the slum. We will stay in this city for a few days to gather more information. Though I can feel the unrest from the citizens, it seems the knights are going to come for inspection too. Maybe the vertex of desire and lust that grow fat in Polorock will start moving soon enough. When that happens, we will go to our usual hunt.」

Said Lovis, licking his lips as he gazed at the dark ward below him.

Never in his wildest imagination, he expected that Kanata was also in this very city.



Tanetsuke Ojisan no Isekai Press Manyuuki~Sono Mono, Zen Shuzoku(Yuusha to Maou mo Fukumu) ni Tanetsukeshi, Sekai wo Sukutta Saikyou Musuo no Harem Ou Nari~<—Really fun but suggested to read when you're alone so that other won't mistake you for mentally handicapped

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