Divine Doctor's Harem

Chapter 317 Shen Yizong Must Die

Shen Dongshan stood up and went to Shen Yizong's side, patting his shoulder and saying, "Yizong, this matter is not just my responsibility. Many high-ranking members of the Shen family are involved as well."

"The money I lent you, it was arranged by them through connections with the higher-ups in the banks."

"We are all in the same boat now."

"So even if you encounter a huge problem, we will protect you."

"But we also need to have the best response strategy. You must take these passports, green card, and money with you."

"Now, I will find you a place to hide and lay low for a while."

He handed everything on the table to Shen Yizong and his attitude became even more enthusiastic than before.

He even took out a bank card and put it into Shen Yizong's hand, saying, "There are three million in this card. Spend it as you wish during this period."

Shen Yizong received these things and smiled with joy, saying, "I knew Uncle Dongshan would not abandon me. Don't worry, I will hide properly and ensure that the police won't find me."

Shen Dongshan's expression turned serious as he said, "I'm not asking you to hide from the police, but from Zhang Long and Wang Chao."

"Shen Bing won't report to the police in order to protect the reputation of the Shen family."

"But she might send Wang Chao or Zhang Long and their people to find you to get a hold of our leverage."

"As long as you evade their pursuit and enough time passes, they won't be able to do anything to you."

"She won't really report to the police?" Shen Yizong's eyes brightened.

He was afraid that Shen Bing would report him as a wanted criminal, making him a target throughout the country.

"Report to the police? Haha, do you think she dares?" Shen Dongshan sneered.

Based on his understanding of Shen Bing, she always considered the bigger picture and would never tarnish the reputation of the Shen family over such a small matter.

Therefore, he was certain that Shen Bing would try every means to completely suppress this matter and resolve it privately.

"If she doesn't report to the police, then I feel relieved. Uncle Dongshan, where should I hide now?" Shen Yizong smiled happily, as if seeing a glimmer of hope.

"Don't go back to Conghua. Go to Heishuizhai in Zengcheng. Someone will be there to pick you up at 1 a.m."

"Okay, I'll leave now."

Shen Yizong quickly left with his passport, bank card, and other belongings.

Shen Dongshan accompanied Shen Yizong until he got off the elevator. After Shen Yizong left, he closed and locked the door, then returned to his study and locked the study door as well.

Then, he took out an antique phone from the drawer, a cherished item with a nostalgic feel, and made a call, "Heishuizhai, 1 a.m. Shen Yizong will be there."

"Remember, kill him!"

After finishing the call, he hung up, his eyes cold as ice.

Zengcheng, Heishuizhai.

This place is a tourist attraction, bustling with people during the daytime who come to see the waterfall.

But at night, it becomes deserted, with hardly a soul in sight.

After Shen Yizong arrived here in a Hummer, he parked the car about fifty meters away from the entrance, turned off the engine, and switched off the headlights, allowing the car to blend into the darkness. He stared at the entrance of Heishuizhai with a serious expression.

"Why is Uncle Dongshan so confident? It seems like he can bring down Shen Bing. What is his assurance?"

"Or perhaps he has some cards up his sleeve that I don't know about?"

"Within the Shen family, Elderly Gentleman is on Shen Bing's side. Shen Bing also has a formidable warrior, Zhang Long, protecting her. And now, there's Wang Chao as well, making her position even more secure."

"I made such a big mistake, and Shen Bing has obtained the account book and taken pictures as solid evidence."

"In this situation, how does Uncle Dongshan have the confidence to protect me?"

"Most importantly, when we were in the study just now, Uncle Dongshan's gaze seemed a bit off."

Shen Yizong lit a cigarette, held it in his mouth, and fell into contemplation, his expression growing more serious.

He took out his phone and made a call, speaking in a deep voice, "I've arrived. Where are you?"

"Are you at the entrance of Heishuizhai? Are you in your Hummer?" came a cold voice through the phone.

From the voice, it was apparent that this person was ruthless.


"Wait there. I'll come to pick you up right away."

After saying that, the person hung up the phone.

For some reason, after the call ended, Shen Yizong suddenly felt a chill.

"What kind of weather is this? I'm sitting in the car, but it still feels a bit cold?"

Muttering to himself, Shen Yizong searched the car and found a jacket to put on.

He continued to wait while smoking his cigarette.

At this moment, another Hummer drove over and parked right at the main entrance of Heishuizhai.

From Shen Yizong's perspective, he could see that the driver of the car was a man, and there was a woman in the passenger seat.

Then, the woman unbuckled her seatbelt, moved to the driver's seat, and embraced the driver in a particularly affectionate manner.

"Damn, engaging in this kind of thing at a tourist attraction at this hour. Seeking excitement, are they?"

Shen Yizong observed this scene from afar, inwardly complaining, but he continued to smoke his cigarette, savoring the spectacle.

It was quite nice to witness something like this amidst his escape.

And so, five minutes passed.

Shen Yizong finished his cigarette, and the battle between those two individuals had escalated to a life-or-death struggle, reaching a heated climax.

He could clearly see that the man was clearly no match for the woman. He was already retreating, getting beaten and disarmed. It was as if he was just one step away from surrendering.

This "fight" would soon come to an end.






Just as the battle was about to reach its climax, suddenly, a car drove up and stopped in front of the Hummer.

A masked man got out of the car, picked up a heavy firearm from the trunk, and aimed it at the two individuals fighting inside the Hummer. He pulled the trigger.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The firearm emitted blue flames, shining brightly in the dark night.

Bullets rained down like a storm, turning the two 'warriors' inside the Hummer into a hornet's nest.

The two warriors, whose faces were not blurred, coughed up blood and died before the battle could even finish.

Shen Yizong witnessed this scene and turned pale with fear. His pupils contracted intensely, and his heart seemed to stop beating in that moment. He dared not even breathe.

What was happening?

Why did they suddenly start shooting?

At that moment, the masked man walked over with a sharp gaze, brimming with murderous intent. He opened the car door, glanced inside, and his expression changed dramatically.

He took out his phone and made a call, "Uncle Dongshan, we've been tricked. That bastard Shen Yizong didn't come to Heishuizhai but hired two people to drive the Hummer here."

"We've killed the wrong people. What should we do? Should we go to his parents' house and take them out?"

His voice wasn't very loud, but in the quiet night of the scenic area, it was especially clear and carried far with the wind.

Shen Yizong's car door had been open to allow fresh air, so he happened to overhear this conversation.

In an instant, he felt like he had been struck by lightning, and a cold chill ran through his entire body.

Was this person sent by Shen Dongshan to kill him?

With this thought, he trembled all over, quickly crouched down and hid in the driver's seat of the car, afraid to make any movement.

After a short while, the masked man finished the call, put away his phone, and drove away quickly.

Only when the sound of the car had completely disappeared near Heishuizhai did Shen Yizong dare to raise his head and look outside the window.

Thump, thump, thump...

At this moment, Shen Yizong's heart pounded like a war drum, almost bursting out of his chest.

His face turned pale, his eyes filled with fear, and he was drenched in sweat, sitting on the seat as if he had lost all strength.

"How could this happen?"

"Didn't Uncle Dongshan tell me to lay low for a while? Why did he want to kill me?"

"To silence me?"

"Damn it, Shen Dongshan, you're such a hypocrite! Thank goodness I had my suspicions and did not wait at the main entrance. Otherwise, I would have been killed."

Shen Yizong felt as if he had gone through the gates of hell and back, his spine shivering with cold.

As he drove over, he pondered why Shen Dongshan seemed so confident and willing to protect him in such a situation.

Therefore, in order to probe Shen Dongshan's trump card, he specifically waited at a side location 50 meters away from the entrance and concealed his car in the darkness to remain unseen.

His purpose was to see who Shen Dongshan would send to pick him up.

He never expected such a cautious move would save him!

After the initial shock and fear subsided, Shen Yizong's gaze turned extremely cold, and he gritted his teeth, saying, "Shen Dongshan, you bastard! I trusted you so much, and yet you want to kill me!"

"Fine, if you want to kill to cover up your crimes, then no one will have it easy!"

With that, he was about to send the evidence to Shen Bing.

Suddenly, he remembered the words of the assassin from earlier, and his expression changed dramatically. He quickly took out his phone and dialed his father's number, shouting, "Dad, something big happened! That bastard Shen Dongshan wants to kill me. You and Mom need to run!"

"What nonsense are you talking about, child? Can't you see what time it is? How could Uncle Dongshan possibly want to kill us?"

His father's voice came through full of drowsiness, clearly not believing him.

"Dad, I'm telling the truth. Shen Dongshan really wants to kill us." Shen Yizong panicked and hurriedly tried to explain.

But it was futile. His father simply couldn't listen. "Alright, that's enough. It's the middle of the night, and I still desire to sleep."

With that, he hung up the phone directly.

Shen Yizong grew even more anxious and wanted to continue making calls.

Suddenly, the sound of a car echoed on the mountain road, and a beam of light appeared in the distance—it was the same car the assassin had driven earlier.

"Oh no!"

Shen Yizong's expression changed, and he immediately understood what was happening.

The assassin mistook his hired men for him, which was why he hurriedly left.

The assassin must have realized something and returned for a search.

If he did not run now, his Hummer would surely be discovered, and he would be trapped.

After running into the scenic area for about two minutes, the assassin's car turned back, the high beams illuminating the surroundings as it searched in all directions, finally settling on Shen Yizong's car 50 meters away.

The assassin drove the car over, found no one inside the Hummer, and sneered with an icy gaze, "Heh, a bit clever, but not clever enough."

"Do you really think you can escape from my grasp in this barren wilderness?"

He parked the car, turned off the engine, took out the keys, and pulled out a handgun. He got out of the car and began a thorough search.


At that moment, the sound of a trash bin being knocked over came from the scenic area.

The sound was not very loud, but in the dead silence of the night, it was particularly clear.

"Heh, so you've hidden here."

The assassin's gaze grew even colder, and he immediately quickened his pace, entering the scenic area and chasing after the source of the sound.

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