Divine Doctor's Harem

Chapter 77 Inverting Right And Wrong

"Someone reported that you were ineffective in treating patients and allowed them to die in difficult childbirth, which is likely intentional murder. Please cooperate and come with us to accept investigation," the police said.

"I intentionally murdered someone? I wasn't even there at the time!" Wang Baoyu hurriedly argued.

"You weren't there? So you really allowed the patient to die in difficult childbirth, standing by and doing nothing?" The police's gaze was sharp.

A female police officer walked over, staring coldly at Wang Baoyu and said, "Someone reported that you disregarded human life and are suspected of intentionally killing someone."

"Who reported it? I was in the operating room at the time and knew nothing about it," Wang Baoyu said angrily.

"It was me!"

A female doctor in a white coat walked out of the crowd, staring at Wang Baoyu and said, "Wang Baoyu, stop trying to defend yourself. Yesterday, you were on duty and it was you who asked me to admit the deceased patient. Later, the patient had difficult childbirth, I contacted you to arrange for surgery, but you ignored it and even said that it's not your concern if they die!"

"You're the one who committed intentional murder, and someone like you with a human face and beastly heart is not fit to be a doctor!"

"Song Ya, that patient was clearly handled by you and Director Fang Qiong. How dare you say it was me?" Wang Baoyu angrily retorted.

Yesterday, it was Song Ya and Director Fang Qiong who received the patient, and it was they who caused the patient and the child in the patient's belly to die.

Now, they are turning the tables and accusing her of being a murderer? This is simply inverting right and wrong!

"Hehe, Wang Baoyu, you really can't change your nature. Even at this point, you're still slandering me," Song Ya sneered.

Director Fang Qiong also stood up, saying coldly, "Wang Baoyu, do you have any evidence that it was the patient we handled? Which eye did you see us handle the patient with?"

"I..." Wang Baoyu suddenly couldn't speak.

She had been in the operating room all night yesterday and had never been in the office. How could she get any evidence?

"You don't have evidence, do you? We do!"

Song Ya sneered, her eyes cold, and said, "Wang Baoyu, the medical instructions and case writing about the deceased were all handled by you. The evidence is as solid as a mountain. Do you still want to defend yourself?"

Fang Qiong also said to the police, "Mr. Police, in our hospital, doctors write the medical instructions and nurses carry them out to admit patients for treatment. You can check the instructions and signatures to see if it was her who admitted the patient and callously killed them!"

"You're slandering me!" Wang Baoyu was furious.

Seeing this scene, Wang Chao's gaze also darkened.

It seems that Fang Qiong and Song Ya are determined to make Wang Baoyu take the blame!

Upon hearing this, the female police officer immediately searched for the patient's medical record book in the office.

"Officer, the medical record book is in that man's hand," Song Ya pointed to Wang Chao.

The female police officer walked over, took the medical record book from Wang Chao's hand and checked the medical instructions on the computer. When she confirmed that it was indeed a medical instruction written by Wang Baoyu, her gaze turned cold and she said in a deep voice, "Take her away and investigate her thoroughly!"

The two police officers immediately held onto Wang Baoyu and were about to take her outside.

"I'm innocent, it's really not me. I have a witness. The nurse on duty last night can prove it," Wang Baoyu hurriedly looked around at the nurses, hoping that they could speak up for her.

However, no one came forward.

Everyone stayed where they were, even lowering their heads and choosing to ignore the situation.

Seeing this, Wang Baoyu's face turned pale.

Fang Qiong and Song Ya sneered, feeling pleased with themselves.

After discovering that the patient had died from a difficult childbirth, they were scared.

In order to stay out of trouble and not be implicated, the two of them stayed up all night and modified all the data using Wang Baoyu's account to prescribe medicine, even imitating Wang Baoyu's handwriting for signatures. Finally, they secretly talked to all the night shift nurses, using both carrot and stick tactics to make them keep quiet.

Fang Qiong looked at Wang Baoyu, who was handcuffed, and sneered, "Wang Baoyu, you never listen to me. Now it's time for you to go to jail."

Although her plan was crude, with her connections in the relevant departments, it was enough to turn things around and pin the blame on Wang Baoyu, making her take the fall.

"Wang Baoyu, do you have anything to say? Take her away!" The female police officer said coldly.

Wang Baoyu heard this and her eyes were full of despair.

If she was really taken away, even if she could prove her innocence later, her reputation would be ruined.


At this moment, Wang Chao stopped the police officers.

Wang Chao was like an insurmountable mountain, blocking the police.

"Do you want to obstruct our police work?" the female police officer's eyes grew cold.

The other police officers also glared angrily, some of them already had their hands on their waists, ready to draw their guns at any moment.

"I have no intention of obstructing your work. I just want you to investigate the truth before arresting anyone," Wang Chao said expressionlessly. "As far as I know, Dr. Wang was in the operating room all night, busy saving a patient with massive bleeding. How could she have come up and written orders or admitted patients?"

"You'll find out once you investigate," he added.

"Are you saying we're not doing our job well?" the female police officer's face grew even colder.

"If you arrest someone without investigating the truth, you'll only accuse an innocent person. You should always consider the evidence, not just believe one side of the story," Wang Chao said.

"Who are you, kid? How dare you speak so brazenly! The evidence is as solid as a rock, and you're saying the police aren't doing their job well?" Song Ya said angrily.

"You dare to question the law enforcement of the police comrades. Who do you think you are? Don't listen to him, police comrades. Take him away, and we'll find out in court," Fang Qiong said in a low voice.

As long as they could arrest Wang Baoyu and control her, they could easily shift all the blame onto her and avoid any consequences.

That's why she was eager for the police to take Wang Baoyu away.

This way, whether Wang Baoyu was guilty or not, she would lose in the court of public opinion.

The two of them continued to argue, and they even signaled to the other nurses.

"Arrest him! We must handcuff Wang Baoyu, this doctor who cares nothing for human life!" they shouted.

The other nurses didn't dare to defy them and just followed their lead, demanding that the police target Wang Baoyu.

Seeing this scene, Wang Baoyu's pupils contracted violently, and her heart sank.

She never expected that her colleagues would treat her like this.

At this moment, she felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave, her whole body chilled, and her heart cold beyond measure.

She looked at one of the shouting nurses in the crowd, feeling even more complex.

This nurse was new, and she had worked the night shift with her last night.

For the past month, she had really taken care of this nurse, treating her as if she were her own sister, sharing her food with her and reminding her to rest well and taking care of her every need.

Now, when she needed help the most, this person had betrayed her.

For a moment, she seemed to hear the sound of her heart breaking, and her heart felt incredibly uncomfortable.

Wang Chao paid no attention to the doctors and nurses and kept staring at the female police officer. He looked at her work badge and said in a deep voice, "Comrade Guan Zhilin, do you want to frame an innocent person, or do you want to investigate the truth?"

This female police officer was the captain of the criminal investigation team named Guan Zhilin. She was very beautiful and cold, with a kind of dominant and cold feeling that kept strangers away.

She looked at Wang Chao, then at Fang Qiong and others, and after a moment's thought, she said in a deep voice, "Retrieve the surveillance footage immediately."

"And, summon all the doctors and nurses who were in the operating room last night and investigate thoroughly!"

"We, the police, will never frame an innocent person, but we will never let any bad person go!!"

The remaining police officers could only nod their heads and split into two groups, one to retrieve the surveillance footage and the other to investigate the personnel in the operating room last night.

At this moment, Wang Chao looked at Wang Baoyu and said in a deep voice, "Baoyu, do you know when the patient died in labor?"

"At seven o'clock this morning," Wang Baoyu said.

Wang Chao's eyes lit up and he said, "Baoyu, wait for me. Remember, you can't leave with them until I come back."

After speaking, he turned and ran away, quickly disappearing from the crowd's sight.

Hospital, morgue.

This was the hospital's basement on the third floor, cold and dark, eerie and terrifying, and chilling.

Most people who come here would be afraid and trembling.

Wang Chao moved like lightning and quickly arrived here. He paid a few hundred yuan to the body management personnel and immediately found the location of the mid-aged man's wife's body.

He rushed to the morgue and found the body of the pregnant woman who died in labor.

"Fortunately, there's still breath and body temperature, so there's still hope."

After carefully observing for three minutes, Wang Chao pressed down on the woman's heart and carefully sensed for a minute. His eyes lit up, then he bit his finger and drew a mysterious and profound pattern on the woman's belly.

Resuscitation technique!

This is a rather mysterious witchcraft that Wang Chao learned from his master, also known as the Blood Resurrection Diagram.

Master said that as long as there is a breath, as long as the body temperature has not completely cooled down, using this resurrection technique within five hours may be able to save the life of the deceased.

Wang Chao has used it before. Out of ten times, three times were successful, bringing his teammates back from hell.

This time, in order to save his sister, he tried his best to draw the blood diagram, which was more exquisite, mysterious, and profound than before.


As the diagram was completed, the spiritual energy within ten kilometers seemed to be affected and all converged here, rushing into the woman's body and drilling into her abdomen.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Under the effect of the diagram, ten minutes later, there was a faint heartbeat in the chest cavity of the lifeless body.

Following the appearance of the heartbeat, the patient also regained her breath, her chest began to move up and down, and she suddenly opened her eyes, her face pale. "Where am I?"

Even the fetus who died due to hypoxia during childbirth came back to life at this moment.


Wang Chao was overjoyed, immediately pressed several acupoints on the pregnant woman's body, helped the fetus to turn, and then began to deliver the baby.

In the obstetrics and gynecology office, the police soon came back and reported to Guan Zhilin.

"Captain, five hours ago, the monitor suddenly broke down and we couldn't find anything."

"Captain, the doctors in the operating room had all gone home last night, and only two nurses were still working. They said they were not obstetric nurses and didn't know anything."

After hearing these reports, Song Ya and Fang Qiong both sneered.

They had already made full preparations to frame Wang Baoyu. No matter how the police investigated, they couldn't find anything on them.

"How coincidental that the monitor broke down?" Guan Zhilin's face sank, feeling that something was wrong.

"Police comrades, now there is solid evidence. Can we handcuff Wang Baoyu?" Song Ya said.

Just as Guan Zhilin was about to speak, Wang Bao Yu's phone suddenly rang.

She was about to answer the call when Guan Zhilin grabbed the phone first and answered, "Who is it?"

"Comrade Guan, I have new evidence here. The patient hasn't died yet. She's alive and still in labor. Please hurry and ask Dr. Wang to come down to the morgue," Wang Chao's voice came from the phone.


"She hasn't died yet?"

Guan Zhilin was stunned when she heard this.

Fang Qiong and Song Ya also looked at each other in shock.

They had personally examined the patient and knew that she had already died and that resuscitation was unsuccessful.

Now, Wang Chao was saying that the patient had come back to life. How was that possible?

"Officer, this person must be talking nonsense," Fang Qiong said.

"Officer Guan, the patient's condition is unstable now. Is saving a life important, or is catching someone important regardless of right or wrong?" Wang Chao's voice came from the phone.

Guan Zhilin thought for a moment, then without hesitation, she hung up the phone and said to Wang Baoyu, "Dr. Wang, come with me to the morgue."

After speaking, she immediately led Wang Baoyu towards the morgue.

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