Divine Doctor's Harem

Chapter 79 Don't Be Too Kind-Hearted

Upon hearing Wang Chao's words, Fang Qiong and Song Ya's expressions changed dramatically, and their faces turned pale.

"Do you know that if someone slanders others and the crime is serious and the evidence is conclusive, they can be sentenced to more than three years in prison?" Guan Zhilin's gaze was cold as she stared at the two.

"Officer, don't listen to him, it's all a misunderstanding," Song Ya hurriedly said.

"Yes, it's just a misunderstanding. Dr. Wang is truly a world-class physician, and we misunderstood her," Fang Qiong said.

"Yes, just a misunderstanding," Song Ya said.

"A misunderstanding? Then, did you impersonate Baoyu's signature and use Baoyu's account to write medical orders, is that also a misunderstanding?" Wang Chao said coldly.

"Kid, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk randomly. When did we impersonate Baoyu's signature?" Fang Qiong angrily said.

"You said we impersonated him, do you have any evidence?" Song Ya also angrily said.

Wang Chao's gaze became even colder.

They are so confident and must have destroyed some evidence.

Given the current situation, special measures must be taken to make them pay the price.

Just as Wang Chao was about to take action, suddenly his face turned cold and he was about to make a move.

Suddenly, Wang Bao Yu stood up and said, "Officer Guan, since it's just a misunderstanding, let's forget about it. I won't pursue any responsibility."

Guan Zhilin coldly glanced at Fang Qiong and Song Ya, "You're lucky to have such a kind colleague."

She turned to her colleagues and said, "Take the intentional offender back."

"Officer, he's also under stress, can't you let him go too?" Wang Bao Yu said.

Guan Zhilin stared at Wang Bao Yu, "Dr. Wang, you're too kind. You want to let such a person go?"

"I think he's quite pitiful. Now that the pregnant woman has just come back to life and the child has just been born, they need a man. If there is no man, it will be difficult for them." Wang Bao Yu looked serious.

As soon as these words came out, the whole room fell silent.

Everyone looked at Wang Bao Yu differently.

This doctor is too kind-hearted.

"Dr. Wang, I also want to let him go, but he hurt you and others. Essentially, he has committed a crime and must face the law." Guan Zhilin said seriously.

"The law should also consider human emotions." Wang Bao Yu wanted to persuade her.

Before she could speak, Guan Zhilin stopped her, "Dr. Wang, there's no need to say anything. The fact is that he committed a crime and he must face the law!"

Wang Bao Yu fell silent.

"That's the end of this matter."

Guan Zhilin waved her hand and said loudly, "Take the prisoner away!"

Before leaving, she looked at Wang Chao with curiosity and said, "Your name is Wang Chao, right? You're very capable. We'll definitely meet again in the future."

As a police officer, she has a keen insight and knows that it wasn't Wang Bao Yu who revived the dead, but Wang Chao.

She was curious about what method Wang Chao used to revive the dead.

If this method could be used to solve cases, it would be extremely useful.

However, due to the presence of so many people at the scene, she didn't ask.

Before leaving, she had made up her mind to have a good private talk with Wang Chao after this matter was over.

It's a shame that someone with Wang Chao's abilities isn't using them to solve crimes!

After Guan Zhilin and the others left, Song Ya and Fang Qiong's pressure suddenly decreased, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wang Baojue, you're lucky this time."

Song Ya gave Wang Baojue a glance and left.

"Wang Baojue, you did a great job this time and made a great contribution to our department. Keep up the good work."

Fang Qiong encouraged him and praised him symbolically before leaving as if escaping.

The doctors and nurses in the department all looked at each other with awkward and unpleasant expressions, not knowing how to face Wang Baojue.

In the end, they didn't say much and returned to their respective positions, leaving Wang Baojue on the sidelines.

Seeing this scene, Wang Baojue's expression became even more unpleasant.

At this moment, she felt isolated.

If she continued to work here, she would definitely have a hard time in the future.

She chose to forgive because she wanted to stay here in the future and be able to face the director and others. She hoped that Fang Qiong could accept her good intentions.

But why didn't Fang Qiong and Song Ya appreciate her even though she had taken a step back?

Wang Chao sighed and patted Wang Baojue on the shoulder. "Let's go, Baojue."

Wang Baojue was at a loss and glanced at the maternity ward.

Inside the ward, the new mother who had just given birth was crying bitterly, her eyes filled with despair.

Feeling sorry for her, Wang Baojue walked over and comforted her, "Be strong, everything will be okay."

At that moment, the pregnant woman suddenly raised her head, stared angrily at Wang Baojue, and shouted, "It's all your fault! Why did you call the police and arrest my husband? Without my husband, how am I supposed to live with my child?"

"I don't want to see you, get out of here! Get out of here now!"

Being shouted at like this, Wang Baojue's expression became even more unpleasant. She tried to explain, "Listen to me first, this is not my fault."

"Get out of here! Get out!" The pregnant woman shouted angrily, looking almost insane.

Wang Chao saw this scene, and his eyes turned cold. However, he didn't step forward and instead stood by and watched.

Wang Baoju is too kind-hearted. She even wants to save the person who hurt her.

To put it nicely, this is kindness.

To put it bluntly, being too kind-hearted is being a saint!

This kind of kindness is fine when it comes to a doctor's job.

But if it comes to society, this kind of kindness will only harm her and may even harm the whole family.

Wang Chao had seen news before. A woman saved a bad person out of kindness, and as a result, her whole family was killed.

And there was also the family who once sheltered Cao Cao in history, and they were killed by Cao Cao!

Wang Chao must not let such a thing happen to the Wang family!

The reason why he was so ruthless and didn't help was to let Wang Baoju know about the cruelty of society, to know that there are many bad people in society, and even if you help them, they won't be grateful but will hate you.

Only by letting Wang Baoju get hurt can she grow.

He still had tasks to execute. After his master's tasks were completed, he might even go abroad in the future. He couldn't stay at home forever, let alone protect them forever.

Only by letting Wang Baoju and the others grow quickly can he feel at ease when he leaves in the future.

Wang Baoju walked out of the ward dispiritedly and looked at Wang Chao pitifully, "Brother, did I really do something wrong?"

She tried her best to do everything well, and even helped the pregnant woman give birth. She was not the one who did something wrong.

But why does everyone dislike her and look at her with hatred and anger, and isolate her like that?

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