Divine Exchanged System

Chapter 15

C15 – The Rise of the Wang Family

Wang Shan descended the mountain with effortless grace, greeted at the base by five stunning women.

“Young Master, welcome back.” They had prepared refreshments, the renowned lemon ice water of Cloud City.

Sipping the chilled beverage, Wang Shan led the women back to his home.

Throughout the journey, they eagerly inquired about his illustrious exploits. They were thrilled to learn that Wang Shan had ascended to the ninth level and secured the Golden Identity Card, rejoicing wholeheartedly in his success.

To them, Wang Shan had ascended to the status of a prodigy.

Upon arriving home, Wang Shan made his way to the main hall to meet with his father.

“What? You scaled the ninth level single-handedly and emerged unscathed?”

Wang Tianxia’s eyes widened in disbelief. Relief washed over him only after verifying that Wang Shan bore no wounds.

The fact that Wang Shan had single-handedly conquered the ninth level and acquired the Golden Identity Card sent waves of astonishment through Wang Tianxia.

“The Wang family’s rise to prominence is within reach!”

Wang Tianxia was overcome with joy, even contemplating a grand celebration.

Wang Shan, however, cut through his father’s reverie, recounting his experiences at the pinnacle of the Nine-level Tower.

He vividly depicted the ancestral inscription, stirring Wang Tianxia with excitement.

“I had always regarded it as a myth, but to think our ancestor truly conquered the Nine-level Tower in one attempt. Little Feng, you are truly formidable, mirroring the achievements of our forebear!”

Wang Tianxia’s elation was palpable.

Five millennia prior, his ancestor had braved the Nine-level Tower in a single bound.

Now, five millennia later, his son had replicated the feat!

Wang Tianxia’s excitement was well-justified.

Yet, Wang Shan pondered the disappearance of the family’s storied past over the last five thousand years.

“Father, had I not reached the tower’s summit, the ancestral words would have remained unseen. Why have the Wang family’s illustrious deeds vanished from the annals of history?” Wang Shan earnestly sought enlightenment.

But Wang Tianxia had no answers to offer.

“Xiao Feng, from your grandfather’s time, our family’s history had been lost. All we knew was that the Wang family was once a distinguished lineage, home to myriad talents,” Wang Tianxia explained with a hint of melancholy.

Extracting the history of the Wang family from Wang Tianxia proved to be a challenging task.

“However,” Wang Tianxia’s tone shifted, “you might find some clues if you visit the Wang family’s ancestral hall.”

The ancestral hall had stood for over a thousand years, which explained why Wang Tianxia would recommend such a course of action.

“Xiao Feng, the Wang family once shone brightly but has since declined. Always remember this lesson and avoid becoming complacent,” Wang Tianxia advised, hoping the family’s past wouldn’t negatively impact Wang Shan.

Wang Shan nodded in agreement; his interest lay solely in uncovering the Wang family’s history.

What could have caused a once illustrious family to dwindle to a mere handful of less than fifty members?

There was undoubtedly a mystery to unravel.

“Now that you’ve received your Golden Identity Card, you’re an adult. I can’t watch over you as I used to, so pursue whatever you desire,” Wang Tianxia expressed with a hint of resignation.

​He had once believed Wang Shan incapable of cultivation, so he had preemptively purchased a plot on the commercial street for him and even selected five exceptionally beautiful women to serve as Wang Shan’s personal maids, all in preparation for Wang Shan to start a family.

However, it now appeared unnecessary. With the Eternal Flood Dragon Bloodline coursing through his veins, Wang Shan was destined to stand out on this continent. His prospects were undeniably promising.

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