Divine Exchanged System

Chapter 22

C22 – The Genius Died

The competition had come to an end.

But as Wang Shan was about to claim his prize, he caught Thunderstorm conjuring a Thunder Arrow and launching a stealthy attack on him!

Wang Shan effortlessly dodged the arrow, but it fueled his rage.

“Thunderstorm, you dare to attack me in secret? I will kill you.”

Wang Shan was seething with anger.

He swiftly activated his Thunder Condensing Arts, and in response, the heavy clouds above crackled with explosive thunder.

​In the next instant, Wang Shan pointed his finger at Thunderstorm!

The dense clouds unleashed a formidable bolt of lightning that struck Thunderstorm with devastating force.

With that single blow, Thunderstorm collapsed, blood spewing from his mouth, his body paralyzed and convulsing, thick black smoke rising as the stench of charred flesh quickly filled the air.

The crowd had seen everything, and they knew Thunderstorm had attacked Wang Shan first. Even if Wang Shan had killed him, it would be seen as self-defense!

“My dear grandson!” Su Yu, the mayor of Azure Thunder Town, wept beside Thunderstorm’s body. As a gentle rain began to fall, a prodigy of Azure Thunder Town was lost forever.

An hour had passed since the town’s competition concluded.

Wang Shan collected his rewards and went to meet Wang Tianxia.

“You truly are a scion of the Wang family, and you do us proud.”

Wang Tianxia had intended to watch the competition in person.

But he resisted the impulse, fearing that witnessing Wang Shan’s exceptional performance would move him to tears.

“I know you’ve been trapped at the Two-star Cultivator level for quite some time. This Great Replenishing Pill should help you break through that barrier and reach the rank of a Three-star Cultivator.”

Without hesitation, Wang Shan handed over 200,000 gold coins, a High Grade Earth Rank Wind Condensing Arts manual, and the Great Replenishing Pill to Wang Tianxia.

Even the stoic Wang Tianxia found his eyes moistening, touched by such a gesture.

“Did you enter the town competition just to secure these resources for me? Did you plan from the start to help me overcome my cultivation bottleneck?”

At this, Wang Tianxia quickly turned away, determined not to let Wang Shan see the tears streaming down his face.

Wang Shan replied with a smile, “I’m about to leave Twilight Cloud Town to enroll at Lotus Academy in Cloud Thunder Country. So, before I depart, I want to help you out as a way of repaying you for all the years you’ve raised me.”

Tears streamed down Wang Tianxia’s face upon hearing this. He doubted his own ears. His son was actually uttering such heartfelt words. It was clear his son had truly matured!

“I’ve left the items on the table. I don’t have time to chat; those five beauties are waiting for me to join them in the bath,” Wang Shan said before exiting the study.

​Wang Tianxia turned to the table and saw the generous gifts: a 200,000 yuan cash card, an Earth Rank Wind Condensing Arts manual, and a Great Replenishing Pill! Together, they were worth over 800,000 yuan.

​”He’s really good to me, not hesitating to give me such precious gifts. He’ll be leaving Twilight Cloud Town in a few days, and I’ll miss him terribly,” he thought, knowing that this day was inevitable.

​The study was left with only the solitary figure of Wang Tianxia.

After presenting all the rewards to Wang Tianxia, Wang Shan retreated to his room. The thought of Lei Bao’s cold, lifeless body brought on a wave of nausea. His first kill in this world had unsettled him and made him acutely aware of its brutality. Had he not received the system, he might have been the one lying dead today.

​”The world beyond this town is a hundred thousand times more brutal. I need to adapt to such an environment as quickly as possible,” Wang Shan reflected.

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