Divine God Against The Heavens

Chapter 863 Ch 863: Questioning Queen (2)

Ye Xiao was really shocked when Yuan Shan De told him the Primordial Race was destined to be destroyed and it was said by Queen.

At that time, Yuan Shan De had also told him that Queen talked to Heavens that already knew that someone like him will appear in the future and will cause the Primordial Race to appear once again.

He really wanted to know how Heavens knew these things and if they knew, why is it that the Heavens didn't do anything to prevent his arrival or eradicate his existence even before he could obtain the Heavenly Pearl?

But Queen's reply erased all his doubts.

Queen said: "Do you know why there are some people who could predict the future or foresee someone's destiny?"

"I don't know!" Ye Xiao shook his head.

Queen smiled and replied: "It is because using some special means, they glimpse into the secret of Heavens. The secret of Heavens... all of them are hidden in the Dao of Heavens. It means, using some special means and paying a huge price, some people could peak in the Heavenly Dao and see the future, like their own destiny, their clan's destiny, and more. Everything is hidden in the Heavenly Dao."

"But even Heavenly Dao doesn't know everything. What Heavenly Dao knows are all possibilities that have the probability of 99% to become real and the truth. However, there is still a 1% of probability that the truth and destiny hidden in the Heavenly Dao might not come true and deviate from the original prediction."

"Heavenly Dao is a part of Heavens, so of course, everything that Heavenly Dao have are known to Heavens itself. Now, if you ask me how is it possible for Heavenly Dao to know so many possibilities and destiny, to the extent where the destiny of what will happen extremely far in the future could also be seen through it."

"I'll say, you should know there are thousands of Laws in Heavenly Dao. And among those thousands of Laws, there are four supreme laws. And one of these four Supreme Laws is called the Law of Time. It all existed from the moment that the Heavens were born. Not only the Law of Time but a 100% Profound Meaning of Time Law as well."

"Time... It is extremely mysterious and complicated. From the moment of Heavens' birth, no one is able to understand even 1% of the Law of Time. Well, there came many geniuses and prodigies who were able to perceive and see through time after millions of years of comprehension. But their comprehension was just 0.1%."

"But still, this 0.1% of Time Law resulted in great change."

"What I'm trying to tell is that the Law of Time is very mysterious and extremely complicated, far more complicated than anyone could ever imagine. However, the Heavens was born with thousands of laws as well as 100% understanding of these Laws' Profound Meanings."

"The Profound Meaning of Time resulted in Heavens already knowing the future. It knows what will happen the next second, a year later, a generation later, a millennium later, or even an era later. Heavens knows everything. But everything that Heavens knows are still just probabilities, for there is still 1% chance where truth and predicted future might divert from the original path."

"Just as you know, Heavens already knew someone will appear in the future who could go against its will. But it still didn't take any action to stop your appearance. Do you know why?"

Ye Xiao shook his head, indicating that he doesn't know.

Well, this is also the question whose answer he wants to know the most right now. Since the Heavens already knew he will appear, why it didn't take any action to prevent his appearance and destroyed his existence?

Queen said: "The first reason is the one I've already said. It is because the probability is still just probabilities. It is not 100% confirmed. The second reason is that, although Heavens knew 'someone' will go against it, it doesn't know that 'someone' will be. And in your case, after you became the inheritor of the second universe, the Heavens were unable to see through your destiny and fate. It didn't know what your next step will be and it doesn't know even now. It can't even predict anything about you because your destiny has been connected with not only the Heavens but also the Second Universe."

"Because of these things, the Heavens could only try to kill you using some other means. One of these means the reappearance of God Slaying Sword. The moment you became the inheritor of the Second Universe, the Heavens knew that the one who will go against it had appeared. So, it took action, causing the appearance of God Slaying Sword and its holder, Lin Hao."

"The other method Heavens used trying to kill you are Heavenly Tribulations. But because of the abilities of Ancestral Dragons, mostly because of Heaven Devouring Divine Dragon, you always defied your fate of being killed and passed the tribulations. You should remember that sometimes, even the Eye of Heavenly Dao itself appeared and tried to kill you. And that moment was so terrifying that two secret realms were destroyed."

"And now, if you want to ask how I was able to talk to the Heavens even though I went against its will and tried to help the Second Universe..." Queen shifted her gaze from Ye Xiao's face, raised her head, and looked at the ceiling of the floor. It is as if she could see through the layers of Nine Story Pagoda and was looking at the sky, she said: "It is because I was the first being born in the Heavens. I was born a few seconds before the first ancestral dragon's birth. I'm the one closest to the Heavens. And it was not the Heaven Devouring Divine Dragon, neither the Nine Hell Serenity Dragon nor other Ancestral Dragons who helped Heavens get rid of and seal Ancient Devils the most, it was me who did everything in my capability to help the Heavens since it is my home."

"You still remembered what I told you in the Great Star Continent, right?" Queen asked as she turned her head at Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao revealed a confused expression. He didn't know what moment Queen was talking about.

Looking at Ye Xiao's reaction, Queen said: "I told you that Nine Ancestral Dragons were pulled into the Second Universe before it truly transformed into the Heavenly Pearl and fell somewhere. The Second Universe was able to do this because Heavens had completely given up on these nine ancestral dragons. But Heavens never abandoned me. In fact, Heavens lifted its restriction on me willingly for some reason. Because the restriction on me is lifted, if I want, I could leave the Heavens any time and enter an entirely new starry sky. According to the Heavens, there seemed to be countless Universes like Heavens in that vast starry sky."

"Vast starry Sky?"

Ye Xiao was stunned when he heard these three words. He knew what Queen was talking about. She was talking about Chaos. He didn't know that Queen knew about chaos. In fact, he never expected Queen to know about Chaos.

"Yes, vast starry sky. I don't know what it is, neither the Heavens knows. Heavens only told me that when the Great War of Primordial Era was being fought and it shattered into three Great Realms, it was at that time that the Heavens sensed someone outside its cosmic membrane fighting hard and talking about there being countless Source Universes, and about swallowing the Source of the Universes to break through to the higher realm of cultivation."

"Only after the crack appeared in the cosmic membrane did the Heavens hear these words, and only then did Heavens guess that there are countless universes like it and the Second Universe."

"Well, leave these matters for later to talk, we are talking about me right now." Queen smiled at this moment, causing Ye Xiao's heart to throb as he saw the gentle smile on her mesmerizing face and red lips that caused him to gup down saliva.

"I was saying that after the Heavens lifted its restriction on me, I became a unique existence. Heavens abandoned the Nine Ancestral Dragon but it never abandoned me."

"When I asked the Heavens why it abandoned the Nine Ancestral Dragons but not me, do you what Heavens said?"

"I obviously don't know, hehe!" Ye Xiao shook his head and laughed dryly, and said: "You tell me!"

Queen nodded and said: "Heavens told me that when I and those nine Ancestral Dragons went against the Will of the Heavens to support the Second Universe, before making a decision on what to do, Heavens first used its Profound Meaning of Time Law to see far in the future. Heavens saw the nine Ancestral Dragon going against it and saw that they were trying to destroy the Heavens by stealing its source."

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