Divine Mastering Dragon System

Chapter 25

C25 – Sorry I will Teach You Everything You Know

Qiao Guan had successfully dismantled the firewall.

One by one, people began to make preparations for evacuation.

Regardless of the outcome of this battle, it wasn’t a matter for the nobility to concern themselves with.

Though Qiao Guan’s arrival had stabilized the situation, these nobles, who valued their lives above all else, had no desire to risk accidental harm.

“Did I give you permission to leave?”

Choo Qin cast a sidelong glance at the nobles attempting to exit the Rain Listening Pavilion. With a mere scoff, he halted everyone in their tracks.

Qiao Guan’s face had turned a dark shade of green. He was taken aback that this prince had so thoroughly dismissed him, despite being a Sorcerer.

Even in the Imperial City, someone of his stature commanded respect.

The Counts of Long Song City treated him with the utmost deference.

He couldn’t recall ever being so blatantly disregarded.

What Sorcerer, having reached such a distinguished level through their magical studies, wasn’t a rare genius with a hint of pride?

“You’re seeking your own demise!”

A subtle green aura emanated from Qiao Guan as he nonchalantly tossed two seed-like orbs that swiftly transformed into massive vines slithering toward Choo Qin.

“Hmm? This type of magic? It hardly qualifies as elemental, does it?”

Choo Qin’s eyebrows lifted. This was his first encounter with such a spell. If he had to classify it, it would loosely fall under the category of Wood control within the elements.

“Ding! You have observed a High Level Rune of Vine Control (0/1000): Capable of manipulating vines and generating a link to heal oneself.”


“Upgraded to Wood Spirit Manipulation (0/100000). The next upgrade requires a Wood Spirit Heart.”

The vines were incredibly agile—one snaked towards Choo Qin in an attempt to coil around him, while the other lashed out like a whip with vicious intent.

Choo Qin stepped back to evade, and the stone tiles beneath him were cleaved away.

“Come on!”

Choo Qin bellowed, unleashing the Wood Spirit Super Control technique he had just covertly acquired.

Suddenly, the world through his eyes became a verdant sea, and the two vines exuded a sense of kinship.

A slender tether of magic connected Choo Qin to the Sorcerer, Qiao Guan.

“I’ll gladly accept your vines!”

For some inexplicable reason, Choo Qin was brimming with confidence that, in his Wood Spirit state, he could usurp control of the vines from Qiao Guan.

And indeed, once the link was severed, the vines responded to Choo Qin’s command as naturally as fish take to water. In an instant, they surged towards Qiao Guan, splitting first into four segments, then multiplying into eight!

A look of utter disbelief crossed Qiao Guan’s face; he had never anticipated his own vine seeds turning against him.

Regrettably, his control was rendered completely ineffective.

Amidst a cacophony of snaps and cracks, the Sorcerer found himself battered and bruised from the unexpected assault!

“You! You…!”

Qiao Guan was so enraged he was at a loss for words.

“So, you’re a Wood Spirit Master too! I cannot allow you to leave here alive!”

“You think you can’t let me live? Do you believe a few extra years of life make you that formidable? Well, let me set the record straight today—I know everything you know! You’re about to witness the vast gap between us!”

Choo Qin’s relentless taunts struck at the very core of Qiao Guan’s pride.

​”This is your doing!” Qiao Guan’s voice wavered, clearly shaken by the recent blow to his ego.

“Think you’re strong? Taste the power of my curse!”

Regaining his composure, Qiao Guan’s face twisted into an eerie expression, and a green glow emanated from his chest.

Before Choo Qin’s eyes, Qiao Guan began to transform, sprouting branches until he resembled an ancient, towering tree.

Despite his confidence, Choo Qin involuntarily swallowed hard.

He cautiously retreated a couple of steps.

He had sensed it—

A dangerous aura emanating from Qiao Guan’s being!

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