Divine Path System

Chapter 1463 An Actor

Chapter 1463 An Actor

1463 An Actor

The old man watched Varian's contorted expression. His face was still so stoic and he was overflowing with a chilling aura, one that only the most cold blooded of killers would posess. He didn't smile but his eyes were twinkling with glee.

Like a child that found its lost toy, he gazed at the young man who appeared out of the formations.

He did notice the innumerable formations, each filled with mystic magic circles and runes stuttering and coming to a halt, making noises akin to a chalk scratching against a board.

For these formations which were instated to control the Fortune Spirit to stop must've meant something was seriously wrong.

This change would shake up not just the Pala Kingdom but even its neighbors. Any disturbance to the roots of Palarian race would have an effect on the Alliance's army that couldn't be neglected.

But the old man didn't care.

"Ahh, I've been waiting for you for so long." A long wooden staff with a humanoid skull as its top materialized in his wrinkled hand. "Do you know since when?"

He was only interested in tormenting the man who tortured him. It wouldn't be fun to directly attack and kill this man who usually overflowed with confidence.

Varian's eyes flashed with a gloomy light and glanced around.

'He must have been trying to find a way out. Poor soul.'

The old man chuckled inwardly, his sadistic soul gaining a sense of satisfaction from watching his prey realize its position.

'You're fearing my attacks, aren't you? But don't worry. I will keep you on your toes, making you fear when I'll strike…and I'll break you like that until you beg me for death.

Physical torture is fine but breaking the spirit of a man like you, ahh, that would be deligtful of all.'

His black robe rustled in the wind, shining with a dangerous glow. A creepy aura began to eminate from the old man, one that's filled with the scent of death.

As it reached Varian and Enigma, the two flinched as expected and their bodies began to shiver.

'Ahhh, sweet child. You many not realize it yet, but your soul already knows. It fears.'

The old man's expression twisted and a distorted chuckle escaped his lips.

Then, four arrows made of gaseous black aura spun around their axis and shot at the couple.

The attack of a peak rank 9 was beyond their ability to block and even react. But to toy with Varian, the attacks were deliberately slowed down to a point that Varian could sense but not react.

As intended, Varian's black pupils widened as the attack reached him and his body instinctively tried to escape but he was too slow.


Like a harsh wind swaying the grass, the black winds passed by Varian but sent him rolling back.

It's alarming because they didn't even graze him. They just passed beside him and even being in their vicinity affected him badly.

Varian stood up with chattering teeth, his skin morbidly pale from the brief exchange. Veins were visible under that skin and they bulged, as if they were about to burst.

Boom! Bang! Craash!

The noise of battles occuring nearby reached them for a moment before the old man waved his hand and an invisible force pushed the fighters away.

Samantha and Robert continued to fight regardless. They were now far more injured and exhausted than before. But they kept going.

"Xeola," The old man said in a carefree voice.

"Yes, Lord." The Princess standing behind him this whole time stepped forward with her head low and hands folded on her waist, a posture typical of maids serving their masters.

"Do whatever you wish with that lass, I just need him." The old man's skinny hand raised and Enigma helplessly rose into the air and was flung toward the princess.

Crashing a bit away, she was dragged harshly against the ground before reaching Xeola's feet.

Varian's fists clenched tight and he looked at the two with anger but also a hint of helplesness.

The old man stroked his chin in contemplation.

Watching him, Xeola swallowed her saliva and stepped forward. "My Lord, this man greatly values this woman. If you want to break him down, it's best to torture her."

"Oh? Is that so?" The old soul raised a brow in surprise.

He was in a deep coma until Xeola woke him up. So, he wasn't aware of the events that transpired. Still, if he could torture Varian, he was more than ready to do it.

"Then go ahead. Show your skills." He said with a chuckle.

"Yes, my lord." Xeola bent down, a knife and plier appearing in her hands as she reached for Enigma.

Varian's eyes were fixated on her hands, his eyes fluctuating violently.

The old man watched him with great interest.

'Want to help but helpless to do anything. Heh, is this really the guy I know? Hm…but he should at least shout. He isn't saying anything. Even his soul fluctuations…soul?'

The old man's eyes furrowed as he felt something was off. The readings were all fine but…something…definitely, something was wrong.



A powerful aura smashed the old man and like he was being hit by a speeding truck, he crashed to the ground, creating a crater.

Fortune Spirit, brimming with the power of peak rank 9, appeared in front of him.

The young girl sighed lightly as she watched the smashed flowers and glared down at the old man. "Damn it!"

A blue wind blew and locked onto the old soul. In response, a black wind pushed back and the old man slowly floated into the air.

"How did you even…" He paused in the middle and glanced at the broken formations. "Never mind."


An explosion sounded nearby.

A sword was lodged into Xeola's chest by Enigma and the princess was punched in the face by Varian who apepared next to his wife. The two held hands and vanished into the distance.

"I should've guessed. This bastard wasn't the type to give up so easily." The old man spat in regret and cracked his neck.

"But it doesn't matter." He looked at the Spirit with a confident smile. "I'm almost a divine."


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