Do You Want Me To Be The Villain Like That?? Open Your Eyes And See

Chapter 109: The Decision

Chapter 109: The Decision

In the midst of the brutal, merciless battlefield, the desperate screams of a Tianyuan warrior rang out, "Stay away! You monsters!" His voice was filled with terror as dozens of blood ants, all at the Immortal Emperor level, relentlessly pursued him. The blood ants charged at him with terrifying speed and savagery.

"Help me! Someone, please help!" he cried, tears streaming down his face. His body trembled with fear as he looked around for anyone to rescue him, but all he saw was despair. Everywhere around him were the corpses of his comrades, being devoured by the ravenous blood ants. No one else was alive—only him and the bloodthirsty creatures.

Just as the blood ants' sharp claws were about to tear him apart, their bodies were swiftly sliced into pieces with incredible speed. The man, still trembling and in shock, slowly looked up. Standing before him was his savior.

"Thank you... Lord Zi Hao," the man said gratefully. Zi Hao stood with a cold expression, then turned and left immediately. The path he flew through was littered with the remains of blood ants he had brutally slain. The atmosphere was eerily silent and cold, but Zi Hao pressed on, continuing his merciless slaughter of the blood ants.

Feng Yang was also flying closely behind Zi Hao, his flaming spear burning and destroying every blood ant that crossed his path. As he looked around the chaotic battlefield, many races began to understand the true danger of the blood ants. Some factions that had been fighting against Tianyuan were now hurriedly retreating, abandoning the battle to return and protect their home worlds.

However, not all the races were willing to retreat. Some were still determined to destroy Tianyuan. At that moment, the void split open, and numerous warships emerged from the tear in space. The Golden Shark Clan stared in astonishment. "Spirit World ships?"

The Silver Shark Clan, standing nearby, muttered in disbelief, "No way... is it true? I thought they made up nonsense to trick us into stopping our attack on Tianyuan."

Warships from the Fallen Heaven Blood Sect also emerged from the void, followed by hundreds of millions of void swords that surged forward, slaughtering the blood ants and any remaining factions that refused to retreat. The sudden attack threw everyone into panic, leaving them no time to react. The bodies of those races were swiftly cut apart, their blood and remains scattering across the battlefield.

Standing at the forefront, Feng Yang spoke grimly, "Peak demigods... and not just one." His gaze locked onto Jiang Yun, who stood at the helm of one of the warships.

Feng Yi, Xue Ting, and Zi Hao all turned to look at Jiang Yun in astonishment. Jiang Yun spoke up, "Let's retreat back to Tianyuan."

The Tianyuan forces said nothing. There were no cheers of victory, no celebrations. Despite their triumph in the recent battle, the atmosphere was thick with tension and lingering fear.

Soon after, when they returned to Tianyuan, the leaders of the various factions gathered once again in the Immortal Flame Territory's meeting hall. The tension in the room was palpable, and everyone was in a state of anxiety, uncertain of what to do next.

Jiang Yun sat in the center of the room, and once everyone was present, he began speaking. "Half of our Tianyuan Universe... has already been taken by the blood ants."

His words silenced the room. No one dared to speak, their faces filled with fear and hopelessness. Their minds went blank, unable to think of any solution. The situation was far worse than they had ever imagined.

Xue Ting, deep in thought after hearing Jiang Yun's words, asked in disbelief, "It's spreading that fast?"

Jiang Yun nodded solemnly. "Yes, the blood ants you've seen so far are only a fraction of their total force. The ones that attacked the Spirit World weren't even a tenth of their entire army. Their ability to reproduce is astonishing—they feed on other races to generate energy and create more blood ants, or they transform powerful individuals into blood ants. And they have a queen ant named Xue Houyi, who commands the entire race. There are also hundreds of thousands of subordinate queen ants responsible for their rapid expansion. Each queen can lay up to 50,000 eggs a day. With the vast amount of food available in the Tianyuan Universe, they could potentially grow by five billion blood ants per day."

Jiang Yun's words sent shockwaves through the room, leaving everyone speechless as they grappled with the horrifying numbers.

Chang Tong, who had remained quiet until now, spoke up with a tense voice, "If we estimate from when they first appeared three months ago, the minimum number of blood ants by now would be around 450 billion. And that doesn't even account for those who've been turned into blood ants..."

The atmosphere in the room grew heavier with each passing second. Feng Yi, Zi Hao, and Xue Ting exchanged worried glances. Chang Tong, usually calm, now wore a grim expression, thinking to himself that the situation was nearing hopelessness.

After some time, Feng Yi asked solemnly, "Do you have a plan?"

Jiang Yun turned to her, his eyes weary, and replied bluntly, "We have to escape the Tianyuan Universe. We have no other choice."

Yong Xuan, sitting nearby, asked angrily, "Is there really no other way?"

Jiang Yun looked at her before responding coldly, "There is another way... but it's no longer possible because they've already gained the power of dreams."

Everyone in the room fell silent again. The atmosphere became even darker, filled with confusion and uncertainty. Feng Yang, sitting close to Jiang Yun, furrowed his brow and asked worriedly, "Does the Tianyuan Universe really have a Dream Body?"

Jiang Yun smiled faintly and glanced at Ling Meng, who was sitting in the corner, casually eating grapes. Everyone's gaze shifted to Ling Meng immediately.

Zi Hao, Feng Yi, and Xue Ting simultaneously asked their systems, "What is the power of dreams?"

The systems responded in their automated voices. [The power of dreams is a mysterious force, regardless of the level of the universe. It can only be obtained through a special body; it cannot be learned. This power has the ability to turn dreams into reality. With sufficient strength and mastery, the user could become nearly immortal.]

Zi Hao furrowed his brow and asked, "Can it reverse someone who has already turned into a blood ant?"

The system replied calmly, [Yes, Host.]

Still curious, Zi Hao continued, "And can it revive someone who's already dead?"

The system confidently responded, [Yes, of course, Host. It's like altering reality—creating what doesn't exist or erasing what does. However, to wield this power effectively, one must be at least at the true god level.]

After receiving this information, Zi Hao looked at Ling Meng with newfound interest. As the others remained puzzled, Feng Yang began explaining the "Dream Body" to the room. His explanation was detailed, describing the unique power that could turn dreams into reality and how this ability could only be inherited through a special body, not learned or trained like other powers.

As everyone heard about the power of dreams, some displayed shock, while others showed deep interest. A few individuals even had a glint of greed in their eyes, but Feng Yang continued, his voice serious.

"To fully utilize the Dream Body's potential, the user must have cultivation above the demigod level. Otherwise, the power will be ineffective or, in the worst case, backfire on the user."

These words made those who had shown greed moments ago glance at each other with hesitation, realizing how difficult it was to reach the demigod level.

As the discussions continued, a powerful aura suddenly surged from beyond Tianyuan. It was so overwhelming that everyone in the meeting room stopped talking immediately. The earlier chatter was replaced by anxiety and tension. All eyes turned in the same direction, staring at the sky outside the Tianyuan Universe.

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