Do You Want Me To Be The Villain Like That?? Open Your Eyes And See

Chapter 99: The First Meeting Gift

Chapter 99: The First Meeting Gift

In a chaotic world teeming with ferocious creatures, it was the world of the two-legged lizard tribe. This race ruled by strength alone, a lawless place where only the powerful could seize everything.

At the heart of the world, in a colossal battle arena, lizards fought fiercely, blood spattering everywhere. Their roars of excitement mixed with the cheers of other lizards reverberated through the battleground.

One lizard, eyes filled with bloodlust, had slaughtered all its opponents in the arena. As it stood tall and held the head of its final opponent high, the arena echoed with thunderous cheers, so loud that it seemed the walls might collapse. The lizard grinned proudly, basking in the glory of its victory. But as it stood receiving its honors, a darkness descended over the arena, swiftly spreading across the entire world.

All eyes turned skyward, confusion filling their gaze. The sky, which had been lit with countless twinkling stars, was suddenly blanketed in darkness. None of them had ever seen such a stunning sky before. A young lizard, full of wonder, exclaimed, "It's so beautiful!"

In an instant, however, the stars in the sky shifted, hurtling towards the world at unimaginable speeds. The Immortal Emperors of the lizard tribe rushed out, trying to halt the falling stars with all their might. But before they could do anything, the stars warped and stopped right before them. A voice belonging to the Immortal Emperor of the lizards echoed:

"Law of Time."

Boom! Boom! Boom! The stars continued to crash into the ground with deafening explosions, shaking the world to its core. Everything was annihilated in a flash, the ground quaking and the sky torn apart. Countless Immortal Emperors of the lizard tribe were slain in an instant, their souls left to be consumed by the Dao of the Universe, which also absorbed the essence of their spirits.

A single lizard miraculously survived, looking around in desperation and confusion. Everything it knew had been obliterated. It screamed in madness, but before its cry could finish, its head was severed from its body in an instant.

The brutal massacre had only just begun. The members of the Fallen Heaven Blood Sect surged forward, slaughtering any remaining lifeforms, reducing everything to lifeless corpses.

As Jiang Yun observed the devastation below, his gaze was cold. He hadn't intended to destroy the entire world, for he still had use for it. So, with precise control over his "Ten Thousand Stars Encircle the World" technique, he only destroyed certain portions of the stars.

Standing on the flying ship, Jiang Yun watched as his "villain points" increased in his system. Though the increase was small, it was enough to bring a smile of satisfaction to his face. When all the members of the Fallen Heaven Blood Sect returned from their slaughter, Jiang Yun wasted no time. He used spirit threads to envelop the entire planet.

At that moment, Samsara Mud came to him, giving him the coordinates of the next planet to destroy. Jiang Yun grinned as he entered the void and arrived at another world inhabited by fiery shrimp creatures. After finding the perfect position, he created another spirit thread, wrapping it around the entire planet without the inhabitants even noticing. With immense spiritual power, Jiang Yun pulled the thread tight, causing the two planets to collide with one another. He opened a massive void to shorten the distance between them, and the planets were rapidly shifted from their original positions.

The inhabitants of the fiery shrimp planet went about their daily lives, completely unaware of the impending catastrophe. Thanks to the concealment formations set up by Samsara Mud, they had no idea their world was moving. As they went about their routines, the two planets collided at unimaginable speed. The resulting explosion sent bright light shooting across the universe. Several Immortal Emperors turned their gaze towards the source of the blast, feeling the powerful shockwave from the planetary collision. Debris from the crash scattered to nearby planets, wiping out countless lifeforms in the process.

Jiang Yun watched the destruction he had caused, his cold eyes filled with satisfaction. But he didn't stop there.

"I'll go disrupt the meeting of the other races," Jiang Yun ordered. "Meanwhile, you all handle the planets I assigned to you."

The members of the Fallen Heaven Blood Sect shouted in unison, "Understood!"

Over the past three months, Jiang Yun had carefully laid out various plans, and the first step was to destroy planets to feed them to the Dao of the Universe. He had instructed Samsara Mud to scout out the locations of the various planets inhabited by other races. After gathering the information, Jiang Yun distributed the tasks to the sect members. Now, they each set off for their designated targets. Jiang Yun smiled with satisfaction before setting his sights on another planet.

As Jiang Yun headed toward the meeting of the various races, he used spirit threads to pull other planets along with him. They would serve as his "gifts" for his first meeting with the other races.

On a planet filled with docked flying ships and banners from many different forces, the gathering of the races was taking place. The colossal conference hall was packed with leaders and representatives from all over. Chaos erupted as heated arguments filled the air.

"I disagree!" shouted a black rat.

"So do I!" echoed several other races.

"We will not attack the humans without clear terms on how to split the spoils!" the enraged voice of the Earth Rat tribe leader added.

The giants rose, their leader speaking in a flat, annoyed tone, "Stop your whining. We'll split the rewards after we've killed all the humans!"

The Shadow Tribe, silent until now, responded sharply, "Do you think I'm a fool? You really think I'd trust your words?"

"And I disagree as well!" other races joined in, their anger rising.

The tension between the races grew. They refused to accept any terms or agreements. At that moment, a sound cut through the noise, and everyone in the room froze as they sensed an overwhelming danger approaching.

"Ten Thousand Stars Encircle the World."

Suddenly, the leaders of the meeting shot out of the planet without hesitation. The weaker races noticed something was wrong but didn't flee, confident that no one would dare attack this gathering. However, a massive surge of power descended from the sky. They looked up and saw dozens of enormous stars appear in the heavens, blocking out all light.

"What is that?" a leader of the Earth Ant tribe shouted in alarm, but there was no time for answers.

The stars plummeted towards the planet, colliding with immense force. The impact caused a cataclysmic explosion, the shockwave rippling across the universe. "BOOM!" The stars clashed, detonating in all directions, scattering debris across nearby planets and wiping out vast swathes of life in their path.

The weaker races, those unable to flee, were obliterated in an instant. They left no trace, their bodies reduced to nothing. Darkness and silence filled the void where life had once thrived.

This devastating attack unfolded with brutal swiftness. Though some of the stronger races managed to escape, they were not spared from further attacks as more stars, summoned by Jiang Yun, pursued them.

It was the opening salvo of a war that would change the universe forever.

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