Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1914: Restrict the Omniverse, Dragon Emperor Radiance

Chapter 1914: Restrict the Omniverse, Dragon Emperor Radiance

The halos didn't appear to be encompassing a very large area, but from Demon Sovereign's perspective, it was as if the halos were encompassing her entire world.

In the next instant, she was already rooted to the spot, and the distance that she had fled suddenly ceased to exist.

Tang Wulin was still standing right before her, and there was still the same distance between them; it was as if nothing had happened or changed.

Immediately thereafter, the surrounding area was plunged into complete darkness, and Demon Sovereign felt as if she had arrived in another world.There was no heaven or earth, nor any stars; the only thing that stood before her was that almighty figure that was basked under nine-colored light.

Low dragon's roars rang out in all directions, and it was as if she had entered the world of the dragon clan.

"Restrict the Omniverse." An authoritative voice rang out in the darkness, and Demon Sovereign found herself completely incapable of using any of her godly power.

"Dragon Emperor Radiance!"

Tang Wulin raised his Sea God's Trident high above his head.

Dragon Emperor Fall and Dragon Emperor Radiance were the final two Dragon Emperor Restriction Techniques that he had created during the Nine Trials of the Sea God.

Even though he currently held an overwhelming advantage in power over Demon Sovereign, he wasn't holding back in the slightest.

Resplendent nine-colored light erupted forth along with dazzling golden radiance, and the inky-black world was suddenly illuminated.

Demon Sovereign could feel her own body becoming lighter and lighter; there was no pain, but everything around her was being stripped away incessantly.

Is this... what death feels like? 

A wry smile appeared on her face as all types of thoughts and memories began to surface in her mind.

She could still clearly recall many years ago, when she had still been an ignorant little whale. During one of her journeys, she encountered her future husband.

On that occasion, they were pursued by a Tiger Shark, and they only just barely escaped by the skin of their teeth after fleeing into a sunken ship.

After that, they were always together. Her husband was very bloodthirsty, and he was constantly becoming more powerful by devouring other marine creatures. These marine life forms naturally also became her food, and before she knew it, there was no longer anything able to pose a threat to them in the sea.

The entire Tiger Shark Race had been virtually wiped out by her husband, and she recalled on one occasion that they traveled through the sea for three whole days without seeing any other living marine creature.

Her husband was the true overlord of the sea, yet the emergence of a human changed everything, shattering her simple and blissful life.

She never thought about how her husband's actions would impact the sea; she was very naive and only wanted to be with her husband.

However, on that day, her husband died. He left his energy core to her, but only then did she truly begin to face the sea on her own.

She lived in constant pain and hatred, which could only be slightly alleviated through slaughter.

She gradually became insane and completely unable to control her own emotions. She was even at a point where she was no longer content with only slaughtering marine creatures and was extending her killing sprees to land-dwelling creatures as well.

After that, she was lured by those Evil Soul Masters to become Demon Sovereign of the Holy Spirit Cult.

She knew that Ghost Emperor was only using her power and that she was nothing more than a puppet, but so what? It didn't matter as long as she could exact her revenge on the human race.

The Blood River Godslayer Array finally allowed her to become a true god, granting her the power to destroy the entire human world.

However, never did she think that her time at the peak would be so short.

Was it all over? Just as her husband had fallen to his father, she was also unable to escape the judgment of the Sea God's Trident in the end.

If she could go back in time and do it all over again, perhaps she should convince her husband not to engage in excessive slaughter and become a sea soul beast abandoned by the Sea God; perhaps they would be able to enjoy a happy life together then.

The darkness that had descended upon the world didn't just apply to Demon Sovereign, but also to everyone else present.

The entire plane had been sealed, and virtually the entire Douluo Continent was plunged into darkness. Even those areas that were outside of this enormous blanket of darkness were experiencing a dimming of the skies.

This was undoubtedly the most powerful attack that Tang Wulin was currently capable of unleashing.

Once the sky finally cleared up again, Gu Yuena had returned to Tang Wulin's side, and the two of them were holding hands as they descended from the heavens. Tang Wulin wasn't feeling any noticeable sense of feebleness, but his Golden Dragon King seals were still threatening to break open.

Was that what it felt like to be a god? It was truly a very different experience.

He finally understood why Guan Yue had said that he didn't regret what he had done in his dying moments; becoming a god was truly a captivating prospect.

Following their soul fusion skill, it appeared that they weren't suffering from any severe side-effects aside from significant soul power and spiritual power expenditure. However, after returning to their original forms, their energy was quickly recovering.

Cao Dezhi and Zang Xin exchanged a glance, and both of them could see their own astonishment mirrored in each other's eyes. At the same time, they felt as if a massive weight had been lifted off their chests.

Once the sky completely cleared up again, Tang Wulin, Gu Yuena, and Demon Sovereign appeared in everyone's field of view.

Demon Sovereign was standing still on the spot, and not only had her hair turned a lifeless white color, her body was also rapidly aging.

Her aura was still at the true god level, but her eyes were already completely glazed over, as if her soul had disappeared.

In the face of Dragon Emperor Radiance, her divine sense had been destroyed, as had the core of her life force, so the only thing that awaited her was death; even a god wouldn't be able to reverse this process.

Dragon Emperor Radiance was a divine technique to begin with, not to mention the fact that it had been unleashed by Tang Wulin in his Dragon God form.

The remaining abyssal creatures in the distance were all looking on in a horrified silence. They were still reeling from what they had just witnessed, and despite the vast number of abyssal creatures remaining on the battlefield, it was so quiet that a pin drop could be heard.

Tang Wulin slowly raised his Sea God's Trident. Demon Sovereign's death was inevitable even if he didn't do anything; she had lost her soul and there was no way she could survive.

However, putting an end to her life would signify the conclusion of this battle, and it was time to launch a counterattack against the abyssal plane!

"Don't do it! Please, I beg of you!" Right at this moment, a grief-stricken cry rang out, and a figure flew over from the distance.

Both Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena faltered slightly upon hearing this voice, which was rather familiar to them.

The figure quickly arrived on the scene, planting herself in front of Demon Sovereign as she spread open her arms to shield her.

This was a woman with a head of slightly disheveled blue hair. She was very beautiful, but there were currently tears streaming down her face. Her entire body was trembling, but her outstretched arms were resolute and unyielding.

"Please, you've already destroyed her soul; leave her body behind."

This woman was rather familiar to Tang Wulin.

He couldn't recall ever seeing her before, but for some reason, she struck him with a strong sense of familiarity.

"Aren't you... Lan Fuozi?" Gu Yuena asked in a surprised voice.

Lan Fuozi turned to Gu Yuena with a complex look in her eyes. Both of the people standing before her were people she had once loved.

Back when she saw the footage of Gu Yuena for the first time, she thought that it was love at first sight, so she chose to participate in the Joust For a Spouse event without any hesitation.

However, at the event, she met Tang Wulin.

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