Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1918: This is the End

Chapter 1918: This is the End

At this point, Tang Wulin's entire body was basked in nine-colored light, and the aura of the Dragon God was permeating through the air as he shot forth directly toward the Holy Lord as a streak of nine-colored light.

The Holy Lord smiled as he pointed his Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift forward, and said, "This is the end." All of the abyssal creatures immediately rushed toward the human army like a tsunami wave.

Far away in the main control center, Yu Guanzhi yelled with all his might, "Fire!"

This turn of events had taken place far too abruptly.

Just when everyone thought Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena's Dragon God Transformation had put an end to this battle, everything was turned on its head.

All of their efforts thus far were rendered null, and now, they had to face an even more terrifying and unfathomable being.

Perhaps this was a hopeless cause, but just as Tang Wulin had said, they were going to give it their all to protect the Douluo Continent.

In the distance, the three federal fleets opened fire once again, and on the battlefield, all of the ground and air units also sprang into action again.

This was a battle between planes, and only one side could get the last laugh.

A streak of nine-colored light raced through the air, reaching the Holy Lord in the blink of an eye. Tang Wulin thrust his Sea God's Trident forward, and countless trident projections erupted forth before converging as he unleashed his Fury of the Masses.

In response, the Holy Lord merely stood still on the spot with his left hand clasped casually behind his back, using only his right hand to sweep Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift through the air.

The gesture was extremely simple, but at the same time, it seemed that it would be impossible to break through his defenses.

A resounding boom rang out, and even though Tang Wulin now possessed the power of the god, he was completely powerless in the face of Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift and was sent flying back through the air.

What was even more terrifying was that a massive gash had been sliced open on the breastplate of his four-word battle armor, and blood was gushing out of the resulting wound.

Only in the hands of the Holy Lord was Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift a true transcendent divine weapon, and even the Sea God's Trident was unable to nullify its special ability that allowed it to disregard all defenses.

In a close-range battle, Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift was invincible!

If there were a ranking for transcendent divine weapons, then Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift would undoubtedly be the number one melee combat weapon on that ranking.

The Sea God's Trident was far more well-rounded, excelling in all areas, regardless of whether it was power, offensive prowess, or enhancement to the wielder. In contrast, Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift was entirely geared toward maximizing offensive power.

In his Dragon God form, Tang Wulin's already incredible regenerative abilities were further enhanced, and the wound on his chest was quickly healing.

However, even though the wound was healing, he could clearly sense a terrifyingly sharp aura wreaking havoc through his body. His dragon core was beating violently, pumping out blood essence incessantly in an attempt to bolster his body and nullify this sharp aura, but it was only able to delay its rampage.

The situation was only made more bearable as Gu Yuena's power was using all types of elements to weaken this sharp aura.

A string of dull rumbling rang out within Tang Wulin's body, and an important type of power within his body was beginning to take effect.

Rainbow light flashed as it erupted outward, and the sharp aura was finally nullified.

This was none other than the power of elemental lightning absorbed by the Infernal Lightning Vine.

Elemental lightning was the power of the plane, and the Holy Lord had currently sealed the entire plane, so it was impossible to draw upon the planar ruler's power.

However, Tang Wulin had such power stored in his body.

In the face of another planar ruler, only the ruler of this plane could match up to their power.

Through the eruption of the elemental lightning, Tang Wulin was finally able to nullify the power of Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift.

"Oh? How interesting," the Holy Lord mused as a hint of intrigue appeared in his eyes. At this moment, he was like a cat toying with a mouse; he wasn't in a hurry at all, and it was as if this entire world were nothing but his plaything.

Tang Wulin made a grabbing motion with his left hand, and the oppressive abyssal aura in a large area around crumbled away.

This was his Dragon Emperor Break!

Immediately thereafter, he brandished his Sea God's Trident, and a peerlessly prideful and unyielding aura erupted out of his body.

Restrict Heaven and Earth, Dragon Emperor Fight!

The nine-colored light radiating from his body instantly began to glow even brighter, and even his eyes had taken on a nine-colored hue. The final three Golden Dragon King seals in his body tremored violently as if they could shatter at any moment, and his aura elevated once again.

This was the second Dragon God Transformation, Dragon God's Might!

Thunderous dragons roars rang out from all directions, and at the same time, a massive nine-colored halo with a diameter in excess of three kilometers appeared on the ground.

The patterns in the halo were extremely complex, and it was giving off a sense of otherworldly pride.

This was the pride that only belonged to a being that had once stood at the very pinnacle of all worlds!

Immediately thereafter, a string of dragon roars rang out as another halo proliferated out of Tang Wulin's body to encompass the nine-colored halo.

A series of massive figures slowly rose up.

Initially, these were only a set of bare dragon skeletons, but under the illumination of the nine-colored light, they gradually grew flesh and scales. One incredibly powerful aura after another erupted through the air, and Tang Wulin hovered above them like a king inspecting his own army.

Among the giant dragons, there were golden Light Dragons, red Scarlet Dragons, enormous Mountain Dragons, and formidable Dark Dragons.

All of the giant dragons were in different shapes and forms, but one thing that was common among them was that they all possessed extremely powerful auras.

Back before humans had come into existence, they had been the true rulers of this world, and at the time, no one had been able to shake their rule.

In fact, the entire dragon clan had vanished in that era as all of the dragons had been led to the Divine Realm by the Dragon God. It was also due to their arrival that the Divine Realm truly became a force to be reckoned with.

However, they were too powerful and prideful, and that led to conflicts between them and other gods of the Divine Realm. Thus, an epic battle that almost destroyed the entire Divine Realm commenced.

In the end, the dragon clan was defeated, all of the giant dragons perished. With the last of his power, the Dragon God was only able to create a rather unstable small world for the dragon clan.

It was Tang Wulin's arrival that allowed the skeletons of the giant dragons to finally be laid to rest in the earth, and on this day, Tang Wulin finally summoned his army of divine dragons for the very first time.

Even though they were no longer beast gods of the Divine Realm, even though they were only formed by the deceased bodies of the giant dragons and nowhere near as powerful as they had once been, they still possessed the unrivaled pride of the dragon clan.

With his Dragon God aura and the bracelet that the dragon souls had given him in the dragon tomb, Tang Wulin was able to summon a far more powerful army of dragons than last time.

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