Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1926: Help Me Make a Breakthrough

Chapter 1926: Help Me Make a Breakthrough

"You're right, we can't wallow in despair," Tang Wulin replied with a wry smile, "But is there really anything else we can do?"

Gu Yuena's expression changed ever so slightly upon hearing this.

An hour prior to Tang Wulin's awakening, there really had been a solution available to her.


"My Lord, you can't hesitate any longer; this is the only way! Otherwise, once the Douluo Continent is devoured by the abyssal plane, the Myriad Beast Plane will also cease to exist. Once that happens, it'll be impossible for you to fuse with Tang Wulin's Golden Dragon King powers and revert back to the form of the Dragon God. Even if you can't return to the peak of the Dragon God's powers, you have the Dragon God's core in your possession! As long as you devour Tang Wulin, the Holy Lord may not be a match for you! There's no more time to waste, My Lord, you have to act now! My Lord..."


Gu Yuena replied in a firm voice, "There's definitely going to be a way out of this, Wulin. Now that your body has reached the godly level from the consumption of the Lovesick Heartbreak Flower, you'll be able to withstand greater power when we unleash our Dragon God Transformation again. Theoretically speaking, our Dragon God Transformation should be powerful enough to defeat the Holy Lord; it's just that our bodies are too frail to contain that much power. Hence, what we have to do is get ourselves as powerful as possible in the remaining two days; we need to make full use of everything available at our disposal."

Tang Wulin fell into deep thought upon hearing this. They had already done everything in their power to oppose the Holy Lord, yet their efforts had proven to be futile.

The Holy Lord's power could only be described as unfathomable, and with that Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift transcendent divine weapon in his possession, he was simply unstoppable; even in his Dragon God form, Tang Wulin was unable to withstand even a single attack.

Unpredictable Storm could perhaps temporarily control the opponent, but it was only for a very short time, and even more importantly, even after controlling the opponent, there was no point as he didn't possess enough power to kill the Holy Lord.

If he couldn't pose a threat to the Holy Lord, then everything they did would be completely useless. How could he land the killing blow?

Tang Wulin's brows were tightly furrowed as he stared down at his own tightly clenched fists.

The Sea God's Trident was also a transcendent divine weapon, but he was unable to unleash its full power as his father could. It was impossible to make any significant improvements within the short span of just two days, and even his currently godly power still most likely wouldn't be able to support enough power to strike down the Holy Lord.

Gu Yuena could naturally see his pain and struggle, and she sat down in front of him before holding onto his hands.

Tang Wulin looked up as he felt her soft and smooth hands, and their eyes met.

Their faces were so close to one another that they could feel each other's breath, and Tang Wulin was momentarily entranced by her stunning beauty.

If only they weren't in the midst of such turmoil; if only they could enjoy each other's company in more peaceful times.

"Gu Yue, I really want to stay like this with you forever!" Tang Wulin suddenly sighed.

A complex look appeared in Gu Yuena's eyes upon hearing this. Instead of saying anything in response, she merely pulled Tang Wulin's hands toward her before gently resting them on her cheeks.

Her face was soft and supple and cool to the touch, and as soon as his hands made contact with her skin, Tang Wulin felt as if a flame had been lit up within his body as his dragon core began to beat vigorously. He reflexively leaned forward and planted a passionate kiss onto her lips.

Gu Yuena spread open her arms and wound them around his neck, then closed her eyes as she leaned her body into his embrace.

Her cool body began to become hot to the touch, scorching Tang Wulin's body and soul.

Finally, their lips parted, but the two of them continued to embrace each other tightly.

How they wished that this moment could last forever.

"Wulin," Gu Yuena called out in a gentle voice.

"What is it?" Tang Wulin was currently completely immersed in her fragrance, and he didn't want to think about anything else in this moment.

"I don't think I've ever seriously said this to you before," Gu Yuena said in a gentle voice.

"Said what?"

Gu Yuena suddenly tightened her embrace around him. "I love you. I love you so, so much."

Tang Wulin shuddered upon hearing this, and he felt as if all of the pores on his entire body had opened up as he also tightened his embrace around Gu Yuena. It was a very short and simple declaration, yet it had instilled immense courage within him. 

"I love you, too." Tang Wulin's body was trembling slightly, and all of his pain instantly evaporated in that instant.

All of the adversity and hardships that he had endured were worth it just for this moment.

Gu Yuena continued in a gentle voice, "Regardless of how much hardships we have to face or what price we have to pay; regardless of how much responsibilities we must shoulder, nothing will change the fact that I love you. We'll definitely truly be together in the end, Wulin. It might take a very, very long time, but time will make everything easier."

What Tang Wulin couldn't see was the unprecedented determination and resolve that had appeared in Gu Yuena's eyes as she said this.

Tang Wulin stroked her silver hair gently as he shook his head in response. "No, I don't want it to take a very long time; I want to be together with you forever, starting from this very moment. I want to be with you for the rest of my life and all of my other lives to come. My body should be able to withstand the power within the 16th Golden Dragon King seal now, so I'm going to make a breakthrough, but I'll need you to lend me your power for this."

Gu Yuena shuddered slightly upon hearing this, but she merely nodded gently in response.

A burst of scorching heat instantly surged through Tang Wulin's body, and a hint of warmth finally appeared in this land of snow and ice as his dragon core thumped violently.

All thoughts of pressure and pain were completely banished out of his mind in this instant, and this small barracks became the site in which they became connected in body and soul.

The two of them expressed their love for one another without any reservation as their hearts continued to beat like there was no tomorrow.

Meanwhile, a series of defensive lines were being erected on the mountaintops as the soldiers went through the motions in a mechanical manner.

They knew that what they were doing was useless, but they were still hard at work.

The immense pressure that the Holy Lord had exerted upon the entire battlefield weighed heavily on everyone's hearts, and perhaps only two days would remain of their lives.

If it weren't for the strict military rules in place and the resolve instilled within everyone by the sacrifices made by Guan Yue and the others, there was a chance that the army could've already risen up in revolt.

However, what was the point in what they were doing? The three federal fleets couldn't even withstand a single attack from the enemy. No matter what they did, it was surely ultimately going to prove to be futile.

The vast majority of soldiers didn't even know what the abyssal plane was; all they knew was that they were being invaded by outsiders, and that these invaders were far too powerful for them to oppose.

All of a sudden, a piercing siren rang out; this was the siren for an emergency assembly.

Under normal circumstances, all of the troops would immediately gather as soon as they could upon hearing this siren, but on this occasion, they were clearly moving far slower than usual, and all of them seemed to be lacking the will to go on.

At the very least, it took them over thrice the normal amount of time to complete the assembly. Despite this, the military officials did nothing to try and urge them to hurry. They knew that the mental state of all of the troops was teetering on a fine line, and any further pressure exerted upon them now could result in a revolt.

One big screen after another was rolled out to soldiers in different areas.

Even though many casualties had been suffered during the battle, the losses suffered on the battlefield were nowhere near as severe as those of the three federal fleets. The large ships among the federal fleets had virtually all been destroyed by the Holy Lord, but many of the smaller ships had survived, as had the powerful beings that had fled the ships in time. For the Holy Lord, those people weren't worthy of his attention as they posed no threat to him.

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