Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1929: Human Cannon

Chapter 1929: Human Cannon

Tang Wulin's heart was filled with complex emotions as he listened to her story.

"Why are you telling me all this now? Is it because you're afraid you won't have a chance to tell me in the future?"

Gu Yuena shook her head in response. "That's not it. To be honest, even I can't tell whether I'm currently Gu Yue or Na'er; perhaps it's more accurate to say that I'm both at once. In the end, we gradually completed our fusion, but do you know what happened as a result?"

"What happened?" Tang Wulin asked.

Gu Yuena smiled, and replied, "I fell even deeper in love with you as our love was combined. Perhaps this will be our final battle; regardless of whether you believe me or not, I want to tell you that for your sake, I'm willing to give up the entire world."

Tang Wulin also smiled as he wound his arms around her in a gentle embrace. "I also have to tell you that for your sake, I'm willing to love the entire world."

Gu Yuena closed her eyes, and her long eyelashes rested on her cheeks as tears began to slide down her face. She held tightly onto him as this would perhaps be her last opportunity to do so.

All of a sudden, tremors began to run through the entire northernmost region.

Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena both looked up in unison and turned their attention toward the distance, where the silver light barrier was beginning to tremble and warp violently.

Finally, time was up, and the final battle was about to arrive.

Gu Yuena stood up straight as she donned her Silver Dragon Dancing Qilin battle armor, and her Silver Dragon Spear also appeared in her grasp. A final tear slowly flowed down her face, freezing into an ice crystal in the biting chill as it fell onto the ground.

Tang Wulin made a grabbing motion with his right hand to summon his Sea God's Trident, and all of the powerful beings of the human army also released their battle armor.

The human army was ready.

A sharp tearing sound suddenly rang out, and a blue rift appeared on the silver light barrier in the distance, following which the vast expanse of silver light receded like the falling tide.

The Holy Lord then emerged with a frosty look in his eyes.

For three whole days, he had been trapped in that spatial seal by a pair of puny humans.

His dream of creating a Divine Realm had been delayed for three whole days, and he was absolutely furious.

He had already caught sight of the resurrected Tang Wulin in the distance, but so what? He would just have to kill him again.

Were these three days really enough to reverse the fate of the human race?

The projection of the tree of life in the distance also appeared in his field of view. Rich life energy was permeating throughout the entire battlefield to contend with his aura, but in his eyes, this was nowhere near enough; the human race was still as puny as an ant.

"Tang Wulin!" Right at this moment, a sharp cry rang out across the entire battlefield, clearly having been amplified by soul loudspeakers.

Tang Wulin was focusing on the upcoming battle with the Holy Lord, but he reflexively faltered slightly upon hearing this.

Who would be calling him at a time like this?

In the next instant, a streak of pink light rose up into the sky from a mountain in the distance.

In the next instant, it turned a dazzling reddish-golden color as it flew directly toward the Holy Lord. As it did so, a shrill and desperate cry rang out.

"I love you!"

"No, stop!" Tang Wulin exclaimed as his expression changed drastically, but it was already too late.

The Holy Lord's pupils contracted drastically as he reflexively swung his Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift through the air, but the streak of reddish-golden light was too fast, so fast that it was almost moving too quickly for the naked eye to track.

Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift struck the reddish-golden light with unerring accuracy, and in the next instant, the most massive explosion in history erupted.

Even through the big screens, the spectators littered across every single corner of the Douluo Federation were temporarily deafened by the sound of the devastating explosion.

This was truly a breathtaking sight!

An enormous mushroom cloud erupted into the heavens, releasing unparalleled light and heat, illuminating the entire battlefield. Even the purple sun in the sky seemed to have completely dimmed in this instant, and Tang Wulin's eyes were immediately filled with tears.

He was naturally aware of who had unleashed this suicidal attack.


"My name is Ling Zichen, and I come from the Tang Sect's soul missile research center; you can call me Head Researcher Ling."

"Welcome to Shrek Academy, Head Researcher Ling."

"I'm very displeased by the fact that I was sent here without any explanation. You may be the Tang Sect Master, but do you know how important my research is? Pausing my research is the same as pausing my train of thought and ideas; who knows how long it'll take me to get back on the right track again? Our research involves 110 scientists, and it's been ongoing for three years. As the head researcher, my departure will severely impact the progress of our research, so you owe me an explanation."

"My sincerest apologies, Head Researcher Ling; I was unaware that you were conducting research. I only invited you here as I have something very important that I require your assistance with."

"I can't figure out for the life of me why you were made the new sect master; you don't even have a temper! Why do you feel the need to be so good-looking as a man? What are you, some type of sissy? Alright, hurry up and spit it out. I still have things I need to do after I finish up here. I'll give you half a day, no, three hours; I don't think there are any issues you can pose that I can't resolve within three hours."


"Everyone, protect Zichen and prepare for battle!"

"Wulin, help me stabilize the barrel!"

"You really are insane!"

"I didn't have enough time to do anything other than to make my mecha the stand for the weapon. Do you think Eternal Heaven is that easy to modify? Hurry up and position yourself behind me to help me stabilize the stand. The recoil is going to be very strong, so brace yourself."


"Are you scared?"

"That's beside the point; how could you be so reckless with your own body?"

"That's also beside the point. As a scientist, I care only about the success rate, and the option that grants the best success rate is to use my body as the battery. I daresay that my understanding of source positive circulation cores is unmatched, and that's the foundation of Eternal Heaven, except it's more advanced than what I had been researching. In order to modify it to transform it into a super weapon that can be used repeatedly, minor adjustments have to constantly be made to the source positive circulation cores, and some adjustments also have to be made during the firing process.

"I'm not a Soul Master, but my body already contains many source positive circulation cores, and I can only maximize my control over Eternal Heaven by making it a part of my body. In doing so, the success rate compared with setting up the battery independently of my body is increased by 18.5%. Do you know what that entails? It means that the overall security will be raised by close to 20%, so there's no reason for me not to do this. Also, now that I've succeeded, I'm a walking super weapon! Even you wouldn't be able to withstand a direct blast from me. Hahaha, from now on, I'll be the Artillery God of our Tang Sect!"

"What's up? Why aren't you saying anything?"

"Zichen, you've sacrificed too much.

"You must think I'm a monster, right? Some kind of madwoman?"

"Not at all; I've never thought of you that way. In my heart, you're a scientist who's worthy of respect. You've given so much for your pursuit, and you're the pride of the entire Tang Sect."

"But I'm also a woman, and I also desire what normal women want! Even though I only think of those desires very occasionally, I'm still a woman!"

"Prepare to fire the Eternal Heaven cannon! Tang Wulin, stabilize the battery!"


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