Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1932: Rainbow Lotus Flame

Chapter 1932: Rainbow Lotus Flame

"What's that pattern on your hand, Wulin?" As Gu Yuena was resting in Tang Wulin's embrace, she just so happened to catch sight of the peculiar rainbow lotus flower insignia imprinted on the palm of his hand.

"Hmm? Oh, that; I'd almost forgotten about it. This is..."


The fiery lotus flower was shimmering with rainbow radiance, and in the instant it was imprinted against the Holy Lord's chest, an unprecedented howl of agony immediately escaped his lips.

This was a terrifying sensation; the flame wasn't just burning his body, but also scorching his divine sense.

Where had this flame come from? It had come from the Dawn Fire Race, the strange race that claimed to be from the Falan World. According to that member of the Dawn Fire Race, the Falan World was a wondrous place with rippling rainbow seas and six mysterious realms.

The Rainbow Lotus Flame was the bonded true flame of the Dawn Fire Race, and it was said to be able to incinerate all things.

It was only with Gu Yuena's reminder that Tang Wulin recalled that he possessed such a flame. As he injected his soul power into this flame for the first time, he was immediately struck by a sense of elation, but also fear, despite the fact that his body had already reached the godly level.

The fact that the Rainbow Lotus Flame had struck fear into his heart even with his current godly physique was a clear indication of just how fearsome it was, and this was the trump card that he had reserved for the Holy Lord.

Unpredictable Storm was only able to trap the Holy Lord for a very short time, but that was all that was required for Tang Wulin to imprint the Rainbow Lotus Flame onto his body.

The entire abyssal army faltered momentarily at the sound of the Holy Lord's agonized cry.

However, as Tang Wulin thrust his Sea God's Trident toward the Holy Lord, the effect of Unpredictable Storm expired, and the Holy Lord was no longer trapped.

The large gap in their powers meant that the effective duration of Unpredictable Storm on the Holy Lord was very short. After struggling free from Unpredictable Storm, the Holy Lord swatted the Sea God's Trident aside with his Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift before suddenly slashing the halberd toward himself.

Dark blue blood splattered through the air, and a large chunk of flesh was sliced off the Holy Lord's chest by Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift before being hurled away alongside the Rainbow Lotus Flame.

Even so, rainbow light was still shimmering above the Holy Lord's head as he wore an extremely painful expression, and it seemed that he was only able to snuff out the rainbow light with great difficulty.

Only the span of two breaths had passed since the Rainbow Lotus Flame had been imprinted on his body, but it was clear that he had been injured.

Never did he think that such a tiny flame would inflict injuries upon him that were more severe than what he had sustained from the explosion of Eternal Heaven.

Through the self-inflicted wound on his chest, his bones were already visible, and just as Tang Wulin had struggled to recover from the first wound inflicted upon him by Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift, this was a wound that the Holy Lord would also temporarily be unable to recover from.

Even more importantly, even his divine sense had been harmed to a certain extent, and that was the greatest concern for him.

Due to the fact that he hadn't attained a godseat, he had been unable to create a Divine Realm, and this divine sense had been accumulated over the span of countless years; any damage sustained to his divine sense would significantly affect the caliber of the Divine Realm that he would be able to create in the future.

"How dare you!" The Holy Lord flew into a thunderous rage as he slashed his Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift toward Tang Wulin again, unleashing countless projections that surged toward Tang Wulin from all directions, threatening to tear him to shreds.

In the face of the Holy Lord's burning fury, Tang Wulin knew that he had to remain calm. He was rather disappointed by the fact that the Rainbow Lotus Flame had been snuffed out in such a short time. After unleashing that attack, he took a glance down at the pattern on his palm to find that it had dimmed significantly, and he was unable to summon the Rainbow Lotus Flame again despite further injections of soul power, so it was clear that he wouldn't be able to use the ability again in a short time.

He was actually regretting his decision to use the Rainbow Lotus Flame so soon; if he had known that it would be so effective, he would've definitely waited for a better opportunity.

The emergence of the abyssal army had placed immense pressure on him, spurring him into making the decision to use the Rainbow Lotus Flame right away, but it had failed to achieve the intended outcome.

Currently, in the face of Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift's devastating attacks, Tang Wulin was unleashing a string of halos once again from his Sea God's Trident. It was still Unpredictable Storm, and the two transcendent divine weapons were clashing incessantly.

The sharp and oppressive aura of Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift was striking Tang Wulin with a sense of asphyxiation, and his body was soon riddled with wounds, while blood was flowing out of all of orifices, but with his godly physique and the enhancements provided to him by the Dragon God Transformation, he was able to fight through these injuries.

Whenever the Holy Lord's assault would ease off a little, the light of the tree of life would instantly arrive to return him to peak condition.

Thus, Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena were just barely able to keep the Holy Lord at bay. Meanwhile, the battle on the main battlefield had also already commenced.

The human army had gotten into formation and were ready to face the oncoming abyssal army.

Azure light flashed in Da Ming's eyes as he transformed into a massive cow-headed python that was over a kilometer in length before pouncing toward the resurrected Spirit Sovereign.

The Spirit Sovereign had been resurrected, but his spiritual power had been reduced to the very pinnacle of the Spirit Domain realm.

Despite this, he was still able to match Da Ming with his powerful control abilities.

Meanwhile, Er Ming was challenging the Fierce Sovereign. Without Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift, the Fierce Sovereign had naturally been dealt a significant debuff, and Er Ming had already gained the upper hand.

The emergence of Da Ming and Er Ming had somewhat filled the void left behind by the human quasigods that had already perished in this battle. Da Ming and Er Ming's powers were on par with the likes of Chen Xinjie, and they were facing the two most powerful abyssal sovereigns.

All of the other powerful beings of the human army also sought out opponents for themselves, and thus, a fierce battle ensued.

Violent explosions erupted in all directions as all types of soul weapons were unleashed, but there seemed to be no end to the abyssal creatures.

Just as the Holy Lord had said, the most damning thing about his presence on the Douluo Continent was that the pressure that the planar ruler had been exerting upon the abyssal passageway had been lifted. As a result, all of the prior restrictions had vanished, and the abyssal plane could release abyssal creatures into this world without any inhibitions.

The Holy Lord had expended a tremendous amount of abyssal energy to resurrect all of the powerful abyssal beings.

Even though most of the 108 abyssal levels were still in ruins, almost all of the abyssal rulers had been resurrected, and they were piling immense pressure onto the human army.

Furthermore, the difficulties faced by the human army were compounded even further by the fact that it had lost the long-range artillery support from the sea. The human army still had the powerful beings of Shrek Academy, the Spirit Pagoda, the Battle God Hall, and the other powerful Soul Master clans among its ranks, so it was able to hold its own when it came to top-tier power.

However, the overall situation on the battlefield was swinging further and further in the favor of the abyssal army, and many holes had already appeared on the defensive lines; it was only with the support of the Douluo Palace's Soul Masters that the human army was just barely able to keep the enemy at bay.

Currently, the human army was sorely lacking in weapons of mass destruction.

As a safety precaution and a measure to ensure some degree of flexibility, the vast majority of soul missiles had been placed in the possession of the three federal fleets.

However, this decision had come back to bite the human army as all of those powerful weapons had been lost in the wake of the federal fleets' destruction.

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