Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1935: Overlapping Planes

Chapter 1935: Overlapping Planes

Mo Lan was currently standing on the rostrum, urging the general public to support the human army, but as the satellite images of the fleet appeared on the big screens, the entire room fell completely silent.

In particular, the Eagle Faction was at a complete loss for words.

Instead of insulting the Eagle Faction, Mo Lan yelled in a rousing voice, "At this critical juncture, they've chosen to let bygones be bygones and support us despite the fact that we tried to invade their soil. This is the unity of the human race!"

Indeed, in the face of this calamity, both of the neighboring empires had cast aside their differences with the Douluo Continent and sent reinforcements to support the human army.No one knew how they had appeared out of thin air, but their support was undoubtedly extremely important. Their fierce artillery support was able to force back the abyssal army, thereby temporarily alleviating the pressure on the human army.

Judging from the explosion, the powerful beings of the Tang Sect could tell that these soul missiles had come from none other than the Tang Sect.

In the wake of this sudden turn of events, Tang Wulin was greatly reinvigorated and began to attack the Holy Lord with renewed effort.

He didn't know how much longer this impasse could be maintained, but at the very least, there was no danger of suffering a crushing defeat for now.

The unreserved artillery support from the imperial fleets was enough to allow the human army to keep the abyssal army at bay, while resources and backup troops were quickly traveling toward the front lines.

This was a pivotal moment in the history of the Douluo Star, and all available power and resources had to be deployed.

After knocking back Tang Wulin once again with his Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift, the Holy Lord said in a cold voice, "Do you really think this is enough to stop me? What a joke! I don't feel like wasting any more time here, so let's put an end to this."

A sense of foreboding immediately welled up in Tang Wulin's heart upon hearing this, and in the next instant, the Holy Lord raised his Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift high above his head while opening his mouth to expel a burst of dark blue light.

As soon as the dark blue light came into contact with the halberd, the ground down below suddenly tremored violently. Immediately thereafter, a gigantic burst of dark blue light erupted forth.

Tang Wulin immediately unleashed his Unpredictable Storm without any hesitation. He didn't know what the Holy Lord was trying to do, but he had a feeling that if he were to allow the Holy Lord to do as he pleased, then it would be all over.

However, the Holy Lord merely allowed the halos of Unpredictable Storm to settle around him as he looked on with a mocking expression.

The dark blue light surged forth in a violent wave, and the halos were all vanquished. This was the first time that Tang Wulin's Unpredictable Storm had failed.

Meanwhile, the dark blue light that had erupted out of the abyss wasn't attacking the human army. Instead, it was devouring the abyssal creatures and abyssal energy on the battlefield in a frenzy, and Tang Wulin's Golden Dragon Spear was instantly repelled on contact.

The Holy Lord then pointed his Heavenly Saint Abyssal Rift downward, and the dark blue light rose up into the sky before injecting itself into the halberd, upon which the Holy Lord's aura instantly swelled drastically.

The darkness in the sky instantly became even more suffocating, while the purple sun grew brighter, but the light that it was radiating was filled with coldness and despair.

The Holy Lord raised his left hand before pressing it forward, and all of a sudden, everything stood still.

The artillery explosions, the shrapnel flying through the air, the dismembered limbs of abyssal creatures; in that instant, everything was frozen in time, including even the Limit Douluo level powerful beings on the battlefield.

Tang Wulin was in the process of attacking the Holy Lord with his Sea God's Trident, but he also felt as if he were moving through a thick swamp. He was still able to move, but his speed had been reduced to less than a tenth of what he was normally capable of.

There were many more missiles in the process of flying toward the battlefield, but they had also been completely immobilized in mid-air.

All of the residents of the Douluo Continent also froze on the spot, and even the sea had fallen completely still.

In that instant, it was as if time on the entire Douluo Star had stood still.

Down below, there was even more dark blue energy surging into the Holy Lord's body, and his aura was continuing to elevate; it felt as if he had already transcended beyond the level of the Douluo Plane.

A pleased look appeared on the Holy Lord's face; he thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of absolute control.

"You must be wondering what exactly I'm doing, right?" the Holy Lord asked as a smile appeared on his face.

Tang Wulin was struggling to advance forward and continue his attack, but the restrictive force acting on his body only became more powerful, causing him to become more and more sluggish.

"Your struggles are futile. In the face of absolute power, everything is futile, so just give up. Tang Wulin, you've already done far better than I imagined. In fact, I really should thank you."

The Holy Lord drifted forward slowly as he spoke, arriving in front of Tang Wulin before raising a hand to gently caress Tang Wulin's cheek.

Goosebumps immediately appeared all over Tang Wulin's entire body while the Holy Lord was appraising him with a slightly entranced expression.

"If it weren't for your efforts, I wouldn't have been able to see the latent potential that your body possesses. You are the son of a godking! Even though your body has only just reached the godly leve, your latent potential far exceeds that of Demon Sovereign. Demon Sovereign's body is only enough to contain a part of my power. By the standards of the Divine Realm, it would roughly equate to the power of a second-rank god. This so-called soul fusion skill of yours is only just enough to grant you the power of a third-rank god, and thus, you're able to contend with me with the help of that core of life.

"However, you've proven to me through your actions that your body is capable of more. All I need to do is refine the body of this Demon Sovereign, then take over your body, and I'll be able to recover to my full power! I still don't have a godseat, but my true power rivals that of a first-rank god. Of course, if I want to return to my full power, I'll have to bring over the portion of my essential power that I've left in the abyssal plane, thereby causing both planes to completely overlap and fuse with one another, but that doesn't matter now.

"Both of these planes belong to me, and once I take over your body and destroy everything here, it'll finally be all over. I truly thank you for making it so much easier for me to create my Divine Realm. Otherwise, it would take a very long time for me to enhance this body until it can contain my full power. With your body available to me, everything is a lot simpler, so it's time to end this. From the perspective of you humans, the disparity between a first-rank god and a second-rank god is like the disparity between a Soul Master and an ordinary human.

"This entire world is now within my grasp, and I can decide who gets to live or die on a whim. To be honest, I'm very impressed with you, particularly this transcendent divine weapon of yours. It'll most likely take a lot of time and effort for me to make it mine, but it'll be all worth it. With some time, I'll have a Divine Realm and two transcendent divine weapons; what more could I ask for? Everything is progressing even better than I had planned. Now then, it's time to end this game of cat and mouse. Tang Wulin, give your body to me."

The Holy Lord's smile widened even further as he spoke, and abruptly opened his mouth to expel a burst of dark blue light onto Tang Wulin's face.

Tang Wulin immediately felt his mind begin to churn, and an extremely powerful and unwelcome guest was forcing its way in, attempting to completely destroy his divine sense.

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