Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1939: Mass Resurrection

Chapter 1939: Mass Resurrection

For the members of the Clear Sky Sect, having an ancestor that was the planar ruler was a source of immense pride.

High up in the sky, Tang Hao suddenly pointed his right index finger toward the sea, and the Clear Sky Hammer rose up at his behest before releasing a layer of rainbow light toward that direction.

The surface of the sea immediately began to churn, and the fleets from the Star Luo Empire and Dou Spirit Empire could also see what was happening in the sky.

They were still at a complete loss as to what had happened, but just now, they had received a signal from the Douluo Federation that provided them with footage of everything that was unfolding on the main battlefield.

All of them looked on with perplexed expressions as Tang Hao directed his Clear Sky Hammer toward them. What was he trying to do?

In the next instant, they were stunned to discover that the sea before them had suddenly turned a rainbow color.

Within the rainbow, a series of rainbow bubbles slowly rose up from the sea, and each bubble contained a person.

The first two bubbles to rise up contained none other than Chen Xinjie and Long Yeyue, both of whom had their eyes tightly shut.

Beside them were all soldiers wearing federal navy uniforms, and the rainbow bubbles were carrying them to shore.

The two fleets from the Star Luo Empire and Dou Spirit Empire were naturally astonished to see this.

This was a true miracle!

As the bubbles carried these people toward the shore, they began to gradually awaken, and the first to open their eyes was Long Yeyue.

She was currently still in her youthful appearance, and her long eyelashes fluttered as she looked around her with a blank expression.

The first thing that she saw was the rainbow bubble around her, and she shuddered as she wondered whether this was the afterlife.

In the next instant, her expression stiffened as she caught sight of another bubble nearby, which contained Chen Xinjie.

She was even more perplexed to see this. Was this what it was like to be dead?

Shortly thereafter, Chen Xinjie also awakened, and after looking around in a befuddled manner, he noticed Long Yeyue as well.

The two of them pressed themselves tightly against the walls of their respective bubbles, trying to get as close to each other as possible.

"Xinjie!" Long Yeyue yelled, but her voice wasn't able to travel out of the bubble.

Chen Xinjie was also calling her name, but his voice also failed to resonate.

A hint of urgency arose in Long Yeyue's heart. Even if they were dead, she wanted to be with him, but these bubbles had separated them.

Right at this moment, they noticed that there were many more bubbles around them containing federal troops in military uniforms. At this point, all of the bubbles that they were situated in had already flown onto land.

Why was it that this afterworld looked so familiar?

This thought arose in Chen Xinjie and Long Yeyue's hearts at the same time. In the next instant, the bubbles finally landed, and in the instant that they did so, they popped, transforming into rainbow halos that injected themselves into the bodies of people in the bubbles.

Chen Xinjie quickly inspected himself to discover that everything in his body seemed to be normal. In fact, he seemed to have completely recovered from the battle that had led to his death.

In the next instant, he immediately rushed over to Long Yeyue before catching her in a tight embrace.

Long Yeyue also held tightly onto him, and they embraced one another as they basked in each other's warmth and auras. Regardless of where they were or whether they were dead or alive, they were content as long as they could be with one another.

The surrounding area gradually became quite noisy, and some astonished voices rang out from afar.

After a long while, Chen Xinjie and Long Yeyue finally parted before inspecting their surroundings.

The land, the sea, the troops in military uniforms; everything seemed so real.

High up in the sky, Tang Hao withdrew his Clear Sky Hammer before pointing it down at the ground.

Rainbow light surged, and a series of rainbow halos emerged from the earth before transforming into bubbles, and these bubbles also contained recently deceased figures.

There was Guan Yue, Dong Zi'an, Leng Yaozhu... One person after another was resurrected and returned to this world.

Not only had the deceased powerful beings of the human army been revived, all of the troops had also been resurrected.

This was the power of a god!

As one figure after another was resurrected, Tang Hao's body began to gradually fade.

Meanwhile, Ah Yin had already made her way over to the site where the abyssal plane had just collapsed, releasing thick Bluesilver Emperor vines to devour the extremely rich abyssal energy in the air.

As soon as Lan Muzi reappeared, Tang Yinmeng rushed over to him with a piercing scream.

All of the heroes that had died for the continent had been revived.

Thunderous cheers rang out across the entire Douluo Continent, and the emergence of these rainbow bubbles had turned everyone's grief into elation.

Tears flowed uncontrollably down Tang Wulin's face, and he had never felt so happy before.

His heart was filled with pride and joy at the sight of his resurrected friends and seniors.

This was a result of the combined efforts of his father and grandparents.

Not only had the abyssal plane failed to devour the Douluo Plane, the exact opposite had happened, and the abyssal plane had become a part of the Douluo Continent.

As a result, the life energy on the Douluo Continent would be reinvigorated, and everything would take a positive turn; could there be a more perfect conclusion?

All of a sudden, a thought occurred to Tang Wulin, and he hurriedly asked, "Grandfather, where is my godmother?"

Tang Hao replied, "Those who don't deserve to be resurrected or don't wish to be revived will remain dead. I am unable to resurrect Yun Ming and Long Bing, so both your godmother and Wu Zhangkong have chosen to remain with their lovers in the afterlife. All I can do is ensure that they'll be reunited in the next life when they are reincarnated."

Yali chose not to be resurrected as it was a far more wonderful fate for her to remain with Yun Ming in death than to live on her own. If it weren't for Shrek Academy's sake, she would've already followed after him long ago.

The same applied to Wu Zhangkong; if it weren't for the responsibility he owed to Shrek Academy and his obsession with revenge, he would've also taken his own life long ago.

All he wanted was to be forever immortalized in ice and love with Long Bing.

Similarly, Qiangu Dongfeng and Qiangu Dieting also hadn't been resurrected, but that wasn't through their own choice; it had been dictated by Tang Hao.

It was their selfishness and ambition that had resulted in the loss of countless innocent lives, and they had no right to live again. While it was true that they had died to protect the federation, that was not enough to atone for their heinous crimes.

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