Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1941: Dawn of a New Era

Chapter 1941: Dawn of a New Era

Leng Yaozhu was trailing along at the back of the group, looking quite dejected. She had been resurrected, but Leng Yulai hadn't appeared, so it was clear that the members of the Holy Spirit Cult were going to remain dead.

Tang Wulin raised his hand to release a light barrier to keep out the sound of the deafening cheers outside, then grabbed tightly onto Gu Yuena's hand as he smiled, and declared, "Everyone, a new era is about to dawn upon the Douluo Continent!"


One month later.

"We will now be announcing the result of the election. By unanimous vote, Mo Lan has become the next president; please congratulate her with a warm round of applause."

On this day, Mo Lan was still wearing a professional suit, but it was a dark green suit that was giving off a sense of exuberance and vitality.

The staff that symbolized the power of the Douluo Federation was handed to her by the last president, and the inauguration was complete.

In the direst moment in the history of the Douluo Continent, it was her who had stepped forward to unite the entire population, supporting the troops on the front lines to secure the final victory.

As a result, she had earned enormous support from the masses.

In the wake of this calamity, the internal makeup of the federal parliament was also significantly altered.

The Spirit Pagoda had given up all of its parliamentary seats, as had the Battle God Hall, and along with the Tang Sect and Shrek Academy, the four major organizations declared that no members Soul Master organization would be permitted

Under Mo Lan's leadership, the federal government was going to undergo a process of self-examination and reform.

Despite the thunderous applause, Mo Lan's eyes were full of melancholy.

The first half of her life had been close to perfect, but ever since then, it had been fraught with tragedies.

The Holy Spirit Cult had destroyed everything for her. Regardless of how strong and resolute she was, she was still a woman. At the time, she had vowed to dedicate her life to eradicating the Holy Spirit Cult, and that mission was the main source of her resolve.

However, she was now the president, and the Holy Spirit Cult had been completely destroyed. As a result, the grief that had been locked away deep in her heart resurfaced, leaving her feeling utterly exhausted, but she now had an even heavier responsibility on her shoulders.

She slowly raised her right hand to acknowledge the crowd, and only then did the applause die down as everyone looked up at the legendary female president on the stage.

Mo Lan said, "Far too many things have happened in the past few weeks, and if there's any lesson we should learn from this calamity, it's that we've been too complacent for too long. Firstly, I'd like to thank all of the brave soldiers who fought on the front lines for our federation on behalf of myself and my colleagues. Everyone, please rise and pay your respects."

She stepped outside the rostrum as she spoke, and all of the parliamentary members rose to their feet as they extended three bows in unison.

"Please be seated."

After extending the three bows, Mo Lan's expression had relaxed a little.

Despite the calamity that had struck the Douluo Continent, not a single soldier had perished as they had been resurrected by the planar ruler, but that still didn't change the fact that these soldiers had been willing to sacrifice themselves for the federation, and for that, they deserved the utmost respect.

Mo Lan continued, "This calamity has made me understand many things. According to Sea God Tang San, this calamity was a result of a plan he had hatched as far back as 10,000 years ago. Why was this plan necessary? It's because of the damage we humans have caused to this world."

A serious look returned to her face as she spoke.

"Excessive resource exploitation and slaughter of other living beings, coupled with rapid population growth have caused the life energy of the plane to fall into rapid decline. If it weren't for this, why would the esteemed Sea God have gone to such great lengths to replenish the life energy of our Douluo Star? Through his actions, he's alerting us to the fact that if we don't change our ways, history will only repeat itself in the future. The Sea God can protect us once, but he may not be able to do so a second time. After all, the Divine Realm has already ceased to exist.

"Thus, as your newly appointed president, I will be implementing a series of environmental protection policies. Furthermore, we'll be working together with the Spirit Pagoda to protect what remains of the soul beasts on this continent and help them survive. With these policies and the abyssal energy that our plane has devoured, I'm sure the Douluo Continent will flourish more than ever before."

Thunderous applause rang out from beneath the stage in response to her words.

Indeed, the calamity that the Douluo Continent had suffered had alerted everyone to just how tenuous the situation on the Douluo Continent had become. The severely excessive exploitation of resources had accelerated the decline of the Douluo Continent, and as a result of the greed of the human race, such a beautiful planet was on the verge of collapse.

Just as Mo Lan had said, Tang San could save them once, but there was no guarantee that he could bail them out a second time, so they could only rely on themselves in the absence of the Divine Realm.

After the applause subsided, Mo Lan continued, "My second proposal is to put more effort into technological research and development, particularly investing more into high-level soul technology. This will be dedicated not just toward weapons, but also toward space exploration. In doing so, we'll strive to find more abundant resources from other planets in order to further fuel our research and development, thereby forming a positive cycle. The esteemed Sea God has bought us more time, but with the development of the human race and the incessant increase in the population, space exploration is a path that we must pursue.

"During this calamity, the Star Luo Empire and Dou Spirit Empire have selflessly provided us with their assistance despite our past attempts to invade their soil. For this, the federation expresses its utmost gratitude, as well as a desire to re-establish good relations with the two empires. This will involve sharing resources and joint ventures into soul technology research and development in order to strengthen communication and cooperation."

All of the soldiers of the human army had been resurrected, but the three federal fleets were lost forever, and in the wake of this heavy loss, the military might of the three continents had become significantly closer.

Of course, in terms of top-tier powerful beings, the two empires were still sorely lacking compared with the federation, so there was still some balance maintained.

The selfless assistance provided by the two empires had completely silenced the Eagle Faction, and thus, the policies proposed by Mo Lan went entirely unopposed.

All of these policies were going to be finalized in the near future, and with the enormous support that Mo Lan currently had on her side, there was a very good chance that the finalization process would go without a hitch.

After all, everyone was aware of her relationship with Shrek Academy and the Tang Sect.

Tang Wulin was now the hero of the human race and hailed as the god of the Douluo Continent. Furthermore, he was the son of Tang San and the grandson of the planar ruler, so his status had been elevated to unprecedented heights following the conclusion of the battle, and Shrek Academy's influence had also become stronger than ever.

The meeting ran all the way until noon, and by its conclusion, Mo Lan was already exhausted.

She hauled herself back to her office, which was the former president's office.

She hadn't made many alterations to the office in order to conserve expenses, and as she cast her gaze out at the cityscape of Bright City, the stern and serious lines of her face finally softened a little.

Right at this moment, a burst of door-knocking rang out.

"Come in."

Her secretary strode into the room, then asked in a respectful manner, "Are you ready for lunch, Madam President?"

Mo Lan nodded in response. "Bring it in."

Thus, two vegan dishes and a bowl of rice were quickly delivered to her desk by the secretary.

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