Dragon God Sovereign

Chapter 94: Yang Chongtian

Chapter 94: Yang Chongtian

"Chen'er! It's really Chen'er!" Xiao Qingqing recognized her son at a glance, ran up to tears of joy, and put Feng Wuchen in his arms.

"The third brother!" Feng Yuan He Feng Zhan also rushed out.

"The Third Young Master is really back!" The Feng Family was overwhelmed with ecstasy, and many people cried with joy.

"Mother!" Feng Wuchen's eyes were red, no matter how strong he was, he couldn't resist the impact of family affection.

Xiao Qingqing cried and said, "Let my mother take a good look."

"Aunt Xiao." Ling Xiaoxiao greeted her well.

"Xiaoxiao! You are back too! Great! You look beautiful again!" Xiao Qingqing was overjoyed, and hugged Ling Xiaoxiao again, completely treating Ling Xiaoxiao as his daughter.

"Aunt Xiao, we are friends of Brother Feng, my name is Liu Qingyang, and her name is Miao Qingqing." Liu Qingyang and Miao Qingqing also greeted them.

Xiao Qingqing nodded happily, and finally let go of his worries for a year.

"Father! Elder." Feng Wuchen looked at Feng Zhengxiong and greeted him happily.

"Just come back!" Feng Zhengxiong said with excitement, seeing Feng Wuchen coming back safely with a trace of tears in his eyes.

"Uncle Feng! Three elders." Liu Qingyang and Miao Qingqing greeted respectfully.

After Feng Wuchen introduced Liu Qingyang and Miao Qingqing, everyone entered the hall.

When Feng Wuchen came back, Xiao Qingqing personally opened a banquet, and everyone in the Feng family was busy living happily.

In the hall, Feng Zhengxiong asked Feng Wuchen about his situation this year, and Feng Wuchen probably explained a little bit about it except for most of the things he did with Master Feng.

Liu Qingyang also guessed that Feng Wuchen had deliberately concealed it, but he did not expose it.

"Hua Yuan Jing Jiu Zhong? This is almost catching up with the old man!" Feng Zhengxiong was extremely shocked, and he couldn't imagine how terrifying Feng Wuchen's cultivation speed was.

In a year's time, Feng Wuchen's cultivation base has surpassed the elders, becoming the second strongest of the Feng Family!

Feng Wuchen had reduced his breath, and others couldn't see his specific cultivation level. If Feng Zhengxiong hadn't asked, no one would have known that Feng Wuchen had become so powerful.

The Feng Family's senior management was shocked, looking at Feng Wuchen dumbfounded.

"San Young Master, your alchemy realm seems to have entered the third rank, and your soul power is quite strong." Feng Qianyang said in shock, his old eyes were already shocked and unbelievable.

Feng Wuchen smiled and said: "It is indeed the realm of the third grade."


The Feng Family's senior management was shocked again, and took a breath!

Third-rank alchemist! The Feng Family has a third-rank alchemist!

"The Third Young Master actually stepped into the level of a third-rank alchemist!" The crowd outside the hall was so shocked that they clamored.

Feng Zhengxiong also laughed excitedly. Feng Zhengxiong knew exactly what the existence of a third-rank alchemist meant!

Feng Wuchen's horrible increase was unexpected to everyone in the Feng Family.

In less than a year, Feng Wuchen had such an astonishing growth, which is beyond the reach of many people.

"In this way, we can win over more people!" Feng Zhengxiong said with joy, as if seeing hope.

"Draw it in?" Feng Wuchen frowned slightly and asked solemnly, "Father, what happened? Tell me about the Feng Family, and the Mo Family."

Hearing this, Feng Zhengxiong sighed and said solemnly: "Our situation is now quite dangerous. If you hadn't let the school protect our Feng family for a year, I'm afraid our Feng family would have been destroyed long ago."

Hearing this, Feng Wuchen's face became cold, but he didn't interrupt.

After Feng Zhengxiong, for nearly a year, everything that happened in Wushuang City was told to Feng Wuchen.

"The Yang family dealt with the Lin family, and the Mo family dealt with Wanbao Pavilion. The Mo family wanted to isolate our Feng family and force us to take action." Feng Wuchen frowned.

Feng Zhengxiong said solemnly: "Yes! After Mo Kun broke through the Yuan Dan realm, he has been fighting for nearly half a year. Huangfu's family has also helped Yang Patriarch to break through the Yuan Dan realm. In the past half year, thanks to the help of the university, time is running out. Up."

"It turns out that the situation of the Feng Family is so dangerous. No wonder Big Brother Feng is so anxious to come back. He seems to have guessed that the Mo Family will take action." Liu Qingyang solemnly said.

"The danger mentioned by Brother Feng should refer to the Tianyun Sect." Miao Qingqing said.

Feng Wuchen said: "The Heavenly Cloud Sect is the strongest sect of the empire. The empire must be afraid of three points. If it is really going to go to war, the empire may not be able to beat the Sky Cloud Sect. Ling'er is already a disciple of the Tianyun Sect."

"Huangfu's family has been unable to deal with it, let alone Tianyunzong, even if it is an academic institution, I am afraid that we will not dare to protect our Feng family." Feng Qianyang shook his head helplessly.

After a pause, Feng Qianyang said again: "However, the identity of the Third Young Master and Third Rank Alchemist is enough to suppress the Mo School."

"Father, elder, don't worry about these things for the first time. Daddy can wait for the 50th birthday with peace of mind. As long as the Huangfu family doesn't take action, there is nothing to worry about." Feng Wuchen smiled lightly, seemingly not very worried.

To tell the truth, Huangfus family style and dust-free were really not in the eyes, the biggest threat was Tianyunzong.

"Brother Feng is right, Uncle Feng's birthday is important." Ling Xiaoxiao smiled.

Feng Zhengxiong nodded, and then smiled: "Chen'er comes back today, so don't care about the unhappy things. The banquet is almost over. Chen'er, have a couple of drinks with father."

It could be seen that Feng Zhengxiong was very happy when Feng Wuchen came back, and he was also inexplicably relieved.

Under Xiao Qingqing's parents and son Zhang Luo, the banquet was soon ready, and the Feng family was happy to meet Feng Wuchen.

Feng Wuchen didn't drink, but today he made an exception and had a few drinks with Feng Zhengxiong.

From these simple cups of wine, Feng Wuchen can feel the bitterness of Feng Zhengxiong over the years. For the Feng Family, Feng Zhengxiong has done his best, silently endured countless sufferings and blocked countless dangers, only to have the peace of the Feng Family today.

"Father, this glass of wine I respect you. For so many years, the Feng family has been responsible for all the big and small things. What I want to say is that I will take care of it for you in the future! As long as I am alive, no one will want to hurt Our Feng family has a hair!" Feng Wuchen said, holding up his glass, these words are full of Feng Wuchen's respect for his father.

"Good, good!" Feng Zhengxiong was moved when he heard this. Even a man who is indomitable, can't suppress the impact of family affection at this moment, his eyes are red, and he used three good words and said: "Chen'er has grown up. !"

"Chen'er has really grown up, she must have experienced a lot this year!" Xiao Qingqing said moved, quite distressed by Feng Wuchen, and kept wiping tears.

The Feng family was very pleased, many people were wiping their tears, and the maid Xiao Lan kept choking.

"Oh! What day is the Feng Family? The Feng Family is so lively!" Just when everyone in the Feng Family was moved, a strange laughter came from outside the door.

Everyone's eyes swept away, and Feng Zhengxiong frowned and asked: "Yang Chongtian! What are you doing here?"

The person here was Yang Chongtian, a senior in the Yang family, in his early forties, and his cultivation was already the Ninth Level of the Huayuan Realm. Of course, it was with the help of Huangfu's family that he had his cultivation.

With his cultivation base, apart from Feng Zhengxiong, no one really can do anything to him in the Feng Family, and Feng Zhengxiong didn't dare to take action easily.

Because of this, Yang Chongtian has been very arrogant in the past six months. With the help of the Mo family and the Huangfu family, he doesn't take the Feng family seriously.

Now that the time for the university to shelter the Feng Family is approaching, he even arrogantly rushes to the Feng Family.

"Master Feng, I'm here to remind you that the time of the Feng family is running out, but you seem to be living very well." Yang Chongtian sneered slightly, looking very ugly.

"Are you finished? Hurry up! The Feng Family doesn't welcome you!" Feng Wuchen said blankly, without even looking at Yang Chongtian.

Hearing this tepid voice, Yang Chongtian's icy eyes swept over, but he couldn't help being stunned by this look.

"Feng Wuchen?" Yang Chongtian looked at Feng Wuchen in amazement, and some people couldn't come out without looking carefully.

When did Feng Wuchen come back? It's been almost a year since all this disappeared, and no one knew where Feng Wuchen had gone except Feng's family.

"Are you surprised to see me?" Feng Wuchen asked indifferently.

"So, this banquet is for the third young master of the Feng Family!" Yang Chongtian sneered and said, "One more come back to die!"

The appearance of wind and dust is definitely a good rest for the Yang Family and Mo Family.

Feng Wuchen has always been a thorn in the eyes of the Yang and Mo families. The terrible cultivation speed demonstrated by Feng Wuchen before, the two families are very worried that Feng Wuchen will grow up, and they have always wanted to get rid of Feng Wuchen.

"Send to death? Are you talking about yourself?" Feng Wuchen asked with a sneer.

Yang Chongtian sneered: "Three young masters, I haven't seen you for a year, and I have become very arrogant, but I tell you that the Yang family is no longer the Yang family a year ago. Your coming back just makes the young master a shame."

"If you don't roll, I'll kill you!" Feng Wuchen said indifferently, his cold eyes swept over, and Yang Chongtian suddenly trembled in fright.

"What a terrible look! What's going on? I was actually frightened by this kid." Yang Chongtian was horrified in his heart. He had never seen such cold eyes without human feelings.

Yang Chongtian was not scared, he quickly settled down, disdainfully said: "Humph! Your father dare not do anything to me, what are you?"

"I'm nothing." Feng Wuchen said indifferently, slowly putting down the wine glass, and said: "But I want to kill you, it's no different from pinching an ant."

"The third young master has a big mouth..." Yang Chongtian said with disdain, but before he finished speaking, he was already afraid.

"call out!"

For an instant, Feng Wuchen appeared in front of Yang Chongtian, the speed was terrifying, and everyone present was unaware of it!

"What kind of body is this?" Feng Zheng's heart was shocked, and his cultivation base couldn't react immediately.

"So fast!" Everyone in the Feng family was stunned and shocked, and no one knew what kind of physical skill Feng Wuchen was using.

They only noticed when Feng Wuchen appeared in front of Yang Chongtian instantly.

"Brother Feng, this seems to be a martial art that moves instantaneously." Ling Xiaoxiao looked at Feng Wuchen in surprise, and seemed surprised that Feng Wuchen could be so terrible.

Ling Xiaoxiao's ability to see the instant movement at a glance is enough to prove that her background is terrifying.

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