Dragon Tamer

Chapter 339 - 341: Immortal Ghost

Chapter 339: Chapter 341: Immortal Ghost

To the east of the tea-colored ground, a vast expanse of forest spread toward the horizon, separated by a continuous range of mountains. Due to the approaching winter, the leaves were sparse, the branches reached for the sky, and the somewhat dry land had turned a dark brown color.

Between the mountains and forests, there lay a magnificent cluster of mountain palaces, each built in a unique and intricate design. Some looked as though they were suspended on the cliffs, while others seemed to sit atop the enormous horizontal branches.

At night, this collection of halls halfway up the mountain appeared even more luxurious, emanating a serene and mythical aura, like an ancient temple with a legacy of thousands of years, still prosperous and revered to this day.

At the foot of the mountain lay a small city, known as Guanglin City, and the mountain palace complex belonged to none other than the Purple Sect Forest, the foremost among the Four Great Sects!

Clouds and mists twined, mystical creatures converged, and as tranquil as half an Immortal Hall, the Purple Sect Forest did not have many sect locations on the Supreme Court Courtyard Continent, but each one wielded absolute authority.

At this moment, inside the Shanqing Palace of Purple Sect Forest, numerous strong figures from different powers and nations gathered, each possessing at least the cultivation base of Monarch Level.

In Guanglin City, visitors streamed in without end. Many had heard the news and had spontaneously gathered under the town belonging to the Purple Sect Forest, supporting its call while also trying to make their own names known.

“Thank you all for coming to Purple Sect Forest. This Sealing Demon Order is jointly initiated by the Four Great Sects. Every winter, when all is silent, food scarce, and spiritual energy rare, some demon spirits, demon spirits, and even ferocious Holy Spirits will wreak havoc. As an upright famous sect, as the leading Sect, we at Purple Sect Forest ought to take up this responsibility and return peace to the people.”

“However, our Purple Sect Forest has a limited number of personnel and still requires the assistance of heroes from all directions.”

“This time’s demonic threat comes from an ancient race known as the Immortal Ghosts. Not long ago, disciples of the various sects encountered some Little Immortal Ghosts in the process of exterminating evil for the people. These Immortal Ghosts possess very peculiar abilities; they can attach themselves to the mountains, turning into rocks, hide within the forest as trees, and even dive into rivers to become water. According to the information collected from various places, there are River Immortal Ghosts, Forest Immortal Ghosts, Ground Immortal Ghosts, and the extremely fearsome Mountain Immortal Ghosts…”

In the brightly lit mountain hall, an elder of Purple Sect Forest sat upright, dressed in a light golden robe, wearing the crown of an elder, seated at the center of this assembly of heroes, exuding dignity and authority!

When he spoke, the others were exceptionally quiet, and one could see the respect and reverence they had for this elder of Purple Sect Forest.

“The River, Forest, and Ground Immortal Ghosts, even the weakest among them is at Monarch Level. They seem to possess Mountain River Divine Skills and can easily level a small-scale city with the forces they control. City walls of greater states are ineffective against such Immortal Ghosts. Although we currently do not know their purpose or why they would wreak such havoc on human lands, I still ask everyone to join forces and confront these Immortal Ghosts, which may have survived for over ten thousand years!” Elder Fengchang of Purple Sect Forest spoke loudly.

“Elder Fengchang, Immortal Ghosts are unique and terrifying, and ordinary methods are hardly effective against them. Moreover, the River and Forest Immortal Ghosts have already demonstrated tremendously frightening power. The Haoqi Martial School has suffered many losses among Monarch Level Cultivators, and even a Master-Level Powerhouse was tragically killed by the Ground Immortal Ghost, not to mention the existence of the Mountain Immortal Ghosts,” Wen Mengru from Miao Mountain Sword Sect said.

Wen Mengru, who had been traveling with Master Bai Qin’an, heard about the Immortal Ghosts. As a member of the Four Great Sects, responding to the Sealing Demon Order was an absolute obligation.

Bai Qin’an remained silent, her presence there solely in adherence to the Sect Leader’s wishes.

However, the Immortal Ghosts had alarmed the Four Great Sects, so they were undoubtedly no ordinary demonic pests!

“We have no information on the Mountain Immortal Ghosts yet, but every single Immortal Ghost possesses incredible abilities. Heroes, do not act alone; the moment you encounter an Immortal Ghost…” Elder Fengchang of Purple Sect Forest was interrupted mid-sentence.


The great hall suddenly shook violently, and the lanterns hanging from the tall pillars fell to the ground.

Spilled lamp oil spread flames across the floor as several disciples rushed over, quickly smothering the spreading fire with blankets.

“Apologies, as we are built upon the mountainside, our Guangshan Purple Sect Forest occasionally experiences minor earthquakes; there’s no need for concern,” Elder Fengchang of Purple Sect Forest said with a smile, “Now, where was I…”

“Boom! Boom! Boom!!!!!!!!!”

Suddenly, an even more violent shaking caused all the tables and chairs in the mountain temple to topple over, leaving hardly anyone able to stand steadily; everyone fell to the ground.

“Such a strong earthquake,” Elder Feng said, steadying himself with some surprise.

He looked up, only to see a gigantic crack that had appeared at the top of the great hall.

The crack extended from the entrance all the way to the back of the hall, as if it split the hall in two. Through this long fissure, Elder Feng could even see the clear night sky.

But it was this casual glance that struck Elder Feng like a thunderbolt, nearly shattering his soul!

Outside the crack of the great hall, in the night sky, stood a colossal figure!!

It emerged from the mighty expanse of Guangshan, as if it had always resided within the mountain itself, as if the mountain was its very torso!!

The great hall shook violently, and this time, the shaking caused everyone to be thrown to the ground.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!!!!!!!!”

The mountain temple crumbled, the mountain itself quaked, and all the people inside the great hall fled in terror, flying out towards the peak.

Just as they reached halfway up the mountain, they saw a mountain within Guangshan writhing; all the shaking and quaking originated from this moving mountain!

The mountain had limbs, its upper limbs were extremely thick. It swung a palm, aiming it towards the cluster of temples of Purple Sect Clan, immediately causing mountains to collapse and halls to crumble; those who did not manage to fly out in time were turned to dust along with the temples!!

The mountain then leaped up, ferociously slamming into the palaces of Purple Sect Clan. The mountain range indented, forests collapsed, and countless Monarch Level Divine and Mortal beings perished in this collision, not to mention the Dragon Trainers who did not even have a chance to call their Dragon Beasts and were buried in the depths of the fractured mountain!!!

“Mountain… Mountain Immortal Ghost!!!!!”

Someone, with a hoarse voice, cried out this phrase.

The heroes who had gathered at Purple Sect Clan were so scared their scalps tingled; hearing someone identify the monstrous identity of the mountain creature, they nearly fainted!

Sect Destruction!!

This creature from the heavens was eradicating an entire sect!!

But this was Purple Sect Clan!!

One of the Four Great Sects, even if not the highest palace of Purple Sect Clan, this place had been passed down for over a thousand years on this land, its strength and heritage such that no sect, power, or national army could possibly shake it.

And yet, now it was being demolished by the Mountain Immortal Ghost that had appeared without warning, and many of the assembled experts had also perished!!

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