Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 526 I am too Sober for this Shi

★ Happy Ramadan, guys! For those of us who are spending Ramadan for the first time at home, I know how you all feel and it’s truly heartbreaking but you guys must stay strong and keep the social distancing so that when Eid arrives, Covid-19 would be taken down. Stay strong.

★ Also, social big thanks to our new beautiful Patrons:-

@Ahmed Al-Zahrani (C rank)

@Maxime Cusson (D rank)

★ Also, for those of you who keep asking about the links, I put the at the start now.

• Patre0n: bit.ly/4dx5dx

• YouTube: bit.ly/2dx3dx

• Discord: discord.gg/gKcKva7

• Instagram: @don_dokhmesy

• Twitter: @eldokhmesy22


*Hidden Dragon Isle - Golden Pavilion*

It was already sunset of the third day since Jon’s arrival, the first day was his welcome party, the second day was for Nurina and tying some loose ends, the third day was clearly for his wife.

Jon sent a telepathic message to notify the others that he is spending the day with Alina alone. It meant that no one is to disturb them whatsoever.

"You know you still owe me a honeymoon." Alina said.

"You will get anything you desire... it is just... this naked apron thing is so fulfilling."

"Someone has to put up with your weird tendencies, hubby. That someone happens to be me."

"I’ll admit you are doing a good job at it."

"Fine, just quit staring."

"Or what?"

Or "I won’t focus on the grill... sheesh!"

"Alright. I’ll cut more veggies."

As the two were staying the day on the island together, Jon brought some meat and a grill to enjoy a meal together in their private paradise. This island is technically Jon’s Domain but it is not fully completed yet.

Either way, Jon was cutting veggies and putting it with the meat on skewers while Alina was grilling them and adding the sauce. While doing so, they talked about a wide array of things and he told her about his journeys and battles.

"So you’re friends with the Mane, the King of Sentinel, the Prince of Stros M’kai, the Clan Mothers of Elsweyr, the former Queen Dowager of Morrowind, the fallen House Hlaalu, and every drug dealer on Summerset?"


"You are taking me around next time you travel."

"Heh! Alright... God, this is delicious! Take a bite."

"Hm! And... what are you planning for tomorrow?" She asked.

"Don’t tell me you are thinking of keeping me for another day."

"Something wrong with it, Firemane?"


"I know... I was talking about business though."

"I don’t know... I have the coming phase in mind and we need to prepare for the arrival of the troublesome guests. I also have to finish everything in four weeks before I head up to High Hrothgar Temple."

"Isn’t a whole month too long to make the Greybeards wait?"

"Think of it, if a Dragonborn was to take the 7 thousand steps, it would take him a few days. Also, it takes time to reach Ivarstead and more time to prepare for the journey mentally and materially. And I’ll come up with a couple of excuses as well. Take away that skewer, it’s grilled."

"Looks yummy! Still, what about our trading situation with the war sides? You know they would consider us enemies if we openly trade war supplies with either side."

"I have a plan for that. Our main trade partner is basically the East Empire Company which still operates in Windhelm and I trust Vittoria to an extent. On the other hand, what worries me is the Dragons and the Imperial General." Jon said.

"Hmmm... the Dragons because they are Dragons..."

"I don’t like it when people mistake the Dragons for mindless beasts. They are very civil and understand hierarchy really well... as long as they are on top, of course. What worries me is how will they act to assist Alduin with his goal of making the war get more intense. They will organize themselves and systematically move for sure. That’s what I would do if I were them."

"I see... what about the General?"

"Hm? Yea... too hot-headed, too by the book Imperial type. He is indeed an astonishing General to manage to capture Ulfric in a few weeks after his arrival but now with me around, he’ll try to test me and control Winterhold. Our friends in Solitude said so at least. Don’t forget that the Empire announced the Martial Law after Torygg’s death."

The two moved from the grill to a table arranging the plates together and sitting close to each other.

"So... it will be exciting to watch how things go tomorrow."


"The Clans gathering in Saarthal. As the two biggest Clans and practically blood brothers, the Moonblades and the Firemanes hold a meeting each month in the Great Hall of the Tower of Music... people call it the Date Tower now."

"Wait... the Dare Tower? That’s... I like..." Jon approved of the naming right away.

Currently, the Dare Tower or the Tower of Music is completed and looks like nothing from during the Battle of Winterhold. Built as three sections, the base section was a firm keep known as the "Great Hall", the middle section was an upper keep known as the "Quarters" which became a social club for the rich and powerful, the upper section is the "Tower" itself housing a large library and a Magicka focus point.

"You put the plans and we executed as usual." Alina said.

"You did better than just that. I heard you gathered many Clans under our house." Jon looked at Alina showing her how proud he is of her work.

"Indeed, indeed. They all exist to glorify our Dare House. They are our Bannermen and Shield-Thanes."

"Oh! Tell me more."

"The Bannermen are the vessels of our house. House Dare has the Dare Troopers as its main force and as Thanes of Winterhold, we have Housecarls of our own. The Bannermen serve as extensions to our power by managing the troops we can’t legally command and they are separated across Winterhold in many forts and keeps."

"That’s genius."

"Fufufu... husband, it is just a legal precaution. The Clans that attacked Winterhold and surrendered submitted to our house and declared obedience and faith. Our troopers keep them in control."

"The enemies that once hunted my mother 19 years ago."

"Yes, I brought the leaders of those clans and made them stand in front of Hilda. Outside the Hall, each clan came with a coffin to collect the bodies of their leaders but Hilda spared them saying that those who you spared can live as long as they seek atonement. And lo and behold, we have an army and vessels."

"That’s a bit frightening." Jon said.

"It is all thanks to you for sparing them. Who could have believed that those clans are now this docile?"

"As long as they remain under control."

"After the war, everything in Winterhold is under control. You have been preparing for five years after all."

"Yeah. Tell me about the Shield-Thanes." Jon asked.

"Unlike the Bannermen clans, the Shield-Thanes are not families but rather guilds of Craftsmen and Warriors. They are all natives of Winterhold and they have been following you since day one. I gave them the honorary title so they can be distinguished among the locals and hold some power. Unlike our Bannermen Clans, the Shield-Thanes live in the cities and divide it into territories to further install our power."

"That’s... complicated." Jon thought.

"It has to be. After all, the role of the Bannermen is to Traditionalists and the role of the Shield-Thanes is to be Loyalists. They are meant to oppose each other peacefully and competitively trying to gain our favor." Alina said.

Jon had to pause her for a second to further understand what she did there.

"Sweet Democracy! So you’re saying... you made two Factions of Traditionalists and Capitalists and gave them various territories so that we can always hold power and give the outside world that we are not the only ones in power in Winterhold?" Jon asked.

Alina nodded.

"I can very much use that in the Next Phase... Alina... That’s amazing!"

"Learned from the best." She said while winking.

Jon smiled and shook his head.

"You are a cut above the rest, wife."

"Hehehe!" Alina smiled gleefully and stuck closer to Jon.

"I deserve a reward."

"Ah! You already drained everything, you little..."

Jon began tickling her while she laughed uncontrollably until the two ran out of breath. After some sweet words, the conversation dragged back and forth between various things.

The two young couple didn’t part from each other’s side until the sky was completely dark. Jon then went down the lake and started adding floating flowers to the central lake.

"What are these?" Alina asked.

"Candle flowers, a luxury product from Summerset." Jon replied.

These flowers were made by alchemists as a decoration to small water surfaces. They would gradually react to the darkness and brighten up by the minimal Magicka in the surroundings. Alina and Jon watched them silently until they lit up in various colors.

"I envy you when it comes to traveling. I have never been outside Skyrim." She said.

"I won’t lie to you, traveling opens your mind to many possibilities and ideas. If all people were travelers, there would never have been such a thing as racism or conflicts. The world may actually know..." Jon spoke but he stopped as he was about to say the last word.

"Peace?" Alina asked.

"... Maybe I am speaking a lot of nonsense." Jon smiled in self-mockery.

"Or maybe, you are truly a Seeker of Peace and that Beast was right about you." She said.

Jon laughed as he sat in front of the lake looking at the reflection of the stars while the flowers floated around.

"You think it is real? Peace?"

"I never thought dragons were real... or other worlds... or the G-spot."

Jon lightly laughed as Alina sat beside him and hugged him with her left arm.

"I know what you think about War and Peace. It may be impossible to achieve Eternal Peace but if there is War, I know just the guy to stop it."

"Thanks, dear."

"Oh, look. The last meat skewer."

Alina picked the last skewer and pulled a piece of meat off it with her hand but it slipped and fell on her chest. As the apron was still holding her chest together, the piece of meat didn’t slip down and fit itself on her boobs.

Alina made a cute spoiled face and looked at Jon.

"Hubby, the food is bullying me."

Jon looked at her dubiously knowing that she did it on purpose.

"Wifey, I always tell you to eat it like this."

Jon jumped on her, jamming his head between her boobs and eating the meat. While doing so, he hugged her and carried her up and she rounded her legs around his waist.

"See now?"

"I know but eating with my mouth is not cute." She said as she took another piece and fed it to Jon.

"Anything you do is cute."

"Even farting?"

"... You really know how to ruin a good moment."


As the next morning came, Winterhold’s power couple were getting ready to return to their daily life once again. Last night left the two in high spirits and they woke up in a pinkier mood than last night.

"You know, I am beginning to love this place. Our wedding was here, our favorite night was here. Why not move our house on this island?" Alina asked.

"I was thinking of the same thing but when I asked Nurina to teach me more about constructing a Sorcerer’s Domain, she told me to figure it out on my own." Jon replied.

"She didn’t give you even a hint?"

"Nope. She even said that a Mage can’t acquire the title of a Sorcerer unless they have something like the Domain."

"She is a Sorceress so she must have a Domain... but where is it?" Alina asked.

"Completely no idea. From knowing Nurina, I suspect that her Domain is already complete unlike mine so it shouldn’t exist in this world anymore."

"How is that?"

"Domains can travel between Dimensions, that’s something I know. I always knew of the Sorcerers possessing secret towers and hidden places only they can access but when I found out about the Domains for the first time, it was when I was taken by the Vampires."

Alina started thinking for a while.

"At least we know that a Domain must have a central construct." Alina said.

"I constructed the golden pavilion for such purpose. I also know that there must be a form of materialized energy to serve in powering the domain thus I dug the lake and filled it with fresh water. As my Magicka was imbued in the Water, Earth and Wind of this island, I could feel my power in it and I melted away the ice and isolated the presence of the sea of ghosts by the mist surrounding the place making it like a true spring here." Jon said.

"That must have been a lot of work." Alina said.

"I started it once I managed to return back then thinking if I had such a thing as a Domain, I would have been able to heal my damaged body. Didn’t know that being a Demi-CHIM would save me a lot of time in creating it."

"How did you find this place either way?"

"Teleporting north as far as sight would reach didn’t seem like a bad idea back then. This place is at least 300 miles north to Winterhold in the middle of the sea. I can safely say that it is closer to Roscrea than the Continent."

"That far? It is amazing."

"Well, it is a safe and unexpected place. This was just a small island with a lot of ice on top of it even ships would avoid it. Now, look how good it is."

"Just like Winterhold." Alina said.


"Hehe... a land where no one wanted to get close to... until you happened."

Jon smiled and kissed her forehead.


"Let’s go home already."



"Jon! Where on Oblivion have you been? The City’s on Fire!"

The first thing they saw was Jullanar running at them with cinder covering her from head to toe. Jon was about to react but Alina hit Jull on the head.

"Liar! A potion exploded in your face again."

"Come on! I wanted to see his expressions going WOAH like that."

"Alright alright, I was taken aback." Jon patted her head and asked, "Anything serious while we’re gone?"

"No... right, Wulfur dropped by and left you your sword and the things you wanted him to fix." Jull replied.

"Good, and where is Miranda?"

"Reading. All she does is reading... seriously."

Alright, I’ll check by with her and go out. Was there any word from the office or Saarthal?"

"Not yet. But you have to show up though."

The three arranged their daily schedule quickly like the old days. After that, Alina and Jullanar went to have a fast path while Jon went to see Miranda who was still adapting to the new environment. For today, she will go around with him. Alina will have to attend a class at the College while Jull will cover for them in the Company.

After finishing the important things and having breakfast with the girls, Jon went to his laboratory in the basement taking [Bloodskal] with him to activate the Enchantment.

The red blade and the Ahzidal’s Set were worked on by Wulfur for two days straight to bring out their true potential. Unlike Jon’s clumsy rework, Wulfur’s craft left the whole thing as brand new.


[Bloodskal] \u003cNordic Ebony\u003e

- Energy Amplification

- Bleed Damage \u003cNEW\u003e


[Ahzidal’s War Belt] \u003cNordic Ebony\u003e

- Reflect Damage

- Paralysis (on Reflect)


[Ahzidal’s Evil Fists] \u003cNordic Ebony\u003e

- Fortify Strength

- Resist Magic

- Magicka Sealing Chains


[Ahzidal’s Boots of the Apostle] \u003cNordic Ebony\u003e

- Fortify Speed

- Waterwalking

- Levitate


[A/n: if you see 3 enchantments on one item this is because Jon can combine two items with a mutual enchantment to make a tri-enchanted item.]

Wearing those pieces together, Jon had that look of a warrior whose chest and shoulders were bare with a big armored belt tightened around his torso and two dangerous-looking bracers and greaves.

He then held his sword up inspecting it. Wulfur made the sword look even better than before now that it has its own luster and extra smoothness. Jon let the blade slide into its scabbard and attached it to his war belt and wore [Greed] as a long battlecoat on all that.

The last thing he added was his accessories.


[Ahzidal’s Ring of Necromancy] \u003cNordic Gold\u003e

- Fortify Conjuration

- Automatic Soul Trap


[Greater Token of Kyne] \u003cNordic Amulet\u003e

- Fortify Vitality

- Resist Shock \u0026 Frost

- Pacify Animals


[Bond of Matrimony] \u003cNordic Gold\u003e

- Fortify Healing


[Old Man’s Coin] \u003cCharm\u003e

- Fortify Luck


[The Haven Cube] \u003cRing Mode\u003e

- Dimensional Storage

- Dimension Access


As he finally tired his hair with a string and made sure his light facial hair is in order. Jon turned around to the ladies behind him.

"How do I look?" Jon asked.

"Like you never left, darling." Alina replied.

"Thanks, honey."

"No pink atmosphere now. The day’s already getting started. Let’s go already." Jull slipped between the two before they kiss and grabbed Alina away while looking at Miranda, "As planned."

"Mhm." Miranda nodded seriously.

As Alina and Jull left, Jon looked at Miranda.

"What plan?" Jon asked.

"Never let Jon near the bathhouse or the casino Plan." Miranda replied.

"That serious, huh?"

"Also... escort you all day."

Jon pulled up his thumb.

"Good luck."


Miranda seemed to have gotten used to the environment a little bit but she still kept to herself. After the effect of the Chaos infecting Myr a year ago. Miranda’s personality became a bit edgy but still silent and shy. Mirren was also affected as he started to get a more masculine appearance while she became a metalhead for some reason.

Even though she had some tattoos from Beth and an edgy hairstyle with some dyed tufts, she still kept her usual light steps, fit clothing and faint atmosphere.

"Let’s go as well. There will be a lot of Nords where we are heading at and who knows how this day will unfold."

Jon headed out of the house followed by Miranda while Nefertiti silently slid into his shadow as they walked out of the city.


The Great Hall of Saarthal is the place where the Clans of Winterhold usually gather. The phrase "Clans of Winterhold" may sound very strange as two years ago, no one could have imagined such a thing to be possible, a gathering of Nordic Clans who take Winterhold as their home was just a surprise.

At first, it was only the Moonblades who lived at the borders of the Hold and no one else. No one bothered living in the frozen wastes of Winterhold before the reconstruction of Saarthal but now, this is the only possible place they can gather.

Some would argue that with the emergence of the clans all around the Hold in that manner, the snow suffocating the hold melting day by day to the point where snow barely gathers at the busy cities. That’s how the Hold became.

To Alina, this meant that those Bannermen Clans are now the power of Winterhold and the vessels of her house. To Jon, this is more hands to work. To the outsiders, Winterhold is even more fearsome than before.

As Saarthal became the hub where the Clans gather, there had to be more of a value to the city other than its reputation and cultural value and boy oh boy that was one hell of a value.

Strategically, Economically, and Emotionally; Saarthal found its place with its Impenetrable Walls, its rich mines and artificial groves, but most importantly for its well-made design.

Wide paved streets and strong stone buildings were part of the theme of this place that would give cities like Solitude and Windhelm a run for their money. With important buildings like the Museum of Saarthal, the Great Temple and the War Factory, one can’t just miss the most important building in this city, the Tower of Music.

The Tower of Music was the same building that was used to unleash the Magic of the Anti-Music which cancels all magic and disconnects reality making it impossible to produce sounds or die peacefully. Any army attacking Saarthal under such restrictions is bound to be doomed.

At the early stages, the tower was covered with many scaffoldings in a bizarre way making it look like Eiffel Tower but after all that was taken down, the true appearance of the building seemed more like a castle.

It was built like three cuboid shapes on top of each other. The base was a wide cuboid which is the Great Hall, the middle was more of a cube which is the Upper Quarters and finally, the top was a standing slender cuboid which was the Tower.

This whole structure is actually a fortress but it is mainly used as the war council and the strategic command center of all Winterhold.

As all the clans would gather in the Great Hall of the Tower for monthly discussions, today’s meeting was scheduled three days ago when Jon Dare arrived back at Saarthal and the Firemanes announced that they are going to hold a feast for the event.

The Bannermen and Shield-Thanes all gathered in the Great Hall with their important figures coming with gifts. It may still be early in the noon for a feast to arrive but they were all free from their duties and eager to meet Jon.

As the Firemanes and the Moonblades were the stars of the show as the Parent clans to the House of Dare, Patriarch Tormund and Patriarch Sigurd were present with the most esteemed individuals of their houses.

It was more like the gathering of a Nordic Secret Society of many clans.

At the forefront of the Bannermen were the Stormfist Clan of Whiterun that sent a large branch to Colonize in Winterhold with their Matriarch Orga Stormfist who was also the representative of the Bannermen.

Other than them, there were also clans that were once enemies to Winterhold such as the Far-Winter Clan, the Blackblade Clan and the Nikker Clan.

There were also clans that were friends with the Foremanes such as the Frostborn Clan which migrated from The Pale, the Skygard clan which has a lot of involvement with the Vigilants of Stendarr and the Amber-Ones Clan who are distant relatives to the Firemanes.

As for the Shield-Thanes, all the merchants and businessmen who grew in the shade of the DDC.

All those people were invited but there were ones who were not invited. Two Imperial Legionnaires sitting in the corner and trying to keep to themselves as much as possible.

"Isn’t he here yet?" One of them asked. He was a bald man with an impatient temperament.

"As the item of the party, he has all the rights to come whenever he wants." A female Legionnaire with a short haircut answered. Unlike the first, she seemed rather collected and calm.

While one was acting all grumpy, the other one was smiling and speaking with the Nords about what the Nords spoke about.


"A spy."

Sigurd asked and Jonrad answered looking at the two Imperials.

"So what is this about?" Sigurd seemed uncomfortable with the presence of outsiders.

"We knew they would come. It seemed that there is a conflict of interest in the Legion regarding us." Jonrad clarified.

"Can we blame them?" Tyr joined.

"We don’t blame anyone but if they want to play dirty, I wouldn’t recommend we respond to their actions." Sigurd concluded.

"No. This is a trap." Jonrad smiled mockingly.

"A trap?" Sigurd and Tyr asked.

"Look at them, they were sent here for a reason. One is hostile, the other is tactful. This is a recipe for disaster when it comes to both diplomacy and gathering intel." He explained.

"I see... one will counteract with the other." Sigurd understood, "But what is the true purpose of ruining conversatia... I see."

"They want to put us in a bad place." Tyr said, "It must be that General. He won’t sit and wait for Jon to take a stance like the Imperial Diplomates."

"Troublesome." Jonrad nodded.

"Troublesome indeed." Sigurd shared the same feeling then asked, "Will you tell Jon?"

"No worries. This whole thing depends on Jon’s insight else none of us would be here. He will make his stance once he speaks to them." Jonrad said and retreated beyond the crowd.

Almost at the same time, the area around the entrance to the Great Hall became silent still. Nothing gets this silent in the middle of day unless it is something important and indeed it was the most important thing after all.

A man walked in with a dangerous aura as his presence was unfathomable in this place. Following him, there was a Gigantic Bone Colossus in the image of a Samurai holding a massive Bone Katana which was stained by blood.

From the hands of that man, two chains extended, dragging behind him seven lifeless bodies. A High Elf woman came carrying a small knife drenched with blood and holding her shoulder as it seemed that she was grazed by a blade. Seeing her, Wulfur, as well as Isha and Mirren who were priorly present, rushed towards her to see her arms already healed but she seemed to be still having some painful sensation.

Seeing the Mighty [Warth] behind Jon took the breath away from the Great Hall. Everyone knew exactly Jon would only summon this undead if something bad happens and it seemed that a situation occurred.

As Jon walked in with the seven corpses being dragged and leaving a trail of blood, those who once offended Jon were already shaking, hoping that Jon wasn’t thinking of anything evil.

"There is a fine line between wanting to play a healthy game of politics and wanting to play a dirty game of blood. I am open to both. But to hurt my people... my family... there is something a man shouldn’t overlook." Jon said as he pointed at Miranda.

He then held the chains and flung them forward towards the center of the hall showing the seven corpses of very well trained light warriors or rather... Assassins.

"I know these are not from Winterhold, I know these are neither Imperials or Stormcloaks, and my enemies wouldn’t just send seven assassins who would attack me in the middle of the day and when I kill six of them, the last kills himself." Jon said as he calmly walked in and explained.

None could talk back to him with Wrath following him around.

"The point is... I know my enemies and they know me. It is almost like a love/hate relationship but those people... they don’t know me... and I don’t know who they are." Jon said and looked at both the Bannermen and the Shield-Thanes.

With a snap of his finger, [Wrath] was sent back to the [Cube] and Nefertiti hopped on his shoulder. The Great Hall finally could breathe again.

"Find out who they are." He said while turning as his eyes landed on the Imperials, "Assassins and now Spies? I am too sober for this shit!"

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