Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 530 The Real Army of Jon Dare

*Hidden Dragon Isle*

Stretch left, stretch right, backstretch, arm stretching, fingers cracking, neck cracking, flexing muscles so everything else starts cracking.

Now all his body felt loose and comfortable.

To clarify what happened, those are the waking-up rituals for a certain Dragonborn, Jon Dare. The man who can crack each and every joint... probably.

The sun was warm and refreshing and the maple forest around the Golden Pavilion moved with the nice breeze.

Looking behind him on the king-sized bed, there were four beautiful ladies soundlessly sleeping. He smiled proud of his performance last night as he took on those four beauties all at once until he managed to put them all down. Alina, Jull, Miranda and Vittoria.

It was a celebration for foiling the attempt of the Imperial Legion to try to control the DDC. Even though Vittoria is the cousin of the Emperor, she was a businesswoman after all and the Survival of the DDC meant a lot for her. The Imperial Legion has always acted roughly with the company demanding a lot of supplies and causing the EEC to give up many ships. If the General’s Plan to take over the DDC was a success, Vittoria wouldn’t have managed to cover the consequences and the prices of essential goods in the new holds would have skyrocketed to an insane ratio, the problem which the Legion always dumps at the Company.

Either way, the situation went safely and the only loss was Winterhold officially taking a stand with the Stormcloak Rebellion as a reply to the brazen State of Emergency. In truth, Jon had nothing to do with it nor he even cared. It was 100% the decision of Jarl Korir.

Jon has stopped messing with the Jarl’s mind after he kept Korir in a hypnotized state for a couple of years using the [Helm of Winterhold]. By Bending the Jarl’s Will through a very long Thu’um session, the Jarl became very docile towards Jon and the Mages but still kept the dignity and the attitude of a Jarl. As Jon left for two years, Alina was monitoring the Jarl’s situation as he slowly became the perfect version of himself. Either way, he seemed to have started favoring the Stormcloak Cause just like in the Game and agreed to switch sides once he caught wind of the State of Emergency.

With that, Jon could distance himself from general war politics while advising the Jarl to not be drawn into the conflict. Of course if any battle were to happen in Winterhold, Jon would step up and stop it himself if needed. Alduin is already being fed too many souls as it is and can’t be given more.

Jon walked out of the pavilion while thinking of the next step to take. The Imperials won’t retaliate right after this loss for some time and the Stormcloaks are already in a good mood. It is the fifth day since his arrival and no news of Dragon Activity around Skyrim from the agents he dispatched.

"Hmmm... that ass looks yummy."

From behind him, a presence came slowly but he intercepted it quickly. Holding her hand, Jon looked at Jull narrowing his eyes.

"You woke up... good." Jon pulled her closer and asked, "How is everything in Riften?"

"Riften? It is fun."

"Just fun?"

"Hehehe, you got me." Jull laughed, "I’ve had my own fun in Riften... just a little bit I swear. There is that guy I want to murder! AH! So our murder type."

"What does he do?"

"He stared at me... in the eyes... for three seconds! What’s fucking wrong with his head? He even told me he wants me on his crew. Fucking asshole! I was about to take his head before your friend Delvin told me..."

"It was the Guild Master, wasn’t it?" Jon asked.

"Yeah. That guy thinks he’s crazy or something?"

"Alright, alright. Mercer is a son of a bitch who always tries to bring ruthless thugs and homicidally insane people to his side." Jon said.

"You mean these cute guys acting all scary? A blade between their legs always gets them in their place." Jull said playfully.

"Oh! My second wifey grew so sadistic, I see. Should I be afraid?"

"Bitch, please! Miranda told me that she tried two kick you in the nether first time she met you and it broke her leg. You think I would sacrifice a good blade like mine?"

Jon and Jullanar walked inside the forest away from the center of the island alone. He enjoyed hearing her complaining about every single thing.

"... and after all that, that Argonian bitch got herself captured! For God’s freaking sake! I either had to murder our way out or leave her behind and run. So infuriating! I had to run, old man Delvin would nag me to death if I killed someone on a smuggling operation. *Imitating Delvin* It is bad for business, he says. Are you guys serious? And what is worse is that gal Vex! She has a stick so high up her ass that she can’t see shit."

Jon took all her complaining with a wry smile knowing exactly what she is talking about. He pacified her after she let the stress out.

"It’s okay. But you understand that I need you out there in the Thieves Guild. Once everything starts happening, you should be there in the heart of the events." Jon said as he relieved her stress by massaging her temples.

"What events?" She asked.

"It is something that you have to figure out on your own. Remember that there are some certain situations that need you to act accordingly in order for our plans to come together." Jon said.

"Hmmm... wait! Wulfur and Alina, you also gave them assignments similar to mine. Wulfur joining the Companions and Alina teaching in the College... What are you planning?" She asked.

"I said figure it out." Jon flicked her forehead after he was done massaging her.


"So... is there any news with the assassins from yesterday?" Jon asked.

"Nope... we hung their drawings somewhere and waiting for identification. I think we will hit a dead end though."

"I don’t like it... something’s telling me we haven’t seen the last of those Assassins. Either way, I’ll be heading to work, you wake up the girls and if there is anything important, I’ll be in the office." Jon said, kissed her and teleported to Winterhold.

"Hey, I haven’t told you about those guys I murdered..." She looked around and shook her shoulders, "I guess later then."


*The DDC Headquarters, Winterhold City*

"It’s the Boss!"

"Welcome back, Boss!"

"Thanks, guys."

"Nicely done showing those Imperials, Boss."

"Congratulations, Boss."

"Alright, alright! Back to your places, I have something to say to you guys." Jon pacified the crowd of the employees as he stood tall between them.

The employees of the Headquarters are known as the Management Departments. They are the R\u0026D, HR, Marketing, Legal and Financial Departments. Each employee in this hellish environment can multitask better than any common mage and finish an astonishing amount of paperwork daily. They were often described as the Cult of the Boss or Jon’s Personal Army because of how fanatic they are regarding Jon. They may seem like miserable office workers but armed with various magic calculation tools and a very handsome salary, these employees are among the highest qualifications in the whole industry.

Now, Jon is about to speak to them.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, as you are all well aware of our newest Phase. We are now expanding overseas and internationally reaching deep into Morrowind. This is truly some great news but the best part is the Investment.

For five years now, we have been fearful of the outside and relying on far distance trading which would sooner or later exhaust our capabilities and endanger us if we were to get besieged from multiple fronts at the same time. Now, the investment will ensure that those who are from the outside will need Winterhold to be safe and stay afloat because of their personal interests.

This will gain us more friends and even more competitors but the DDC will not be shaken and with the launch of investment, we must offer two new primary services. We are creating two more departments during this month."

Jon raised two fingers and the anticipation reached its peak. He then took out a paper and started reading his plan.

"The first department will be the [Dare Bank]. An establishment that will be a very powerful extension to the Financial Department and from now on, all salaries shall be cashed out at the bank. For most of you, this may seem unnecessary but this will provide us access to the other important functions of banks. It will provide Deposit Boxes to safekeep important contracts and documents as well as items and money. The bank will also regulate all the deposited money and provide investment opportunities by buying and selling shares in the newly established companies for those businessmen who lack assets. Other than that being a Safe Storage and a Stock Market, the bank will give Business Loans without Benefits but it will be owning shares in those businesses which will also allow the investors and the businessmen to regulate more money. The important part is that we are going to expand to the other holds by providing Business Loans and Management Assistance to any struggling business thus becoming their essential partners."

As Jon finished explaining his basic Banking and Stock Market idea, the room fell into a state of disbelief.

This was it.

This is the glorious day they all have been waiting for. The March to the other Holds has begun. Jon will now invest outside Winterhold by giving small businessmen money and signing partnership contracts even dispatching trained business advisors, this is massive and will not be 100% unheard of, it is way too professional and organized. All people thought that Jon would be a King or an Emperor by conquering the world which was something Jon refused... no one said anything about buying the whole world though.

The only ones aware of Jon’s ambitions are those who work in this building. While it may have looked like an announcement of a new department, to them, this is the Declaration of the Fucking War they all have been waiting for.

Banking and Investment... if not the scariest professions in the world, then there is no job too scary. Jon knew that well and his personal army, the Management Departments, were raging around like a mad war party. He waited until they calmed down and started revealing his other department.

"This one is more... sinister. The second department will be the [Dare Insurance]. Of course we won’t let our lovely yet unfortunate investors and partners face problems without helping them, right? Insurance Business is a risk management business and the Legal Department will be very busy with this one. What we need is to create a policy for covering the risks that our partners may face and try to compensate them for their losses that happen due to accidents they are 100% not the cause of. This means we will pose as both the mercy of the divines and the trickery of the daedra. For example, if a trader doesn’t get his caravan sufficient security and comes for us for insurance money, we ain’t covering him, see what we are doing here? It is giving our partners peace of mind as long as they do exactly what is required from them to do. With the Dragons raging around, trading with us may not sound as dangerous anymore, right?"



"That’s genius, Boss."

The management departments understood the importance of such a system and how strongly it will benefit the trade even though they will always try to find leeways to not pay. It sounds dirty but at the same time very appealing and attractive. Jon’s suggestion included only Trade Insurance as the trading world is dangerous and treacherous. It may sound evil to some but it is exactly what the situation needed.

Stock Market, Investing, Banking, Insurance, Financial Conquest; Jon looked at his real army proud of the men and women who will devastate this world without even lifting one weapon. The Real Army of Jon Dare.

"Everyone, Quiet!" Jon called and they all looked at him, "These two projects are ambitious and will take a lot of time. The probability for them to backfire on us is huge and it is nothing like anything we have ever done before. It is the big money game. From now on, we will be monitoring the movements of the other companies, how much money they have and how much we can make them spend. Every Septim will be monitored and every trader will be listed, we can’t leave anything to chance. Our current size may be small so we will be hiring more management officers and you as senior employees will have a lot of juniors to train. Some of you will be sent to the field to look for opportunities and strike deals with medium and small businesses, we will also submit the Bannermen Clans and mercenaries so that we can increase the security of the hold.

The past five years were something and from now on, we are a whole new animal. Yesterday, they wanted to take our cornerstone thinking that we will crumble without it but let’s teach them the right lesson. For the past five years, we were on the defense and today... we go on the offense."

Jon’s declaration made the employees go mad one more time.

"R\u0026D." Jon called.

"Yes, Boss." The Research and Development head answered.

"You have a full study and plan for the two new departments. Contact the [Dare Real Estate] and start finding a location for the Bank."

"By your wish, Boss."


"Yes, Boss."

"Are the non-human races still making a fuss about the Human Resources thingy?" Jon asked.

"Yes, Boss. We are calling it the People Resources... unofficially."

"People Resources?! What are you? Justin Trudeau? It is HR like it or not."

"Yes, Boss."

"Anyway, organize a list of Elite Dare Troopers and Employees for the Bank. We will do an exam. Keep tabs with the R\u0026D."

"As you wish, Boss."



"This is your moment, most of your hard work will be dumped to the Bank. Still, you’ll be training a lot of employees to fill the voids."

"Thank you for the opportunity, Boss."



"You know I always think of you guys as my relatives."

"It’s an honor, Boss."

"Don’t get too happy, you’ll soon learn the dirtiest part of being a lawyer. Cooperate with the R\u0026D to create the best Trading Insurance Policies, I don’t want it to leak even water."

"Absolutely, Boss."


"Yes, Boss."

"Make us look as nice."

"Hehe. No problem, Boss."

Jon gave out the major and minor tasks before observing the employees working as if they were bees in a hive. As he was done observing, he went up to his office and met the secretary department that covered his work with Alina for two whole years. Sev, the Head Secretary, opened the door to his office and Jon walked in the Throneroom of his Empire.

It was as messy as he left it. A large library to the side taking over the wall completely. Some display cases with some of his collections, the big sofa where he rests and most importantly his chair and his desk.


He sat back, relaxed, ordered a cup of dunmeri tea, spread his legs and put his hands behind his head with a wide smile forming on his face.

Just at that perfect moment, Jon had a strange feeling coming from the [Cube]. He hurriedly retrieved the Dragonstone and checked it as he felt it was emitting a strange wave of energy, Jon put in the desk and imbued it with Magicka right away.

He closed his eyes and in a minute, he opened them back again.

"As if this day can’t get any better." Jon grinned widely.

This is what he was waiting for. A Dragon is being Resurrected.

The location? Rorikstead.

The Dragon? The Burning Fury of Wither, Nahagliiv.


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