Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 588 - Jonrads Story (9)

Chapter 588 - Jonrad's Story (9)

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[Patre0n latest chapter: 592]


Glymet whipped the blood off his blade looking at the cave which was now flowing with blood.

Call this a massacre because that’s exactly what it was. One wolf cutting and slicing through a herd of sheep yet in this case the wolf was more righteous than them sheep... or may equally as bad.

Wolves don’t care for such values either way.

Still, with the carved head of Rathir decorating the table in front of him, Glymet sighed in weariness as his bad habit made things hard for him again.

Once he sees blood, he never stops until nothing is moving. Most people would cease their attacks when someone screams "Mercy! I submit!" but not Glymet for he was stabbed in the back more than he could ever remember by those he has shown mercy towards.

If he was just willing to listen or at least went easy, he would have known who warned Rathir. Sadly, he initiated Plan B and murdered all in his way with the poison bombs he took from Zaria then proceeded to behead Rathir before he would summon some annoying undead.

With that, he burned everything to ash and left the cave to report back to Astrid of course without forgetting to mention the fact that he was betrayed by someone inside the Brotherhood.

The necromancer’s words unnerved many in the sanctuary. Who had warned him? It is a known fact that harming another Brother in Sothis is one of the grave sins an Assassin would do and it is part of the Five Tenets to bring no harm to a fellow Assassin.

For this betrayal, some heads will surely roll and Astrid was concerned for her family of Assassins. She tried to convince Glymet that it can’t be the case and maybe an outsider found out about the contractor’s intent of killing Rathir and warned him beforehand.

Still, that surely was not a coincidence and not long after the incident, the Listener herself chose to visit Falkreath. This was Glymet’s chance to gain her trust and learn where she and the Night Mother dwelt.


While the word has arrived that the Listener is on her way, the Sanctuary of Falkreath remained on high alert even against each other, a scenario that Astrid wanted to avoid at all costs.

On that day when fate was twisting its knots and scheming its plots, the Listener set foot in the Sanctuary of Falkreath with all the assassins lining up to meet her.

"Hail Sithis!" She spoke and the assassins bowed including Glymet who saw a pair of feet standing in front of him and a shadow cast in his direction.

With a hand signal, the Listener signaled Glymet to rise up and follow her as two members of the Black Hand remained in the Sanctuary to keep an eye on the rest of the Assassins.

The Listener, while small in stature, felt deep in her aura. She walked outside the sanctuary and the snow covered the wood of Falkreath, as it was already the beginning of winter, and she shrugged off the cold weather as if she was familiar with it yet on her masked face that only revealed her eyes, she had that look of wonder as she took some time to gaze at the snow.

Glymet noticed that curious attitude of hers as she kept staring at the snow and looked at her hazel eyes trying to figure out that strange woman.

After all, she is his target to kill.

The target Uther Nere assigned him to kill.

However, she noticed Glymet looked at her and if looks could kill, her glare at him built an impenetrable wall between the two of them, and all the personality she let off just now was all shrouded behind the cold attitude of an Assassin.

"Brother Glymet." She called him.

"Yes, Listener." Glymet bowed and decided to wait on the kill, after all, the other target he had to eliminate wasn’t here.

She put her index on her face cover and removed it down revealing her face and parts of her head.

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Ginger brownish hair that can only be seen in the summer tundras and curved eyes with pupils were hazel and arched brows. Her lips were full and rosy, and her face was fair while yet spotted with freckles.

In every way, she was a young woman.

A beautiful young woman.

But more importantly, the way she moved, the way she spoke, the way she looked and looked at others; she was...

Glymet couldn’t find what word to use.

Fearless... as she strikes fear.

Dauntless... as she daunts the unworthy.

Brave... as she moves the heart of men.

All those words described her but there was more since Glymet was searching for a thing he still can’t find and here it was plain and clear in that woman.

What was it?

Why is she special?

"My name is Alisanne Dupre and I am the Leader of the Black Hand and the Dark Brotherhood. May the Unholy Matron embrace you."

"Name’s Glymet." He replied.

Ever since he joined, he used no nicknames or aliases but just remained like that. A man with a forgettable face and a forgettable name.

"And how did you join the brotherhood?" She asked.

"My invitation happened in Wayrest less than a year ago but I never failed a mission and here I am, the last member of Wayrest’s Sanctuary." He replied.

"Interesting." She smiled, "I heard of what has befallen our brothers and sister in Wayrest. A regrettable event. What was your last job in Wayrest?" She asked.

"The Assassination of King Jelric Barynia."

"My!" Alisanne widened her eyes, "Killing a King. Now that’s not something we do every day. When I handed out that mission, I was dying to complete it myself. Job well done, brother."

"Thank you."

Seeing how delighted she was after hearing the hit was his, Glymet had that feeling once again as he watched Alisanne closely. She felt his curious gaze and returned it with a stronger one making him back down.

"Either way, I have come to give you an unpleasant task. We believe there is a traitor in our midst, and as the one who killed Rathir, only you are above suspicion." She said.

"How exactly did you guys from Bravil find out?" Glymet asked.

"The Night Mother spoke to me, of course." Alisanne replied.

"And the Unholy Matron didn’t reveal the traitor to you?" Glymet asked.

"What the Mother reveals is her business, my job is to listen and not to speak. If she doesn’t reveal something, who am I to question her?"

"I understand." Glymet stopped arguing.

If the Night Mother can see through every Sanctuary and has some sort of omnipresence ability in the Dark Brotherhood, she should have some idea of his true intentions yet so far, the Listener seems unaware that Glymet is the ultimate traitor.

But that didn’t deter him. He was committed to ending the plague of the Dark Brotherhood no matter his personal feelings.


No... he can’t think that way.

Alisanne gazed upon the assassin and so the conflict was clear in his aura but she had no idea of what sort of dangerous intentions he was brewing at that time. She just proceeded to the body of the matter directly.

"In better days, we would have purged this entire sanctuary, but after the destruction of Wayrest, our numbers are too few for that. I’ve told the others you’ll be helping them with their contracts. Discover who the traitor is, and silence them, permanently."

Alisanne finally gave her order.

This was a direct order from the acting head of the organization and a step to further gain her trust and continue with his long mission. All he needs to do now is to follow each Assassin in their missions and observe them.

Of course it wouldn’t be this simple.

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This is not only about observing but also putting pressure on them. Glymet was betrayed and would cause the traitor to act stupidly especially when they try to shift the blame off themselves at somebody else. It is then when Alisanne Dupre will strike herself.

And so it began. A series of interrogations and surveillance was administered to all Dark Brotherhood personnel. It was all within the Five Tenets but still upset some of them to cause enough stress for the traitor.

From that point, Glymet started to go on quests with the other members.

At first, it was Astrid who cooperated the first and she never spared Glymet of her deathly glares. What she hinted out was something along the lines of "I don’t know traitors amongst my family."

After Astrid came every Assassin. Nazir, Arnbjorn, Festus Krex, Gabriella, and Veezara. Still, all of them kept their oath of silence. The ones that spiker however were Babette, Eliras, and Varlyn.

Babette is a young girl, too young to be an Assassin, or that’s what people might think from the looks she gives. She’s at least 300 years of age since she is but a little girl who was turned into a Vampire. Gruesome? Not at all. This hag trapped into the body of a child enjoys every moment of the hunt and is a crazed blood maniac of her own caliber.

While the other two left less impression than Babette, Varlyn is a Dark Elf who has been with the brotherhood for some time now while Elirath was a Wood Elf and seemed less friendly than the others.

Those particular three showed a different attitude on their jobs, however, and Glymet managed to take their statements and find out some information from them.

Elirath, the Wood Elf, hinted that the people of the Dark Brotherhood can’t all be trusted and he witnessed one of them sneaking in the dark the other day. The only feature he managed to notice is the red eyes of that individual.

While Babette seemed most cooperative, the oldest member in the brotherhood was but a cold-hearted cruel killer that murdered villagers and people in a show of horror before she casually tells Glymet that she noticed a hooded figure roaming outside the sanctuary a few nights ago.

Varlyn was the last to be assisted by Glymet and all he said that found a mysterious note in a dead drop. From the delicate script, he believes the traitor is a woman.

The only lead Glymet has now is a Red-Eyed Hooded Woman which describes only a single member in the entire brotherhood, Gabriella.

The only problem is that Gabriella never left the sanctuary for the past month, eliminating her entirely as a suspect.

With these leads narrowed down, one of the three who gave the leads should be lying.

If it was Babette, then she is neither Red-Eyed nor someone who wears hoods.

If it was Elirath, then he is neither Red-Eyed nor a woman.

But if it was Varlyn, he has Red Eyes and is usually hooded. Also, the lead about the traitor being a woman is his which means he is lying.

That night, Glymet met with Alisanne under the moonlight outside the Sanctuary to discuss the matter and how to end it. To make things better for him, it seemed that Alisanne was also investigating on her part and had some results.

"I’ve learned something about our traitor. Apparently, Rathir was spotted meeting someone with pointed ears near the Sanctuary." She said.

"So we’re talking about an Elf."

"Any ideas which one of our favorite Elves can be the traitor?" She asked.

"It is..." Glymet was about to reply but she raised her hand.

"Don’t tell." She said and handed him a dagger, "The traitor will be on the lookout so approach them before they can feel anything and pass the judgment of the Black Hand silently. Deliver them to Sithis."

The words were clear, Glymet obeyed with a smile.

The dagger he received was not just any blade but something that gave a lot of power. He felt rather powerful when he wielded it and when he moved, he felt light and as if he was unseen.

With a target on his mind, Glymet took the actual first step of being a genuine Dark Brotherhood Assassin.


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