Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Chapter 950

The Genius Wizard Who Takes Medicine Episode 950

Prohibited (5)


Feisha collapsed as a result of breaking the ban and revealing the inside story of the project.

As soon as she saw that, Jenny called Lennok and ran towards Feisha.

“Chuck… Cough…!!”

The sight of Faisha Grisburn unconscious, bleeding from every pore on her face.

My shoulders and limbs twitch, and all the muscles in my body become stiff.

It’s such a miserable sight, as if the strings of life are about to be thrown away at any moment.


Jenny opened the closet in the office, took out an emergency kit, and shouted as she stuck the ampoule into Feisha’s neck.

“Call Yakseon. “I’ll take care of first aid myself in the meantime…!!!”

A forbidden reaction that even high-ranking superhumans cannot avoid.

However, in this tower where experts in various fields are gathered, there may still be a chance to save it.

Jenny, who quickly assessed the situation, was about to administer painkillers into Feisha’s mouth without hesitation.

Lennok, who was quietly staring at the figure, answered.



“He’s an incorrigible murderer, but he’s still very useful to kill here.”

I look down at Feisha, who is convulsing with her arms crossed.

Lennok’s gaze as he looked at her face, which was close to death, was cold, but on the contrary, he did not feel any particular killing intent.

“The hand has already been written. “The rest is up to you.”

“What is that…”

“Cluck, cough, cough!!!”

At that moment, Feisha shook off Jenny’s hand and coughed harshly.

He pulled out the ampoule stuck in his throat, threw it away, and rolled on the carpet in his office.

It wouldn’t be surprising if his head was smashed to death a long time ago, but he’s still alive and his whole body is twitching.

That fact itself was proof that the arrangement Lennok had made in advance had worked successfully.

“Cluck cluck…!!! Wow!!”

Feisha, who was convulsing by twisting her limbs and scratching the floor with her fingernails, could not hold back her vomiting and was vomiting.

After not eating anything for several days, something other than gastric juice came out of her stomach and rolled on the floor.

A piece of goat horn broken in half.

It was covered in wet saliva and was corroding and melting as if it were burning.



Feisha, who was staring at this blankly while shedding a cold sweat, hit her head on the floor.

If it weren’t for the carpet, the impact would have been heavy enough to cause a brain hemorrhage.

But Feisha’s breathing was much more stable than before.

“A way to circumvent the ban by using Anathema’s body parts.”

Feisha walks up to where her head was buried and picks up a piece of horn.

Lennok said, looking curiously at the rapidly corroding and disappearing piece of horn.

“I was wondering how to use it, but it seems that just taking it is effective.”

“You fucking… bastard…”

Feisha muttered in a breathless voice.

“When the meeting was over… I made a trick… like a piece of shit…” As soon as

the meeting was over, Feisha, who had fainted, woke up while Lennok and Innocent were talking.

Meanwhile, Lennoc cut off Anathema’s horn and fed the pieces to Feisha.

“Don’t criticize me so much. “If it weren’t for this, you would have died right here.”

Lennok chuckled and crouched down in front of Feisha.


Lennok said, lighting a candle and blowing smoke over her head.

“If I went back to Oliveira anyway, I would have been used until my death in an experiment to circumvent the ban, so wouldn’t it be better to preserve my life this way?”

The reason why Feisha was able to survive despite breaking the ban was because Anathema’s body absorbed into her body took the recoil instead.

Obviously, Oliveira also expected to use it in this way and requested Anathema’s body parts from Lennok.

“Damn it, what’s the difference between that woman and you…!!”

However, even after hearing Lennok’s words, Feisha laughed hard instead of being convinced.

“Anyway, if I go back, I will be experimented on until I die…!!”

“No, it’ll be okay. “This kind of application is ultimately just a one-time thing.”

Lennok said, looking at the piece of horn that had completely corroded away in his hand.

“Even if the ban is bypassed, the reaction is ultimately met with a substitute. “Geas is not such a soft bondage.”

Lennok, who had burned the crumbled powder on his gloves, looked away.

“Next time, if I try to bypass the same prohibition, I will ignore Anathema’s cause and effect and immediately kill the pledger.”


By simply absorbing Anathema’s body parts, the only way to deal with the prohibition’s recoil is once.

In order to use Anathema’s cause and effect more efficiently, it will need to be adjusted in a different way than this.

Isn’t that adjustment the real purpose of Oliveira Ron Maze?

Lennok, who was thinking so, looked down at Feisha with a smiling gaze.

“But the choice to ignore death and break the taboo is surprising. “Did you think it would be okay to die now?”


He is a person who participated in the war under Kaise and even witnessed the failure of the project.

Considering how long she has lived, she must have known from the beginning that this would happen.

But even though Feisha knew that, she chose to break the prohibition and die here.

Being able to decide when and how to die is nothing short of a blessing in this world.

“You laughed at Claud like that, but you were also looking for a place to die.”

Lennok sneered.

“It’s contradictory to want to be comfortable. “It is too much of a death to allow for a person like you.”

“…It must look ridiculous to you.”

Feisha lifted her gaze with difficulty.

Her eyes were shining with regret and self-deprecation.

“I just thought it wasn’t a bad way to end this miserable life.”

“You sound like you want to atone. “Don’t you think it’s too late now?”


“You seem to have been thinking about the end from the moment you saw Jenny, but I won’t make it easy for you.”

This is because I thought that the words that Feisha said in front of Jenny were her last words at this place.

I guess he started the conversation with the intention of breaking the taboo and dying for Bajur’s granddaughter.

“I will handle your personal affairs separately by dealing with Oliveira.”

Lennok whispered, looking at Feisha’s distorted face.

“You can look forward to it. “I plan to make you do a much harder job than you are doing now.”

“This bastard…!!”

“But I know that what you said was not a lie. Cutting off an incredible talent from one’s own hands…”

Lennok muttered as he turned his gaze towards Jenny.

Jenny asked, biting her lip with a complicated expression.

“You cut off talent… Are you telling me to believe that?”

“It wasn’t the answer I expected, but it’s not an entirely impossible reason to understand.”

Lennok answered.

“Kaise Bajur was born with a heavenly nature where the magical power of his entire body flows in the opposite direction to his blood vessels.”

Feisha’s shoulders flinched greatly at Lennok’s explanation, which mentioned Kaise without hesitation, but she ignored him and spoke again.

“As a result, I obtained a retrograde technique to turn back time, but I had to live in a different time than others.”


“It is known that curses and spells that are passed down through the blood, such as blood-related powers, are passed down through generations of the family, and are expressed more powerfully through atavistic inheritance.”

Lennok said, looking at Jenny with an indifferent look.

“From here, it’s just speculation, but it’s highly likely that Ethan Bajur was aware that Kaise’s traits would be strongly expressed in you.”


“If you had actually manifested an extraordinary talent through atavism, your life would have been extremely different… and Ethan Bajur might not have been able to accept that.”

“That’s that…”

Jenny’s hands are shaking so much that she can’t hide it.

She is holding back because it is Lennok’s words, but it is proof that she is so agitated that it is difficult to suppress her emotions.

“Of course, that’s what Feisha says, but I also don’t know what kind of great person Ethan Bajur actually is.”

Therefore, rather than continuing to explain further, Lennok spoke naturally.

“It is difficult to say that the attitude of overlooking the war waged by Deadrise or the massacre of Feisha Grisburn is desirable. “I’m not sure what he’s thinking.”

“Damn…!! “This bastard knows everything…!!!”

Did it seem disgusting to see Lennok pretending not to notice even after getting close to the answer?

Lennok, who completely ignored Feisha, who was foaming at the mouth and having a seizure, gathered his thoughts.

I tried to explain it appropriately for Jenny’s sake, but there was one thing I needed to tell her even now.

“But because of that… one thing is clear: Ethan Bajur is still alive.”


“After contacting the generals of the legion, I also found out about it. The Deadrise he leads literally refers to Ethan himself, who returned from the dead.”

Lennok smiled and pointed at the fallen Feisha.

“So, if you want, you can meet him sometime. Until then, this woman will serve as a means of finding Ethan Bajur.”


Jenny looked speechless.

In fact, given the position and authority she now has, it is not an impossible task.

The only magic tower in a huge city. Lennok’s business partner and manager in charge of most administrative tasks.

One day, when Deadrise returns from Central to Vulcan, if Ethan Bajur is leading the army, Jenny will also face him in some way.

“A cocky wizard like you is looking for Bajur…”

Feisha grinned.

“He is not a being bound by time in this world. No matter how great a magician you are, even if-”

“That’s right. “Returning from death is not possible with the strength of the soul or spirit alone.”

Lennok said, looking down at Feisha, who seemed to have hit the nail on the head.

“A vessel strong enough to embrace a soul that has gone through life and death again. “There is no need to confirm that Ethan himself was an outstanding superhuman.”

If you are a leader who uses a warlord like Deadrise as his symbol, there is no need to talk about his military power.

Above all, Ethan Bajur is a person who traveled alone to the military town and left journals in various places.

How was such a reckless trip possible if I wasn’t confident in my own power?

Unlike Kaise, Ethan Bajur must be a superhuman with extremely powerful martial arts skills.

“If there’s nothing more you want to say, let’s end here.”

Lennok said and raised his hand.

“I want to tidy up my room first. “Your vomiting makes me feel sick.”


As soon as she snapped her fingers, the carpet on which Feisha had vomited rolled up and folded.

The window opened wide and the thin blackout curtains opened on their own to provide ventilation.

When he grabbed Feisha’s collar with a magician and made her sit on a chair, Feisha, who had just gained energy, was not to be outdone and fired back.

“It’s hard to pretend to be weak-willed when someone is a madman who sees blood every chance he gets… Do you think anyone will notice if you show off that kind of pretentiousness?”

“From one to ten, not a single word is correct. “Are you sure you can only say the wrong thing unless you break the taboo?”

Lennok replied angrily and opened the window wide.


A chilly wind blows through the window and ventilates the room.

As the heat building up in the office evacuated, the sound of bustling things being cleaned up rang out.

Only then did Jenny also seem to come to her senses and turned around, rubbing her cheeks with both hands.

“…half. “For now, I’ll be handling the contact from the city council first.”

Jenny said as she picked up the documents she had put down on the table.

“It seems like the connection at the top has become distorted because of the denomination and the apostle. “First of all, I want to clear up the confusion on the congressional side and put the situation back in order.”

“It wasn’t something that would be resolved overnight.”

Lennok nodded.

“I have to go somewhere for a while, so it’s okay to take things slowly. “I’m waiting.”

“good. And what happened today…”

Jenny sighed softly, wiping her face with effort.

“later. I want to listen to Jordan’s story and think again. “Is it still okay?”

“It’s okay, it’s about yourself.”

Lennok smiled with his arms crossed.

“If I didn’t think carefully and decide, I would have thought there might be a problem.”

“…It’s full of problems from beginning to end. What are you talking about?”

Although Jenny grumbled like that, she seemed to have relieved a lot of pressure by saying that.

Jenny, holding the documents, tapped Lennok’s arm, glanced at Feisha, and left the office.

He probably guessed that there was more to talk about between Lennok and Feisha.


Feisha glanced around to see if she wanted to remember Jenny’s face, but Jenny had disappeared.

“There is no such thing as extreme sincerity.”

Lennok laughed at Feisha as if he had been waiting for that reaction, which was completely unexpected from his usual crazy attitude.

“If anyone sees it, they will think I brought Jenny’s nanny to the tower.”

“…Your attitude towards his granddaughter is different.”

Feisha fought back, looking upset.

“I didn’t know that a ruthless wizard like you could tell such lame jokes. “If the people who died at your hands saw it, they would feel so wronged that they would go on a rampage.”

“Because, regardless of her birth, she is a capable and trustworthy person.”

Lennok responded.

“There are many talented people, but there are few who know how to measure the good. “It is a talent that would be a waste to keep in such a dark place.”

“Don’t you think that even that character exists because it comes from his bloodline?”

Feisha asked, smiling sharply.

“Innate talent and personality that surpasses that. Transcendent will and mental power that surpasses that of humans. “It was something they both had.”

“Blood, blood, blood… You sing so openly that you want to praise it.”

Lennok couldn’t help himself and smiled coldly.

“If Bajur’s bloodline was so important to you, why didn’t you pay attention to her until now?”


“You betrayed the Kaise and abandoned Vulcan after the project failed. “The son becomes the leader of the traitors and leads the army into war.”

“You… how dare you…!!!!”

“Where is Gileon, who prides himself on being so loyal, and what is he doing?”

Every time Lennok opens his mouth, Feisha’s murderous intent swells like a balloon inside her.

Maybe it’s because every word he says gets straight to the point, as if touching on evil.

However, Feisha did not rush towards Lennok or scream with harsh curses and excuses.

He just glared at Lennok with bloodshot eyes, as if waiting for something.

And Lennok also knew what Feisha was thinking.

“You got angry earlier when I pretended not to notice even though I guessed the answer right in front of Jenny.”

Lennok smiled and whispered.

“You hate me, but you rely on my judgment and rely on my intuition. You probably wanted me to understand the secret you couldn’t tell yourself. But I won’t do that.”


“You said that Ethan participated in the project to exterminate Bajur’s talents, but that is different from what I know of Kaise’s purpose.”

The Black Consumer Project is a plan to find answers started by Kaise.

It is literally an unreasonable act of dreaming of qualifications and a future that were not given to you.

Lennok, who met Kaise from the past in the closed area, knew what he wanted and started the project.

Kaise’s determination to thoroughly investigate all the failures in this world and find the one answer that leads to the next.

Despite his failure, his choice to become something more than fate left its mark on Lennok’s Kaleidoscope.

However, Ethan Bajur’s purpose as explained by Feisha was completely different from the answer Kaise wanted.

That is why Lennok was able to know that there was something that Feisha did not say and that there was still something left that he could not explain to Jenny.

“If Kaise and Ethan had different goals for the project, I can guess why.”

Through the open window, Lennok’s eyes flashed ever more sharply.

“Either the two split during the project, or Ethan’s purpose was part of the answer Kaise was hoping for. Or maybe it was both.”


“So I don’t believe what you say. “When it comes to the project, everyone involved has different testimonies, and your circumstances are bound to be biased towards Ethan in the end.”

The essence of the Black Consumer Project is Kaise’s lingering desire to find an answer to destruction.

Therefore, the extinction of talent that Ethan hoped for must be one of the results that could be achieved through the project.

Project failure. Kaise Bajour’s change of heart and death. Ethan Bajur’s resurrection and the existence of Alkaid.

Deadrise is clearly hiding something.

Something that only those who directly assisted the Bajur family know.

The crucial reason why they betrayed Kaise even though they directly participated in the project.

The reason why they knew about Jenny’s existence but pretended not to know.

It was clear that the secret was most closely tied to Ethan’s existence.

“What happened to Ethan Bajur or how he changed is none of my business.”

No matter how strong and outstanding a superhuman Ethan Bajur is, no matter how much of a different person he has become since he succeeded in being resurrected.

Before the ending came, Lennok had to meet him once and get an answer.

Because that would be the only thing Lennoc could do for Kaise, who left her answer to the kaleidoscope.

“At least I will be able to judge that after I meet him in person.”


Did I sense a strong will that I had never seen before in Lennok’s answer?

While Feisha forgot to pour out her hatred and looked at Lennok with a pale expression.

Lennok, who calmed down in an instant, put his hands in his coat and turned around.

“Well, you don’t have to answer right now. “Because it wasn’t something I needed to hear from your mouth.”

Lennok smiled and nodded, rubbing the half-burned tobacco into the ashtray in his office.

Jenny’s past and Feisha’s secret. Even Anathema’s method of circumventing the ban. All the work and experiments that can be done right now are over.

Now it was time to go and collect the payment for the deal exchanged before the meeting.

“Let’s hear the rest of the secrets about the project from Oliveira.”

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